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NATO And Turkey's Genocidal War On Syria

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  • NATO And Turkey's Genocidal War On Syria


    By Cem Ertur. Axis of Logic.

    Axis of Logic
    Monday, Apr 7, 2014

    Editor's comment: Cem Ertur's account of the crimes committed by Turkey
    and NATO in the ongoing war against Syria is laid out in meticulous
    detail and supported by a rich and credible bibliography. Much of this
    important information is from his reading of original reports published
    in the Turkish language which English readers would never otherwise
    hear. This report provides a convincing, up-to-date indictment of
    the governments of Turkey, other NATO countries and Israel for their
    savage, furtive war against the Syrian people and government. Cem's
    spotlight illuminates a cross-border stage, exposing those hiding in
    the shadows of the media's deceptive and confusing language.

    - Les Blough, Editor Axis of Logic

    "President [Obama] has been clear: Any [military] action that he
    might decide to take will be a limited and tailored response to
    ensure that a despot's brutal and flagrant use of chemical weapons
    is held accountable."

    [U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, speech at the U.S. State
    Department, Washington D.C., 30 August 2013] 1

    "What matters is to weaken the regime to the point where it gives
    up power. [...] What matters is to repeat here the Kosovo [War]
    precedent. Otherwise, [just] a 24 hours hit-and-run wouldn't work."

    [Turkey's Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, press remarks at
    the Victory Day reception, Cankaya presidential residence, Ankara,
    30 August 2013]2

    On March 16, the third anniversary of the NATO-led covert war on Syria,
    Syrian army won a landmark victory by taking back the Yabroud town
    on the Lebanese border.3 Hours later, NATO-backed 'Al-Nusra Front
    in Lebanon' retaliated by launching a false-flag bombing attack in
    Lebanon.4 On March 18-19, the Israeli army bombarded Syrian Army
    positions by tank and artillery fire and airstrikes.5

    On March 21, NATO-backed mercenary forces and Turkish Armed Forces
    launched a massive offensive on the Syrian border town of Kasab in
    the Latakia province. The unprecedented overt military aggression
    by Turkey and its NATO allies is the clearest indication of their
    desperation in the face of Syria's steady progress towards a decisive
    victory on all fronts.

    This article details the flagrant war crimes committed by Turkey and
    NATO during the ongoing offensive on Kasab and puts them in a context.

    The offensive on Kasab

    Turkey's Yayladagi-Kasab border crossing with Syria was unilaterally
    closed by Erdogan's government in the aftermath of the May 2013
    false-flag attacks in the border town of Reyhanli "to prevent the
    suspects from fleeing".1 At the time, this was the only border gate
    along the border with Turkey which was controlled by the Syrian
    government and therefore the only legal and safe transit point for
    the civilians.7 Thanks to Turkey's full support, NATO-backed mercenary
    forces are currently occupying nine out of twelve border gates between
    Syria and Turkey.8

    In the early stages of the covert war on Syria, Erdogan's government
    rendered the entire 877 kilometres-long border with Syria porous for
    the NATO-backed mercenaries who have been using it as a highway. In
    many areas along the Syrian border, fences and concrete barriers were
    removed and roads were stabilized to allow the passage of all sorts
    of vehicles, including those rigged with bombs.1

    Furthermore, with hindsight, the motive behind the removal of some
    615,000 landmines on the Syrian border was to ease the passage of
    mercenaries as well as military and intelligence officials of Turkey's
    and allied NATO countries' security forces. Planted with NATO's support
    between 1957-1959, the activities to remove these landmines began
    in 2007, for which the help of NATO's Maintenance and Supply Agency
    (NAMSA) was sought in 2009.10,11,12 Likewise, lifting mutual visa
    requirements with Syria in 2009 allowed Turkey to prepare the ground
    for destabilizing its neighbour.13 In November 2013, Syria's Deputy
    Foreign Minister Fayssal Mikdad accused Turkey of letting terrorists
    from 83 countries to enter Syria to topple the government.14

    Over the few months, mercenaries from Kosovo, the Balkans and other
    European countries had been deployed in Yayladagi and Samandag
    countryside in preparation for a cross-border offensive on the
    predominantly Armenian town of Kasab.15 Seven villages on Turkey's
    border with Syria were evacuated and allocated to the mercenaries.16
    Just before the offensive, power outages occurred along the route
    through which military vehicles moved towards the Syrian border.17

    According to the local villagers, on March 21, backed up by the heavy
    artillery fire of the Turkish Armed Forces, over 1500 mercenaries
    launched a coordinated assault from at least five separate points
    across Turkey's border with Syria. They were directly commanded
    by NATO's radar base on Keldagi (Mount Aqraa) on the border and
    supported by the Turkish Armed Forces. 18,19,15 The mercenaries used
    pick-up trucks fitted with anti-aircraft weapons, tanks belonging to
    the Turkish Armed Forces, vehicles loaded with heavy weaponry and
    lorries.19,20 The primary and initial assault was the one launched
    from the Yayladagi border gate to the opposite Kasab border gate,
    during which masked Turkish special forces troops killed 15 Syrian
    border guards.20,21

    Turkish Armed Forces are giving cover to the mercenaries through
    mortar, artillery and rocket shelling across the border by armored
    vehicles and coordinated heavy machine-gun fire by helicopters. They
    are also using long-range assassination weapons and intercepting the
    communication of the Syrian Army.22,23,24,15 This report by Alalam
    describes how Turkish Armed Forces' tanks pounded Syria's military
    bases in Kasab:

    "[A] huge explosion was heard at a Syrian army base near Kasab after
    Turkish military targeted the area. The explosion has been followed
    with Turkish military firing several other rockets at Syrian army
    bases [...] Al-Qaeda's al-Nusra Front have raised their flags over
    several Turkish military tanks near Kasab, as a sign of having the
    area under their control."25 The 'huge explosion', whose impact was
    felt from 15 kilometres, was caused by a missile fired from Turkey.20
    Furthermore, according to a Syrian general taking part in this battle,
    Turkish Armed Forces were among the mercenary forces attacking the
    strategic hilltop 'Observatory 45' in Kasab.26

    The majority of the mercenaries fighting in Kasab are of Chetchen,
    Albanian, Saudi and Turkish origin.18 Ambulances are regularly crossing
    Turkey's border with Syria to collect the wounded mercenaries and
    transport them to hospitals across Turkey's Hatay province.17 In fact,
    local protestors in Hatay's Harbiye district blocked the paths of
    those ambulances.27

    On the other hand, by refusing entry to the mercenaries fleeing the
    attacks of the Syrian army, Turkey's border guards are forcing them to
    continue the fighting.17On the fifth day of the offensive on Kasab,
    mercenaries based in the towns of Yayladagi, Altinozu, Antakya,
    Reyhanli, Osmaniye and other areas were still being deployed to
    Turkey's border with Syria.18

    The Syrian army was caught off guard as they were not expecting such
    an overt and extreme military aggression from Turkey.19 Nevertheless,
    Syria's government still exhibits utmost restraint:

    "[Syrian] Foreign and Expatriates Ministry called on Wednesday26
    [26 March] in two identical letters to the UN Secretary-General and
    Chairman of the UN Security Council to take all measures required
    to condemn the Turkish involvement in supporting the armed terrorist
    groups which attacked Kasab district from Liwa Iskenderun [i.e. Hatay
    province] and to compel the Turkish government to stop its aggression.

    "Syrian government has drawn the attention of the UN Secretary-General
    [Ban Ki-moon] and chairmen of the UN Security Council during the past
    three years to the acts and violations committed by the Turkish
    government against Syria's security and stability through the
    Turkish involvement in organizing, receiving, funding and hosting
    tens of thousands of terrorists from various takfiri movements and
    facilitating their entry into the Syrian territories and giving them
    background bases on the Turkish territories.

    "After the failure of the attempts of the Turkish regime to undermine
    Syria, the Turkish army moved by Turkish prime minister [Erdogan]'s
    instructions to launch flagrant aggression on Syria as the Turkish
    army's tanks and artillery took part directly in the attack on Kasab,
    north of Syria, and its surrounding "[said Syrian Foreign Ministry]"28
    The Syrian government said that Turkish Armed Forces' overt military
    participation for the first time represents a dangerous escalation"29:

    "Syrian Ambassador to the UN Bashar al-Ja'afari told reporters
    outside the UN Security Council on Wednesday [26 March] that Turkey
    was facilitating attacks against Syrian forces by al-Qaeda-linked
    terrorist groups through the country's northern borders and the
    Israeli regime was doing the same in the occupied Golan Heights.

    "Ja'afari added that Syria has been the target of an orchestrated joint
    military operation conducted by the Turkish government and the Israeli
    regime as well as the terrorist groups operating both along Syria's
    northern border and its southern border." 30 As the offensive on Kasab
    entered its fourth week, Syrian Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal Mikdad
    has strongly condemned the United Nations' deliberate and consistent
    policy of ignoring the existence of terrorism in Syria since Spring
    2011 and made the following remark about the ongoing offensive:

    "The massacres of Erdogan government-backed terrorist groups against
    the residents of Kassab town are still a living example that appeals
    to every UN official to feel ashamed of having turned into a tool
    for supporting terrorism"31 The downing of the Syrian military jet

    On the second day of the offensive on Kasab, a drone belonging to
    the Turkish Armed Forces was shot down by the Syrian army as it was
    flying over Kasab. This was one was among the drones and fighter
    jets used by the Turkish Air Force to collect intelligence for the
    mercenaries on the ground and intercept the communication of the
    Syrian army. Turkey's politicians and media remained silent over this
    incident as the location where the drone crashed was 1,5 kilometres
    inside Syrian territory.18

    On March 23, NATO radar base in Keldagi (Mount Aqraa) blocked a Syrian
    MIG-23 military jet's contact with the air control tower. While flying
    over Kasab, the jet was hit by a missile fired from Turkey. Having
    survived the attack, the pilot of the Syrian jet gave a statement:

    "The Syrian pilot whose aircraft was shot down in Kasab area on
    Saturday said that a Turkish aircraft fired a missile at him while
    he was pursuing terrorists within Syrian territories. The pilot told
    Syrian TV that he was carrying out a mission of pursuing terrorists
    within Syrian territories, more than 7 kilometers away from the
    borders, and after arriving at the target's location, establishing
    visual contact, and carrying out his mission, he turned around to
    return to base when a rocket fired by a Turkish aircraft hit his
    aircraft, so he left it using the ejector seat. He asserted his
    target was within Syrian territories and he parachuted inside Syrian
    territories"32 The downing of the Syrian military jet was broadcast
    live by Turkey's private TV channel Haberturk from the border area
    which is forbidden military zone.20 This reveals the pre-meditated
    nature of this specific act of war. During his speech at a local
    election rally, Prime Minister Erdogan blatantly lied by claiming
    that Turkey's airspace had been violated:

    "Around 12:15pm today yet another Hashasi [assassin], a Syrian plane
    has violated our borders, our airspace. Our F-16 [jets] took off and
    hit this plane. Why? Because if you violate my airspace, our slap
    will be hard after that. So, I would like to congratulate the head
    of the Turkish Armed Forces [Necdet Ozel] in particular, our Armed
    Forces, those honourable pilots of ours and our Air Force in your
    presence."33 By making a historical reference to the 'Hashasi' sect,
    Mr Erdogan tried to demonize both Syria and Iran.

    True to form, the U.S. State Department declared its overt support
    for this act of war by Turkey:

    "We are committed to Turkey's sovereignty and territorial integrity. We
    note that the Turkish Government has been fully transparent about the
    rules of engagement it is operating under"34 Local elections in Turkey

    On the eve of the March 21 offensive on Kasab, Turkey's Deputy Prime
    Minister Besir Atalay implicated the Syrian state in a shooting attack
    in Nigde, which is located some 400 kilometres from the Syrian border:

    "The word Syrian was mentioned in the briefing [note] I was given. The
    martyrdom of a soldier and a police officer of ours in the run up
    to the [local] elections is a very grave incident. It may be that
    some are trying to spoil the election atmosphere."35 The next day,
    it turned out that, the perpetrators were two Albanians and a Kosovar
    mercenaries who were on their way back from fighting in the ranks of
    the 'Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant' against the Syrian state.36

    On March 14, Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu rehashed Turkey's threat
    of launching a 25-kilometres border incursion of into Syria to defend
    a 10,000 square metres enclave that belongs to Turkey37:

    "Any kind of attack towards there [i.e. the Suleiman Shah Tomb] which
    might come from the [Syrian] regime, the radical groups or another
    place would be equally retaliated and Turkey would take all sorts of
    precautions, without any hesitation, for the defense of that national
    territory."38 Actually, as early as May 2011, a somewhat similar
    scenario was disclosed by the relentless propagandist Robert Fisk39 :

    "Turkish generals have thus prepared an operation that would send
    several battalions of Turkish troops into Syria itself to carve out a
    "safe area" for Syrian refugees inside Assad's caliphate. The Turks
    are prepared to advance well beyond the Syrian border town of Al
    Qamishli â?" perhaps half way to Deir el-Zour [...] to provide a
    "safe haven" for those fleeing the slaughter in Syria's cities."40
    Three days before the March 30 local elections, the audiotapes of a
    meeting between Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu, National Intelligence
    Organization (MIT) director Hakan Fidan and the deputy head of the
    Turkish Armed Forces Yasar Guler was 'leaked' on YouTube.41 According
    to the transcript of the YouTube video, MIT director Fidan suggested
    staging a false flag attack on the aforementioned Tomb of Suleiman
    Shah to provide a justification for a possible war with Syria.42

    Mr Erdogan implied that the leak was a U.S.-hatched conspiracy against
    his government and Turkey's sovereignty. In a speech delivered after
    winning the local elections, he referred to those whom he accuses
    of collaborating:

    "How [dare] you threaten our national security? Turkey is currently in
    a state of war with Syria. They are harassing our airplanes. The 10,000
    square metres [land] of the Tomb of Suleiman Shah is our territory,
    [so] any attack on it is an attack on the 780,000 square metres
    [territory of Turkey]. Can we remain silent to this? The traitors
    eavesdropped this meeting and then leaked it to the world. They
    are even worse than the Hashasis."43 Mr Erdogan's insinuation of
    a U.S.-hatched conspiracy is lent credence by the leading global
    media corporation's depiction of Erdogan, since the beginning of
    the anti-government protests in May 2013, as a leader who is deeply
    hostile to Western values and liberties. The motive behind this
    domestic and global disinformation campaign is to obfuscate the Erdogan
    government's utmost complicity in the NATO-led genocidal war on Syria,
    not to mention the war crimes against Libya, Iraq and Afghanistan.

    It is also worth noting that YouTube is notorious for censoring
    material that exposes the crimes against the people and government
    of Syria, whilst systematically promoting anti-Syria propaganda.44

    Actually, this "leak" is a highly sophisticated WikiLeaks-style
    psy-ops which seeks to divert attention away from the utterly criminal
    cross-border offensive on Kasab by NATO-backed mercenary forces and the
    Turkish Armed Forces. Furthermore, on April 1 the Syrian government
    has revealed that the aim of the offensive on Kasab is to keep the
    Syrian army busy so that the mercenary forces in Damascus could carry
    out a false-flag chemical attack45 :

    "Syria's Permanent Representative to the UN Dr. Bashar al-Jaafari
    said that terrorist groups are planning to launch attacks using
    chemical weapons in Jobar area to accuse the Syrian government of it
    , as indicated by a phone call between terrorists monitored by the
    authorities. [...]

    "There's nothing called international community, unfortunately,"
    al-Jaafari said, "we directed two letters to the Security Council to
    have the countries that keep talking about the threats of chemical
    weapons to pressure the countries sponsoring and funding these
    terrorist groups â?" specifically the Turkish, Saudi, and Qatari
    governments â?" to prevent such terrorist acts by pressuring these
    gangs and terrorist gangs," adding that now this matter is in the
    hands of the [U.N.] Security Council. [...]

    "These terrorist groups came from Turkish territories and were covered
    by Turkish artillery, tanks and aircrafts so that they aren't engaged
    by the Syrian Army in that area, with the purpose of the Turkish
    military involvement being an attempt to distract the Syrian Army form
    these terrorist groups so that they may commit their heinous acts," he
    said.46 Over the last three years, Turkey and its NATO-led allies have
    totally exposed themselves and exhausted their credibility by blatantly
    resorting to all sorts of false-flag attacks imaginable against Syria
    in order to topple President Bashar al-Assad and/or instigate a war.

    In fact, Turkey has a long history of false flag attacks on Syria,
    including a failed assassination attempt on the then-President Hafez
    al-Assad in 1996.47 A selection of news reports from 2011 and 2013
    below offer a glimpse of Turkey's utmost criminality.

    Flashback to 2011

    In late March 2011, only two weeks after the launch of the NATO-led
    covert war on Syria, CIA director Leon Panetta secretly visited
    Turkey's border with Syria.48 A month later, Turkish newspaper Sabah
    announced Panetta's visit and CIA's cooperation with Turkey over Syria:

    "CIA Director Leon Panetta made a surprise visit to Turkey at the
    end of March [2011]. Panetta's 5 day visit to Ankara was hidden from
    the public opinion as a top secret. [...] Panetta met with Turkey's
    National Intelligence Organization (MIT) Hakan Fidan, as well as
    officials from the government and the General Staff of Turkish Armed
    Forces. [...] During the consultations, it was pointed out that
    Syria is at a "critical threshold" [...] that the country would be
    dragged into chaos if Assad doesn't take urgent steps. Details of
    what was described as Turkey's "classified" [plan] concerning Syria
    were also discussed. It has been pointed out that the "classified"
    [plan] entails regime change in Syria"49 The following day, Sabah
    revealed Turkey's plan for toppling Syrian President Bashar al-Assad:

    "In the face of the escalation of events in Syria, Turkey [has decided]
    to launch its classified "Plan B" instead of its Plan A which envisaged
    Assad to remain in power. "Plan B" covers the possibilities of chaos,
    civil war and migration. [...] [The border provinces of] Hatay,
    Sanliurfa, Kilis and Mardin have been designated for [setting up]
    reception camps and field hospitals."50 What is particularly striking
    is that this plan of setting up five refugee camps (including two in
    Hatay) along some 600 kilometres-long segment of the Syrian border
    was conceived before any violent incident occurred in north Syria.

    On May 31st, 2011 Turkey hosted a three-day 'regime change' conference
    in a five-star hotel in Antalya with the participation of some 300
    members of the Syrian opposition.51,52

    The first major false flag attack of the NATO-led covert war on Syria
    was orchestrated through the military and intelligence cooperation of
    the U.S. and Turkey. On June 6, 2011, 120 Syrian soldiers were brutally
    massacred by the Muslim Brotherhood mercenaries in the town of Jisr
    al-Shughour, located 10 kilometres from the border with Turkey.53 At
    the time, this report by SANA was largely ignored by the mainstream
    and alternative media alike:

    "The Syrian TV broadcast photos of the brutal massacres perpetrated by
    organized armed terrorist groups against the civilians and the army,
    police and security forces groups in Jisr al-Shughour in the province
    of Idleb.

    "Members of the terrorist groups used government cars and military
    uniform to commit their crimes of killing, terrifying people and
    sabotaging. They filmed themselves committing vandalism acts to
    manipulate the photos and videos and distort the reputation of the
    [Syrian] army.

    "The terrorists attacked police and security centers as well as
    other governmental and private institutions, violated the streets,
    neighborhoods and houses and used rooftops to sniper and shoot at
    citizens and security forces. [...]

    "They also set up ambushes for police and security forces, mutilated
    the bodies of some martyrs and threw the bodies of others into the
    Orontes River, in addition to putting barriers on the roads and
    terrifying people.

    "The groups members also kidnapped a number of the martyrs' bodies
    and buried them in the ground to later promote them as if they are
    mass graves with the help of the channels they are working with in
    inciting against Syria. [...]

    "The number of the martyrs of police and security members exceeded
    120 until Monday evening, who were killed at the hands of the armed
    terrorist groups in Jisr al-Shughour."54

    These two reports by Press TV provide details of Turkey's complicity
    in the Jisr al-Shughour massacre:

    "According to informed sources in Damascus that cited an unspecific
    classified report, the "unprecedented intensification" of unrest in
    Syria stems from deals between Turkey's Prime Minister Recep Tayyip
    Erdogan and some unknown groups in the region.55

    "The Syrian government says the weapons used during clashes in Jisr
    al-Shughour were smuggled into the country from Turkey and that some
    members of the terrorist groups behind days of deadly clashes in the
    town have escaped to Turkey.

    "Meanwhile, [Syrian] state TV broadcast a phone call between two
    members of the armed groups who committed terrorist acts in Jisr
    al-Shughour region, revealing that the armed men are planning to
    leave the area for Turkey as displaced local citizens."56

    Turkish Armed Forces troops crossed into Syria through the border under
    the guise of helping the fleeing civilians.53 The Jisr al-Shughour
    massacre occurred six days before the 2011 general elections in
    Turkey. Prime Minister Erdogan has fully capitalised in the ensuing
    migration to Turkey:

    "Syria is practically a domestic issue for us, I have said this many
    times. [...] Currently there are [people] entering Turkey through the
    Altinozu [district]. [...] We really cannot close our gates to people
    fleeing for their lives and seeking refuge in Turkey. We have to let
    them in. [...] [Assad's brother Maher] is chasing after savagery. This
    [situation] is inevitably leading to the United Nations Security
    Council's involvement"57 Flashback to 2013

    The NATO-led coalition of countries had nearly succeeded instigating
    a war with Syria after NATO-backed mercenaries massacred civilians by
    launching a chemical false flag attack in East Ghouta on August 21,
    2013.58 Editor Yossef Bodansky sheds some light on Turkey's role in
    this mind-boggling conspiracy:

    "On August 13-14, 2013, Western-sponsored opposition forces in
    Turkey started advance preparations for a major and irregular
    military surge. Initial meetings between senior opposition military
    commanders and representatives of Qatari, Turkish, and US Intelligence
    ["Mukhabarat Amriki"] took place at the converted Turkish military
    garrison in Antakya, Hatay Province, used as the command center
    and headquarters of the Free Syrian Army (FSA) and their foreign
    sponsors. Very senior opposition commanders who had arrived from
    Istanbul briefed the regional commanders of an imminent escalation
    in the fighting due to "a war-changing development" which would,
    in turn, lead to a US-led bombing of Syria.

    "The opposition forces had to quickly prepare their forces for
    exploiting the US-led bombing in order to march on Damascus
    and topple the Bashar al-Assad Government, the senior commanders
    explained. [...] [U]nprecedented weapons distribution started in all
    opposition camps in Hatay Province on August 21-23, 2013. In the
    Reyhanli area alone, opposition forces received well in excess of
    400 tons of weapons [...] which were distributed from store-houses
    controlled by Qatari and Turkish Intelligence under the tight
    supervision of US Intelligence."59

    According to Mihrac Ural, the leader of the Latakia-based popular
    anti-imperialist militia force 'Syrian Resistance' (Muqawamat
    al-Suriyah), shortly before the false-flag chemical attack in East
    Ghouta, a similar plot had been foiled. Mr Ural sums up the testimony
    of a Dutch-Kurdish mercenary who is originally from Turkey and who was
    captured by the Syrian Resistance on August 16, 2013 whilst fighting
    in the Latakia countryside:

    "[Turgay Yasar] explained that he brought the sarin gas from the
    Netherlands [to Turkey] via the VIP section [under the auspices of]
    the authorities from [Turkey's ruling] Justice and Development Party
    (AKP) and handed them over to the al-Nusra Front. [He also disclosed
    that although the NATO-backed mercenaries] had made preparations to
    deploy the sarin gas on the Alawite [civilians] during the ongoing
    battles in the Latakia countryside, they haven't had the opportunity in
    the face of a series of resounding victories by [the Syrian Resistance
    and the Syrian army]"60 Conclusion

    All the available evidence indicates that U.S., U.K., Israel, Turkey,
    France and Saudi Arabia meticulously planned the genocidal covert
    war on Syria for years before actually launching it in 2011. Right
    from the beginning, Turkey has been at the epicenter of this war in
    every possible respect. In the face of the increasingly brutal and
    reckless attacks across all of its land borders, the Syrian state,
    army and people have been displaying an outstanding resistance,
    courage and solidarity.

    As the prospect of a decisive victory by the Syrian army becomes ever
    more certain, the orchestrators of this genocide are disseminating
    all sorts of propaganda on a global scale to obfuscate and cover
    up their monumental war crimes. However, Turkey and NATO's overt
    participation in the ongoing cross-border offensive on Kasab provides
    an incontrovertible evidence of these crimes for those who seek peace
    and justice for Syria and the entire humanity.

    Cem Ertur is an independent researcher and peace activist, currently
    based in Istanbul. Some of his work is published at Global Research and
    all his Propaganda Alerts since November 2011 are published on Indybay.


    Statement on Syria, by U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry,
    U.S. Department of State website, 30 August 2013

    Sinirli bir mudahale yeterli olmaz, Yeni Safak, 31 August 2013

    Syrian Army Wins decisive Battle in Yabroud, Secures Damascus, Cuts
    off Supply from Lebanon, nsnbc international, 16 March 2014

    Pre-determined Suicide Attack in Bekaa, Two Martyred (Updated),
    Al-Manar, 17 March 2014

    Foreign Ministry: Israeli new aggression is flagrant violation
    of Disengagement agreement and international law rules, SANA , 19
    March 2014

    The Role of Turkey in the US-NATO-Israeli War on Syria, Turkey's
    False-flag Operation against Syria Backfires: The Reyhanli bombing
    attacks in a larger context by Cem Ertur, Global Research, 29 May 2013

    Hatay'in Yayladagi Sinir Kapisinin guvenlik gerekcesiyle kapatilmasina
    iliskin, by CHP member of Parliament Refik Eryilmaz, website of Grand
    National Assembly of Turkey (TBMM), 6 February 2014

    Turkiye'ye baglanan tum sinir kapilari..., Dogan Haber Ajansi, 24
    March 2014

    Guta'da Kullanilan Gaz Turkiye'den Gitti, by Ferhat Aktas, Taha Haber,
    1 September 2013

    Presentation (2) by the Turkish Delegation at the Second Intercessional
    Meeting of the Ottawa Convention, AP Mine Ban Convention website,
    14 May 2003

    Suriye sinirdaki mayinlar temizlendi, by Ali Leylak, Hurriyet,
    3 August 2007

    Turkey asks NATO to help clear mines near Syria, Associated Press,
    30 June 2009

    Turkey, Syria agree to lift visa requirements, Hurriyet Daily News,
    17 September 2009

    'Turkey let militants from 83 countries in Syria', Alalam, 6 November

    Ucak Dusurme Hadisesinin Tum Detaylari, by Fuat Ates, Taha Haber,
    23 March 2014

    Savas sinir kapisindan iceri girdi, by Mustafa Seyfullah Kilic,
    Adim Dergisi, 25 March 2014

    Keseb'de neler oluyor? by Hamide Yigit,, 23 March 2014

    Keseb'te Son Bilanco: 200 Militan Ã?lduruldu, Ferhat Aktas' interview
    with Mihrac Ural, Taha Haber, 5 April 2014

    Bilinmeyen Yönleriyle Keseb Saldirisi, Member of Turkey's Parliament
    Mehmet Ali Edipoglu, Taha Haber, 26 March 2014

    'Savasin dugumu Lazkiye', by Omer Odemis, Yurt, 27 March 2014

    Casa Bella â?" Lazkiye hatti, by Mehmet Serim, Yakin Dogu Haber,
    26 March 2014

    Turkiye'den El Kaide Militanlarina Destek, Taha Haber, 22 March 2014

    Alevilerden Uyari: Atesle Oynamayin, Taha Haber, 22 March 2014

    Battles rage in Syria as army recaptures more places, Xinhua, 23
    March 2014

    Exclusive: Turkish military pounds Syrian army bases near border,
    Alalam, 25 March 2014

    'Turkiye Kesab'a girdi', Yurt, 26 March 2014

    Locals of Liwa Iskenderun block paths of ambulances carrying wounded
    terrorists from Kasab, SANA, 29 March 2014

    Syria calls on UN, UNSC to condemn Turkish involvement in supporting
    terrorist groups in Kasab district, SANA, 27 March 2014

    Al-Jaafari: Turkish army's covering of terrorists operations in Kasab
    is dangerous escalation, SANA, 27 March 2014

    Turkey in league with Israel against Syria: Ja'afari, Press TV,
    27 March 2014

    Mikdad: UN turned int'l terrorism into its spoiled son, just like
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    Syrian pilot: My aircraft was shot down by Turkish aircraft within
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    Turk F-16'lari Suriye ucagini vurdu, Anadolu Ajansi, 23 March 2014

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    [excerpt transcribed from video by the author]

    Nigde zanlilari El Kaide listesinde, by Fevzi Kizilkoyun, Radikal,
    22 March 2014

    Turkey: NATO's Neo-Ottoman Spearhead in the Middle East, by Rick
    Rozoff, Stop NATO, 7 August 2012

    Davutoglu: O turbeye saldirirsaniz..., Hurriyet, 14 March 2014

    Robert Fisk's anti-Syria propaganda, by Cem Ertur, Indybay, 30
    April 2011

    Who cares in the Middle East what Obama says? by Robert Fisk, The
    Independent, 30 May 2011

    Media Neglect Turkish False Flag Attack Leak And Its Implications,
    Moon of Alabama, 28 March 2014

    Ses kaydina göre, Suriye ile savas cikarmaya calismislar, Evrensel,
    27 March 2014

    Basbakan Erdogan'dan balkon konusmasi, Turkiye, 31 March 2014

    Youtube covers up militants' crimes against Syrian nation: Analyst,
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    Identical letters dated 25 March 2014 from the Permanent Representative
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    Nations website, 1 April 2014

    Al-Jaafari: Terrorists planning to launch chemical attack on Jobar
    to accuse the government , SANA, 1 April 2014

    Turkish Delight, by Thomas L. Friedman, New York Times, 16 June 1996

    'Syria armed groups flee to Turkey', Press TV, 9 June 2011

    CIA Baskani'ndan 'cok gizli' ziyaret, by Yahya Bostan, Sabah, 26
    April 2011

    Suriye icin B plani, Sabah, 27 April 2011

    Assad opponents decide to support regime change in Syria, Today's
    Zaman, 3 June 2011

    Syrian activists demand Assad hand over power 'immediately', by Liz
    Sly, Washington Post, 3 June 2011

    A "Humanitarian War" on Syria? Military Escalation., Towards a Broader
    Middle East-Central Asian War? by Prof Michel Chossudovsky, Global
    Research, 9 August 2011

    Photos of Brutal Massacres against Army, Police and Security Forces
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    8 June 2011

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    Turkey's final warning to Syria: Tomorrow may be too late for reforms,
    by Cem Ertur, Indybay, 18 June 2011

    The Ghouta Chemical Attacks: US-Backed False Flag?, Killing Syrian
    Children to Justify a "Humanitarian" Military Intervention, by
    Julie Levesque and Prof Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, 25
    September 2013

    Did the White House Help Plan the Syrian Chemical Attack?, by Yossef
    Bodansky, Global Research, 1 September 2013

    "Sarin Gazini Ak Partili yetkilinin yardimiyla El-Nusra'ya ulastirdik",
    Cesim Ilhani's interview with Mihrac Ural, 7Sabah, 4 December 2013
