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US-Armenia: Evolution Of Bilateral Relations

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  • US-Armenia: Evolution Of Bilateral Relations


    By Samson Martirosyan on April 8, 2014

    The Armenian Weekly March 2014 Magazine:
    Armenia's Foreign Policy in Focus

    The U.S. was quick in acknowledging the independence of the Soviet
    breakaway countries, and was one of the first to acknowledge the
    Republic of Armenia on Dec. 25, 1991. Not long after that, on Jan. 7,
    1992, the two countries established diplomatic relations. The U.S.

    Embassy in Yerevan was opened a year later, on Feb. 3, 1993. Armenia,
    as well as the other 14 countries that once formed an integral part
    of the Soviet Union, started to be referred to as the NIS (Newly
    Independent States). The U.S. immediately adopted a policy to assist
    these countries in humanitarian, political, and economic terms to
    ensure their survival.

    Armenians gather as Lenin's statue is toppled in Republic (once,
    Lenin) square.

    For the U.S., it was vital to see Armenia step onto a path of
    sustainable development mostly because of the latter's geographic
    position, coupled with the fact that it's a mono-ethnic country with
    a majority Christian population, as well as some other geopolitical
    peculiarities. Armenia was seen as a country the U.S. could establish
    friendly relations with and use as a positive actor in the U.S.-Iran
    and U.S.-Russia relations, as well as in other broader Middle Eastern
    issues. Armenia was also an essential corridor through which the north
    was connected to the south, and the east to the west. Vast Caspian
    resources could be transferred over Armenia's territory. Having a
    reliable partner with such a strategic geographic position could
    strengthen the U.S.'s presence in the South Caucasus.

    For most of the NIS states, and particularly for Armenia, independence
    was much desired. However, Armenia was unprepared to adequately deal
    with it. This was mostly due to the fact that it inherited inefficient
    economic and political systems, and had an extremely complex process of
    dissolution, which gave rise to new challenges that were even harder
    to deal with. In Armenia's case, independence was accompanied with
    the escalation of conflict with Azerbaijan over Nagorno-Karabakh.

    Not long before Armenia gained independence, a tragic earthquake had
    hit its northern part in 1988, taking the lives of more than 20,000
    people and resulting in a humanitarian catastrophe. Meanwhile,
    the Azerbaijani government was pushing for an economic blockade,
    and was soon joined by Turkey--proof of the brotherhood between
    these two countries. The situation was made even more difficult by
    the enormous flow of Armenian refugees from Baku, Sumgait, and other
    areas of Azerbaijan, where a campaign of ethnic cleansing was ongoing.

    Taking into consideration this and other similarly challenging
    situations in the NIS, the U.S. Congress adopted the FREEDOM Support
    Act (Freedom for Russia and Emerging Eurasian Democracies and Open
    Markets Support Act; FSA). The FSA aimed at helping NIS countries and
    was the main mechanism of humanitarian and other types of assistance,
    including economic, political technical, and democratic assistance.

    Armenia was included in this act and in the early and mid-1990's
    received more assistance from the U.S. government than any
    other NIS country--a large fraction of the $41 billion in total
    aid. Amendment 907 of the FSA, which prohibited support to the
    Azerbaijani government because of the economic blockade on Armenia,
    was another form of support from the U.S. The establishment of the
    Congressional Caucus on Armenian Issues in 1995 further strengthened
    the bilateral relations between Armenia and the U.S. This Caucus
    was the result of consistent work by Armenian Americans aiming to
    coordinate work on Armenian issues, promoting legislative initiatives
    in Congress, and strengthening Diaspora-Armenia relations. Armenia was
    also able to participate in numerous U.S.-supported programs aimed at
    strengthening civil society, disseminating democratic values, raising
    the qualifications of Armenian workers, scholars, and students, and
    improving the electoral and judicial systems. This was done through
    a provision of governmental grants to different NGOs, individuals,
    and institutions working in these fields.

    Programs like Enterprise Development and Market Competitiveness
    (EDMC), Partners for Financial Stability (PFS), Tax Reform Project
    (TRP), and Entrepreneurship and Civic Activism for Young People were
    just a few of the projects implemented by USAID in Armenia starting
    in the early 1990's. The opening of the American University of Armenia
    (AUA) contributed enormously to bilateral cooperation in the sphere of
    education and science. Numerous student and teacher exchange programs
    gave Armenians a chance to improve their professional qualifications
    in the U.S. and later contribute their knowledge in the state-building
    mission in Armenia.

    Such fruitful U.S.-Armenian cooperation would have been impossible
    without friendly relations with high-ranking officials and working
    visits. Former Foreign Minister Vahan Papazian visited the U.S. in
    1993, former President Levon Ter-Petrosian followed suit with an
    official working visit in 1994, and former Prime Minister Vazgen
    Sargsyan was in the U.S. in 1999. From the American side, Secretary
    of State James Baker visited Armenia in 1992 and Deputy Secretary of
    State Strobe Talbot came in 1999.

    Despite the cooperation between these two countries, political
    developments in Armenia turned out to be quite negative for such
    cooperation. The presidential election of 1996, which was described by

    Former President Levon Ter-Petrosian (Photo: Photolur)

    most observers as non-transparent, was the main reason for this. A
    New York Times article reflected the situation more clearly:
    "Armenia has drifted towards dictatorship... Presidential elections
    this fall were found to be so deeply flawed that the United States,
    which provides more foreign aid to Armenia per person than to any
    country except Israel, declined to offer routine congratulations to
    the winner, Levon Ter-Petrosian. It has been a year of diminishing
    press freedom and rising human-rights violations. Most of all, it
    has been a year in which Ter-Petrosian, once revered as the man who
    brought democracy to Armenia, appears to have completed a journey from
    liberal intellectual to stony autocrat."1 The tragic event in 1999,
    when Prime Minister Vazgen Sargsyan, Speaker of Parliament Karen
    Demirchyan, and six other high-ranking officials were killed during
    a terrorist attack on parliament, was another negative factor that
    affected Armenia's positive image in the eyes of the U.S. Armenia
    was no longer considered a stability spot in the South Caucasus when
    compared to Georgia and Azerbaijan.

    Overall, the 1990's can be described as a time when both sides
    were working actively to establish ties. These were indispensable
    for Armenia to develop its infrastructure, heal its economy, and
    build a civil society using financial, technical, and other types
    of American support. For the U.S., it was a time when aid to Armenia
    could bring positive effects to the entire region. Armenia was a main
    actor here, and any instability in the Nagorno-Karabagh region could
    shatter the fragile security of the South Caucasus. Moreover, because
    Armenia relied on Iran (its only stable border; Georgia plunged into
    ethno-political conflicts, and Azerbaijan and Turkey closed their
    borders) and Russia backed the CSTO to ensure its security, the U.S.

    didn't have any direct leverage on Armenia, which meant friendly
    relations were vital for both sides. The Clinton Administration looked
    to establish new energy routes, through which Caspian resources could
    flow to the West. Unfortunately, Armenia was excluded from these
    regional projects because of the Nagorno-Karabagh conflict and the
    open policy of isolating Armenia actively pursued by Azerbaijan and
    Turkey. These routes also bypassed the territories of Iran and Russia.

    September 11 had a huge impact on U.S. foreign policy, more or
    less defining the next eight years of U.S. policy abroad. The
    Bush Administration sought more stability and security, which was
    accompanied with its fight against terrorism. The South Caucasus rose
    in importance, as they were territories through which the U.S. could
    secure its air corridor. The close proximity of Iran to the region
    was another factor. The U.S. needed the South Caucasus mainly for
    its broader plans and policy regarding Afghanistan, Iraq, and Iran.

    Whereas military cooperation between Georgia and Azerbaijan
    deepened--the former had a pro-Western-oriented government and the
    latter had vast energy resources--Armenia remained marginalized and
    isolated from these developments. This is partly due to the fact
    that Armenia relied on Russia on security issues; there is still a
    Russian military base in Armenia's second largest city of Gyumri. While
    programs for democratization and assistance continued, and the U.S.

    remained actively engaged in the peace talks between Armenia and
    Azerbaijan (in the framework of the OSCE Minsk Group), aside from
    political rhetoric, relations between these two countries proceeded
    at a slow pace--for several reasons.

    Turkey, as a key NATO member and a military partner of the U.S.,
    granted the U.S. the exceptional right to use its territory and air
    space for troop deployment to Iraq and Afghanistan. In this sense,
    it was vital to maintain close ties with Turkey. As it is widely
    known, Turkey and Armenia have no bilateral relations. While the
    Armenian lobby in the U.S. pushed for the recognition of the Armenian
    Genocide in Congress, the Bush Administration could not neglect its
    close military ties with Turkey, which led to the rejection of the
    Armenian Genocide bill. Bush himself said, "We all deeply regret the
    tragic suffering of the Armenian people that began in 1915. But this
    resolution is not the right response to these historic mass killings
    and its passage would do great harm to relations with a key ally in
    NATO, and to the war on terror."2

    The second reason is related to Azerbaijan's role, specifically the
    importance of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline and Azerbaijan's air
    space, through which the U.S. launched operations in Afghanistan.

    Because relations with Azerbaijan were assessed higher, Bush waived
    Section 907 of the Freedom Support Act in the early 2000s, although
    the total cancellation of Section 907 did not succeed.

    The third reason involves Georgia and its openly declared course
    towards NATO and the West. Bush's two-day visit to Georgia is proof
    of this. Armenia had a smaller role, if any role at all.

    With the election of President Barack Obama, U.S. foreign policy began
    to gradually change. The Iran nuclear issue, the "Arab Spring," the
    global economic crisis, problems with North Korea, and other factors
    helped shape U.S. foreign policy. Regarding the South Caucasus, it
    is worth mentioning that Obama's decision to "reset" relations with
    Russia consequently affected U.S. attitude towards the region.

    U.S.-Armenia relations were marked with positive change, when the U.S.

    started pressuring Turkey over Armenian-Turkish reconciliation.

    Although the Turkish-Armenian protocols currently are frozen and
    both sides do not seem eager to continue this process, evaluating
    U.S.-Armenia relations in the framework of Armenian-Turkish
    reconciliation can be viewed in a mostly positive light, when one
    bears in mind the initial enthusiasm of the Armenian government in
    initiating bilateral relations with Turkey.

    The U.S. is also still actively involved in the OSCE Minsk Group and
    is working towards ensuring that a new war over Nagorno-Karabagh does
    not materialize and destabilize the region. U.S. financial assistance
    to Nagorno-Karabagh also continues (it is the only country other than
    Armenia to provide financial support, clearly due to active Armenian
    lobbying efforts in Congress), although the former does not officially
    recognize Karabagh.

    A commemorative stamp issued in honor of the murdered officials in
    the 1999 terrorist attack on Parliament.

    Nevertheless, neither Armenia nor the South Caucasus as a whole has
    been top priorities for the U.S. Of course, there are some projects
    related to government reforms, democratization, rule of law, and
    civil society implemented by USAID. But for almost a decade now,
    Armenia has been losing the importance it once signified to the
    U.S. The South Caucasus are mostly seen from Washington as a bone of
    contention with Russia.

    Yet, it's reasonable to predict more involvement and a stronger desire
    on the part of the U.S. to deepen ties with Armenia in the near
    future. Now that President Serge Sarkisian has decided to embrace
    Putin's Russia even more fondly with his September 2013 decision to
    join the Russia-led Customs Union, the U.S. will not want Russia to
    have complete and unchallenged dominance in the region, particularly
    in Armenia. There may not open confrontation with Russia, but we're
    likely to see more active U.S. involvement in Armenia.

    The role of the Armenian Diaspora and its effectiveness is of high
    importance for U.S.-Armenia relations, but Armenia here is the side
    that gains most. The Armenian Genocide, which is critically important
    for both Armenia and the Armenian Diaspora, still remains a sore point
    in U.S.-Armenia relations. U.S. leaders have time and again refused
    to officially recognize the genocide, and use it as leverage against
    Turkey. Obama hasn't kept his promise of recognizing the Armenian
    Genocide, instead making references to attempts at Armenia-Turkey
    reconciliation. However, the closer we get to the 100th anniversary of
    the Armenian Genocide, the more tense Armenia-Turkey relations become.

    U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry is expected to visit Armenia as
    part of his regional tour at the end of 2014; the U.S. will most
    probably call for or even initiate another attempt at normalization
    of Armenia-Turkey relations, thus avoiding tensions and once again
    breaking Obama's election-time promise. Expecting Obama to recognize
    the Armenian Genocide would be naïve; for, however bad or good its
    relations with Turkey, the latter is still one of the largest NATO
    members, with aspirations to lead the Middle East. The U.S. simply
    cannot afford to break ties with Turkey, as any loss from that move
    will outweigh the gains.

    The Nagorno-Karabagh conflict is another important area of cooperation
    between Armenia and the U.S., which has always been active in the
    OSCE Minsk Group, advocating for a peace deal between the two sides.

    However, resolution of the conflict can hardly be dictated from
    third parties due to high risks of enflaming the region. Whatever the
    solution, Armenia and Azerbaijan should reach it themselves--and the
    U.S. seems to realize that.

    Regarding economic cooperation with the U.S., Armenian Americans and
    other investors have raised concerns that the Armenian government
    does not take firm steps to secure foreign investments. Several local
    oligarchs almost entirely control the market, stifling the growth
    of startups. Investments are not entirely secure if they somehow
    hinder monopolies. There are three major factors that explain the
    lack of U.S. investment in the Armenian economy: the Armenian market
    is relatively small; Armenia continues to stay isolated, with its
    closed borders; and finally, many of the strategically important
    sectors are under the direct control of Russia.

    Another key factor affecting overall U.S. relations with almost all
    of the countries involved is related to human rights. The U.S. has
    sometimes been critical towards human rights violations in Armenia,
    which has included excessive use of power by the government, clashes
    with police, restrictions on pluralism, political prisoners, electoral
    fraud, etc. However, overall the U.S. has not been critical enough,
    as it wishes to maintain good relations with Sarkisian. Priority is
    instead given to Turkey-Armenia relations and the Nagorno Karabagh

    U.S.-Armenia relations have gone through ups and downs, but they have
    never been on the brink or at a peak. The political, economic, and
    military ties between the two countries can certainly be deepened,
    but this depends largely on the political will of the U.S. This
    political will, from another perspective, can be boosted by Armenia,
    which can increase the levels of cooperation as it needs more support
    from the West.


    [1] Specter, Michael "Drift To Dictatorship Clouds Armenia's
    Happiness," New York Times, Jan. 3, 1997.

    2 Knowlton, Bryan "Bush urges Congress to reject Armenian Genocide
    resolution," New York Times, Oct. 10, 2007.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress