17:05 10/04/2014 Â" SOCIETY
Exactly 22 years ago, the Azerbaijani troops attacked the Armenian
village of Maragha located in Nagorno Karabakh. Here, the Azerbaijani
soldier massacred over 100 civilians, more than fifty people were taken
hostage, half of them were killed in captivity, the fate of some of
them is still unknown. If the Self-Defense Forces did not provide the
retreat of most of the villagers, the scale of the tragedy would have
been much more serious. "Maragha is a modern Golgotha, only many times
worse." That's how Baroness Caroline Cox characterized the monstrous
massacre of Armenians in Maragha.
On April 10, in 1992, the regular army units of Azerbaijan invaded
Maragha, a peaceful village in Karabakh, from the Azerbaijani
Mir-Bashir (now Tartar) village side. Initially, despite the artillery
shelling the Armenian militiaman were holding back the pressure of
the Azerbaijani military units, but later, when the armored vehicles
attacked, they were forced to withdraw, as far as they did not have
anything except for light small arms. Militia provided the retreat
of the majority of the villagers. Those people who did not manage or
did not want to leave their homes were brutally killed by Azerbaijani
Names of only 45 villagers killed by Azerbaijani soldiers in Maragha
are known, however the overall number of the death toll reaches one
hundred, including 30 women. More than 40 people were injured. 30
hostages captured by the Azerbaijani military were killed. Village
of Maragha is still under the control of Azerbaijan.
Documentary "Maragha, April 10, 1992. Ordinary Genocide" highlights
a number of facts that prove that Azerbaijan had several reasons for
its desire of getting that village at all costs, the most important
of which was its oil interests and aggressive Armenophobia of the
Azerbaijani authorities.
Baroness Caroline Cox, who visited Maragha two days after the tragedy,
later told the newspaper "Golos Armenii": "It is impossible to
describe what we saw there. The footage taken in those days in Maragha,
carries evidence about massacres that occurred here: decapitated and
dismembered bodies, remains of children, bloody land and parts of
bodies in those places where the Azerbaijanis sawed the living. We saw
sharp sickles covered with caked blood which were used to dismember
the people... Thus, killing the residents of Maragha the Azerbaijanis
then looted and burnt the village."
The second most important factor that played a fateful role in
the destiny of the inhabitants of Maragha, became the aggressive
Armenophobia, which has served a basis for the state ideology of
Azerbaijani government, since its creation in 1918, up to this
day. Azerbaijani OMON detachments, which entered the village only
due to the bribed officer-tankmen of former Soviet army, had another
purpose besides occupying Maragha, which were â?" to massacre the
Armenians in the cruelest, inhuman and barbaric methods. It's not by
chance that the eyewitnesses say that in the ranks of the Azerbaijani
military units there were special people, armed with scimitar - the
main weapon of Turkish hangmen which they used during the Armenian
Genocide in the early 20th century. Their task was not simply to kill,
but to slaughter, decapitate, dismember and to leave cross-shaped
wounds on both the dead bodies and on those that were still alive.
Video footage, posted on Youtube, depicting a wild orgy in Maragha
taken place on April 10, in 1992, unveils the true face of the
Azerbaijani army, celebrating its "victory" over the unprotected
civilians of the Armenian village.
According to the villagers, Maragha was especially massively attacked
on February 26, in 1992; however the attack was repulsed by the
self-defense detachments. There is no doubt that the massacre
that took place on April 10 was planned precisely on February 26,
when near Aghdam another offense of gross indecency was committed
by Azerbaijan, but this time it was committed against their own
countrymen, who had left Khojalu through Humanitarian corridor left
open by the Armenians. After shooting the retreating inhabitants
of Khojalu in favor of domestic political purposes and trying deal
shortly with the civilians of Maragha under the guise of "Khojalu",
the political forces of Azerbaijan pursued one strategic objective,
that is discrediting the centuries-old image and reputation of the
Armenians as a carrier of world's civilization and the spread of
Armenophobia throughout the whole world.
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From: Mihran Keheyian
Subject: Seymour Hersh Does It Again! Killing in the name of ...
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Seymour Hersh Does It Again! Killing in the name of =E2=80=A6*Tuesday, 8 Ap=
2014, 7:36 am*
*Opinion: Michael Collins *
By Michael Collins
Image: Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff (Creative
Who were the culprits for the chemical weapons attack in Syria?
What was really going on in Benghazi when Libyan terrorists killed
Ambassador Stevens and others?
Why is the United States covering up and collaborating with a moral leper,
Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan?
Seymour Hersh answers these questions in his April 6 article *The Red Line
and the Rat Line - Seymour M. Hersh on Obama, Erdogan and the Syrian rebels
April 6, London Review of Books
Hersh's latest article is a follow up to *Whose Sarin
*, December 13,
2013, also published by the*London Review of Books*. In December, Hersh
went behind the scenes to debunk the claims by the Obama administration
that it had a *slam-dunk* case against the Syrian government for the August
2013 chemical weapons attack on civilians near Damascus, Syria. Despite the
best efforts to keep the story out of the news and the spirited response of
neoconservative and Obama trolls, the story was well read in the United
States thanks to the Internet.
Subsequent research, using White House information and the United Nations
the attack could not have come from territory controlled by the Syrian
government. This is independent support and verification for Hersh's claim
in *Whose Sarin ?=
Hersh takes us further down the path of truth about who was responsible for
the chemical weapons attack in Syria
*Whose sarin? The government of Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan made it
Hersh points out that the United States military and intelligence community
was concerned about the role of Turkey in supporting the Al Nusra Front, an
Al Qaeda militia fighting the Syrian government. Specifically, intelligence
officials were concerned about a false-flag brewing within the Turkish
intelligence agency, MIT. A Hersh source revealed:
=E2=80=98We knew there were some in the Turkish government,=E2=80=99 a form=
er senior US
intelligence official, who has access to current intelligence, told me,
=E2=80=98who believed they could get Assad=E2=80=99s nuts in a vice by dabb=
ling with a
sarin attack inside Syria =E2=80=93 and forcing Obama to make good on his r=
ed line
threat.=E2=80=99 The Red Line and the Rat Line, Seymour Hersh, LRB, Apr
Intelligence sources also knew that: Turkish and Saudi agents were seeking
sarin gas precursors; Al Nusra has a chemical weapons potential and
program; "there was evidence linking the Syrian opposition to the first gas
attack, on 19 March" near Aleppo; and that local Turkish authorities caught
Syrian rebels with sarin gas precursors attempting to cross into Syria from
Turkey. Hersh, Apr
Hersh's sources claim that Denis
Obama chief of staff, made sure that President Obama was unaware of
intelligence implicating Turkey in chemical weapons production and use by
Syrian rebels, according to Hersh's sources. Hersh, Apr
Ironically, after the Obama administration and the rest of the attack Syria
cabal blamed Syria for the chemical weapons attack and as the U.S. readied
a devastating attack, British intelligence sent a warning:
[British Intelligence had "obtained a sample of the sarin used in the 21
August attack and analysis demonstrated that the gas used didn=E2=80=99t ma=
tch the
batches known to exist in the Syrian army=E2=80=99s chemical weapons arsena=
l. The
message that the case against Syria wouldn=E2=80=99t hold up was quickly re=
layed to
the US joint chiefs of staff." Hersh, Apr
*What was really going on in Benghazi and hot that fits in to the planned
attack on Syria?*
Ambassador Christopher Steven and three others were murdered in September
2011 at what was described as a U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya. A Senate
Intelligence Committee
criticized security measures but failed to tell citizens information
absolutely critical to understanding the incident. That information was
contained in an annex to the report, viewed by just a few officials.
According to Hersh's source:
"The consulate=E2=80=99s only mission was to provide cover for the moving o=
f arms,=E2=80=99
[from Libya to Syrian rebels] the former intelligence official, who has
read the annex, said. =E2=80=98It had no real political role.'" Hersh, Apr
The Benghazi report annex revealed that the Libya to Syrian rebel weapons
transfer was part of a more complex ratline that provided weapons to Syrian
rebels. A secret agreement between the U.S., UK, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and
Qatar was reached in early 2012. Through a series of front companies, the
CIA and MI6, British intelligence, transferred weapons once supplied to
bring democracy to Libya to Syria. Disgraced General David Petraeus
directed the operation.
Al Nusra, heavily backed by Turkey, had close ties to the Libyan Islamic
Fighting Group;
the Al Qaeda aligned jihadists who helped topple the government of Muammar
Hersh's investigation uncovers the "highly classified" report detailing the
function of the so-called consulate, information that is vital to
understanding who was behind the attack and their motivation.
*A forced alliance with a moral leper, Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan*
Turkey is ruled by one of the most corrupt, unscrupulous, and morally
repellant figures in recent history. Along with key allies and family
members, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, a former member of the Muslim
has been caught on published wiretaps engaging in a variety of criminal
activities. The list is
includes bid rigging, direct interference in court cases, firing hundreds
of prosecutors and detectives who have uncovered his corruption, and
staging a missile attack on his own
an excuse to attack Syria.
Erdogan is also participated in the scandalous custom of child
Turkey when he went to court in 2003 to allow his son to marry a minor.
The man is a degenerate and a tyrant. He's also a strong supporter of the
U.S. - NATO attack on Syria and the head of a major NATO country. The "rat
line" that supplies the extremist Syrian rebels could not function without
Turkish participation.
As Hersh's sources tell it, the Obama administration is upset with Turkey's
affinity for the most extreme elements of the Syrian rebels, those aligned
with Al Qaeda. A Hersh source describes a tense White House meeting between
Obama and Erdogan. Obama confronted the Turkish intelligence chief and said=
When Erdogan tried to draw [Turkish intel chief] Fidan into the
conversation, and Fidan began speaking, Obama cut him off and said:
=E2=80=98We know.=E2=80=99 Erdogan tried to bring Fidan in a second time, a=
nd Obama again
cut him off and said: =E2=80=98We know.=E2=80=99 At that point, an exaspera=
ted Erdogan
said, =E2=80=98But your red line has been crossed!=E2=80=99 and, the expert=
told me,
=E2=80=98Donilon said Erdogan =E2=80=9Cf=E2=80=A6ing waved his finger at th=
e president inside the
White House=E2=80=9D.=E2=80=99 Obama then pointed at Fidan and said: =E2=80=
=98We know what you=E2=80=99re
doing with the radicals in Syria.=E2=80=99 Hersh, Apr
According to Hersh's sources, the administration is unable to out the
Turkish government for its robust support of Al Qaeda and other extremists
in Syria:
=E2=80=98I asked my colleagues if there was any way to stop Erdogan=E2=80=
=99s continued
support for the rebels, especially now that it=E2=80=99s going so wrong,=E2=
=80=99 the
former intelligence official told me. =E2=80=98The answer was: =E2=80=9CWe=
=E2=80=99re screwed.=E2=80=9D We
could go public if it was somebody other than Erdo=C4=9Fan, but Turkey is a
special case. They=E2=80=99re a Nato ally. Hersh, Apr
*Implications and questions raised by Hersh's latest*
Seymour Hersh deserves great credit for pursuing his investigation into the
scandals of U.S. foreign policy. After reading the two articles on Syria,
one must agree that the machinations of the Obama administration are no
different from those of the Bush administration.
Some questions and implications come to mind immediately after reading the
Hersh article.
*Was Ambassador Stevens in Benghazi to assure that surface to air missiles
were not transferred to Syria as part of the rat line to rebels?*
Hersh doesn't come right out and say this but one can infer that was the
case. He points out that the Benghazi consulate was not really a consulate.
It was a transfer point for sending weapons from Libyan rebels to Syrian's
of the same ilk (i.e., extremist jihadists). Hersh talks about the Obama
administration's desire to keep certain weapons from the Syrian rebels. He
went into some detail about
devastating weapons used to bring down aircraft, as he wrote about Benghazi=
*If Ambassador Steven's was in Benghazi to make sure that manpads were not
shipped to Syrian rebels, was the attack on the facility a means of
diverting attention to allow the manpads to reach extremist rebels?*
We know that local Libyan militias provided consulate
that their security was sorely wanting. We also know that there was a close
relationship between Libyan rebels and the extremist Al Nusra rebels in
Syria. Could the Libyan extremists stage an event to help their brothers in
arms in Syria?
*If the Libyan militia security force staged the attack as a diversion to
get manpads to Syrian rebels, could it be that Turkish Prime Minister
Erdogan and others in favor of maximum armaments were behind the attack on
the consulate?*
Erdogan and the neoconservatives in the U.S., UK, and France have been
adamant on supplying the best weapons possible to take down the Al Assad
led Syrian government. Erdogan's foreign minister was taped developing a
plot to attack his own country with missiles to justify a military
incursion into Syria just days ago. Erdogan's government is a documented
criminal enterprise. Such a plan would be right up his alley.
Hersh's article is an exemplary piece of investigative journalism. His
continued efforts will answer these questions and raise many more. Even if
he didn't write another word on Obama administration foreign policy, his
work in the two articles on Syria represent a major contribution and an
example that the mainstream media should emulate.
Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Seymour Hersh Does It Again! Killing in the name of =E2=80=A6Tuesday, 8 April 2=
014, 7:36 amOpinion:=C2=A0Ima=
ge: Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff (Creative Commons)
Who were the culprits for the chemical weapons attack in Syria?What was really going on in Benghaz=
i when Libyan terrorists killed Ambassador Stevens and others?
Why is the United States co=
vering up and collaborating with a moral leper, Turkish Prime Minister Rece=
p Tayyip Erdogan?
Seymour Hersh answers these=
questions in his April 6 article=C2=A0The Red Line and the Rat Line - Se=
ymour M. Hersh on Obama, Erdogan and the Syrian rebels April 6, London Revi=
ew of Books
Hersh's latest article =
is a follow up to=C2=A0Whose Sarin, December 13, 2013, also published by theLondon Review of Books. In December, Hersh went be=
hind the scenes to debunk the claims by the Obama administration that it ha=
d a=C2=A0slam-dunk=C2=A0case against the S=
yrian government for the August 2013 chemical weapons attack on civilians n=
ear Damascus, Syria. Despite the best efforts to keep the story out of the =
news and the spirited response of neoconservative and Obama trolls, the sto=
ry was well read in the United States thanks to the Internet.
Subsequent research, using White =
House information and the United Nations report,demonstrated=C2=A0=
that the attack could not have come from territory controlled by the Syrian=
government. This is independent support and verification for Hersh's c=
laim in=C2=A0Whose =
Hersh takes us further down=
the path of truth about who was responsible for the chemical weapons attac=
k in Syria
Whose sarin? The governm=
ent of Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan made it happen
Hersh points out that the United States military and intelligence community=
was concerned about the role of Turkey in supporting the Al Nusra Front, a=
n Al Qaeda militia fighting the Syrian government. Specifically, intelligen=
ce officials were concerned about a false-flag brewing within the Turkish i=
ntelligence agency, MIT. A Hersh source revealed:
=80=98We knew there were some in the Turkish government,=E2=80=99 a former =
senior US intelligence official, who has access to current intelligence, to=
ld me, =E2=80=98who believed they could get Assad=E2=80=99s nuts in a vice =
by dabbling with a sarin attack inside Syria =E2=80=93 and forcing Obama to=
make good on his red line threat.=E2=80=99=C2=A0The Red Line and the Rat Line, Seymour Hersh, LRB, Ap=
r 6
Intelligence s=
ources also knew that: Turkish and Saudi agents were seeking sarin gas prec=
ursors; Al Nusra has a chemical weapons potential and program; "there =
was evidence linking the Syrian opposition to the first gas attack, on 19 M=
arch" near Aleppo; and that local Turkish authorities caught Syrian re=
bels with sarin gas precursors attempting to cross into Syria from Turkey.=
=C2=A0Hersh, Apr 6
Hersh's sources claim t=
hat=C2=A0Denis McDonough, Obama chief of staff, made sure that President Obama was unaware of inte=
lligence implicating Turkey in chemical weapons production and use by Syria=
n rebels, according to Hersh's sources.=C2=A0Hersh, Apr 6
Ironically, after the Obama=
administration and the rest of the attack Syria cabal blamed Syria for the=
chemical weapons attack and as the U.S. readied a devastating attack, Brit=
ish intelligence sent a warning:
ish Intelligence had "obtained a sample of the sarin used in the 21 Au=
gust attack and analysis demonstrated that the gas used didn=E2=80=99t matc=
h the batches known to exist in the Syrian army=E2=80=99s chemical weapons =
arsenal. The message that the case against Syria wouldn=E2=80=99t hold up w=
as quickly relayed to the US joint chiefs of staff."=C2=A0Hersh, Apr 6
What was re=
ally going on in Benghazi and hot that fits in to the planned attack on Syr=
Ambassador Christopher Stev=
en and three others were murdered in September 2011 at what was described a=
s a U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya. A=C2=A0Senate Intelligence Committee=C2=A0report criticized security meas=
ures but failed to tell citizens information absolutely critical to underst=
anding the incident. That information was contained in an annex to the repo=
rt, viewed by just a few officials. According to Hersh's source:
;The consulate=E2=80=99s only mission was to provide cover for the moving o=
f arms,=E2=80=99 [from Libya to Syrian rebels] the former intelligence offi=
cial, who has read the annex, said. =E2=80=98It had no real political role.=
'"=C2=A0Hersh, Apr=
The Benghazi r=
eport annex revealed that the Libya to Syrian rebel weapons transfer was pa=
rt of a more complex ratline that provided weapons to Syrian rebels. A secr=
et agreement between the U.S., UK, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar was reac=
hed in early 2012. Through a series of front companies, the CIA and MI6, Br=
itish intelligence, transferred weapons once supplied to bring democracy to=
Libya to Syria. Disgraced General David Petraeus directed the operation.
Al Nusra, heavily backed by=
Turkey, had close ties to the=C2=A0Libyan Islamic Fighting Group; the Al Qaeda aligned jihadists who helped topple the government of Muamm=
ar Gaddafi.
Hersh's investigation u=
ncovers the "highly classified" report detailing the function of =
the so-called consulate, information that is vital to understanding who was=
behind the attack and their motivation.
A forced alliance with a=
moral leper, Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan
Turkey is ruled by one of the most corrupt, unscrupulous, and morally repel=
lant figures in recent history. Along with key allies and family members, P=
rime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, a former member of the=C2=A0Muslim Brotherhood, has been caught on published wiretaps e=
ngaging in a variety of criminal activities. The=C2=A0list is long=C2=A0and includes bid rigging=
, direct interference in court cases, firing hundreds of prosecutors and de=
tectives who have uncovered his corruption, and staging a=C2=A0missile attack on his own country=
=C2=A0as an excuse to attack Syria.
Erdogan is also participate=
d in the=C2=A0=
scandalous custom of child brides=C2=A0in Turkey when he went to court =
in 2003 to allow his son to marry a minor.
The man is a degenerate and=
a tyrant. He's also a strong supporter of the U.S. - NATO attack on Sy=
ria and the head of a major NATO country. The "rat line" that sup=
plies the extremist Syrian rebels could not function without Turkish partic=
As Hersh's sources tell=
it, the Obama administration is upset with Turkey's affinity for the m=
ost extreme elements of the Syrian rebels, those aligned with Al Qaeda. A H=
ersh source describes a tense White House meeting between Obama and Erdogan=
. Obama confronted the Turkish intelligence chief and said:
When Erdogan tried to draw =
[Turkish intel chief] Fidan into the conversation, and Fidan began speaking=
, Obama cut him off and said:
=80=98We know.=E2=80=99 Erdogan tried to bring Fidan in a second time, and =
Obama again cut him off and said: =E2=80=98We know.=E2=80=99 At that point,=
an exasperated Erdogan said, =E2=80=98But your red line has been crossed!=
=E2=80=99 and, the expert told me, =E2=80=98Donilon said Erdogan =E2=80=9Cf=
=E2=80=A6ing waved his finger at the president inside the White House=E2=80=
=9D.=E2=80=99 Obama then pointed at Fidan and said: =E2=80=98We know what y=
ou=E2=80=99re doing with the radicals in Syria.=E2=80=99=C2=A0Hersh, Apr 6
According to H=
ersh's sources, the administration is unable to out the Turkish governm=
ent for its robust support of Al Qaeda and other extremists in Syria:
=80=98I asked my colleagues if there was any way to stop Erdogan=E2=80=99s =
continued support for the rebels, especially now that it=E2=80=99s going so=
wrong,=E2=80=99 the former intelligence official told me. =E2=80=98The ans=
wer was: =E2=80=9CWe=E2=80=99re screwed.=E2=80=9D We could go public if it =
was somebody other than Erdo=C4=9Fan, but Turkey is a special case. They=E2=
=80=99re a Nato ally.=C2=A0=
Hersh, Apr 6
s and questions raised by Hersh's latest
Seymour Hersh deserves great credit for pursuing his investigation into the=
scandals of U.S. foreign policy. After reading the two articles on Syria, =
one must agree that the machinations of the Obama administration are no dif=
ferent from those of the Bush administration.
Some questions and implicat=
ions come to mind immediately after reading the Hersh article.
Was Ambassador Stevens in Benghazi to assure t=
hat surface to air missiles were not transferred to Syria as part of the ra=
t line to rebels?
Hersh doesn't come right out and say this but one can infer that was th=
e case. He points out that the Benghazi consulate was not really a consulat=
e. It was a transfer point for sending weapons from Libyan rebels to Syrian=
's of the same ilk (i.e., extremist jihadists). Hersh talks about the O=
bama administration's desire to keep certain weapons from the Syrian re=
bels. He went into some detail about=C2=A0m=
anpads, devastating weapons used to bring down aircraft, as he wrote ab=
out Benghazi.
If Ambassador Steven's was in Benghazi to make sure that manpads were=
not shipped to Syrian rebels, was the attack on the facility a means of di=
verting attention to allow the manpads to reach extremist rebels?
We know that local Libyan m=
ilitias provided=C2=A0con=
sulate security=C2=A0and that their security was sorely wanting. We als=
o know that there was a close relationship between Libyan rebels and the ex=
tremist Al Nusra rebels in Syria. Could the Libyan extremists stage an even=
t to help their brothers in arms in Syria?
If the Libyan militia security force staged the attack as a diversion to =
get manpads to Syrian rebels, could it be that Turkish Prime Minister Erdog=
an and others in favor of maximum armaments were behind the attack on the c=
Erdogan and the neoconserva=
tives in the U.S., UK, and France have been adamant on supplying the best w=
eapons possible to take down the Al Assad led Syrian government. Erdogan=
9;s foreign minister was taped developing a plot to attack his own country =
with missiles to justify a military incursion into Syria just days ago. Erd=
ogan's government is a documented criminal enterprise. Such a plan woul=
d be right up his alley.
Hersh's article is an e=
xemplary piece of investigative journalism. His continued efforts will answ=
er these questions and raise many more. Even if he didn't write another=
word on Obama administration foreign policy, his work in the two articles =
on Syria represent a major contribution and an example that the mainstream =
media should emulate.
17:05 10/04/2014 Â" SOCIETY
Exactly 22 years ago, the Azerbaijani troops attacked the Armenian
village of Maragha located in Nagorno Karabakh. Here, the Azerbaijani
soldier massacred over 100 civilians, more than fifty people were taken
hostage, half of them were killed in captivity, the fate of some of
them is still unknown. If the Self-Defense Forces did not provide the
retreat of most of the villagers, the scale of the tragedy would have
been much more serious. "Maragha is a modern Golgotha, only many times
worse." That's how Baroness Caroline Cox characterized the monstrous
massacre of Armenians in Maragha.
On April 10, in 1992, the regular army units of Azerbaijan invaded
Maragha, a peaceful village in Karabakh, from the Azerbaijani
Mir-Bashir (now Tartar) village side. Initially, despite the artillery
shelling the Armenian militiaman were holding back the pressure of
the Azerbaijani military units, but later, when the armored vehicles
attacked, they were forced to withdraw, as far as they did not have
anything except for light small arms. Militia provided the retreat
of the majority of the villagers. Those people who did not manage or
did not want to leave their homes were brutally killed by Azerbaijani
Names of only 45 villagers killed by Azerbaijani soldiers in Maragha
are known, however the overall number of the death toll reaches one
hundred, including 30 women. More than 40 people were injured. 30
hostages captured by the Azerbaijani military were killed. Village
of Maragha is still under the control of Azerbaijan.
Documentary "Maragha, April 10, 1992. Ordinary Genocide" highlights
a number of facts that prove that Azerbaijan had several reasons for
its desire of getting that village at all costs, the most important
of which was its oil interests and aggressive Armenophobia of the
Azerbaijani authorities.
Baroness Caroline Cox, who visited Maragha two days after the tragedy,
later told the newspaper "Golos Armenii": "It is impossible to
describe what we saw there. The footage taken in those days in Maragha,
carries evidence about massacres that occurred here: decapitated and
dismembered bodies, remains of children, bloody land and parts of
bodies in those places where the Azerbaijanis sawed the living. We saw
sharp sickles covered with caked blood which were used to dismember
the people... Thus, killing the residents of Maragha the Azerbaijanis
then looted and burnt the village."
The second most important factor that played a fateful role in
the destiny of the inhabitants of Maragha, became the aggressive
Armenophobia, which has served a basis for the state ideology of
Azerbaijani government, since its creation in 1918, up to this
day. Azerbaijani OMON detachments, which entered the village only
due to the bribed officer-tankmen of former Soviet army, had another
purpose besides occupying Maragha, which were â?" to massacre the
Armenians in the cruelest, inhuman and barbaric methods. It's not by
chance that the eyewitnesses say that in the ranks of the Azerbaijani
military units there were special people, armed with scimitar - the
main weapon of Turkish hangmen which they used during the Armenian
Genocide in the early 20th century. Their task was not simply to kill,
but to slaughter, decapitate, dismember and to leave cross-shaped
wounds on both the dead bodies and on those that were still alive.
Video footage, posted on Youtube, depicting a wild orgy in Maragha
taken place on April 10, in 1992, unveils the true face of the
Azerbaijani army, celebrating its "victory" over the unprotected
civilians of the Armenian village.
According to the villagers, Maragha was especially massively attacked
on February 26, in 1992; however the attack was repulsed by the
self-defense detachments. There is no doubt that the massacre
that took place on April 10 was planned precisely on February 26,
when near Aghdam another offense of gross indecency was committed
by Azerbaijan, but this time it was committed against their own
countrymen, who had left Khojalu through Humanitarian corridor left
open by the Armenians. After shooting the retreating inhabitants
of Khojalu in favor of domestic political purposes and trying deal
shortly with the civilians of Maragha under the guise of "Khojalu",
the political forces of Azerbaijan pursued one strategic objective,
that is discrediting the centuries-old image and reputation of the
Armenians as a carrier of world's civilization and the spread of
Armenophobia throughout the whole world.
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From: Mihran Keheyian
Subject: Seymour Hersh Does It Again! Killing in the name of ...
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Seymour Hersh Does It Again! Killing in the name of =E2=80=A6*Tuesday, 8 Ap=
2014, 7:36 am*
*Opinion: Michael Collins *
By Michael Collins
Image: Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff (Creative
Who were the culprits for the chemical weapons attack in Syria?
What was really going on in Benghazi when Libyan terrorists killed
Ambassador Stevens and others?
Why is the United States covering up and collaborating with a moral leper,
Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan?
Seymour Hersh answers these questions in his April 6 article *The Red Line
and the Rat Line - Seymour M. Hersh on Obama, Erdogan and the Syrian rebels
April 6, London Review of Books
Hersh's latest article is a follow up to *Whose Sarin
*, December 13,
2013, also published by the*London Review of Books*. In December, Hersh
went behind the scenes to debunk the claims by the Obama administration
that it had a *slam-dunk* case against the Syrian government for the August
2013 chemical weapons attack on civilians near Damascus, Syria. Despite the
best efforts to keep the story out of the news and the spirited response of
neoconservative and Obama trolls, the story was well read in the United
States thanks to the Internet.
Subsequent research, using White House information and the United Nations
the attack could not have come from territory controlled by the Syrian
government. This is independent support and verification for Hersh's claim
in *Whose Sarin ?=
Hersh takes us further down the path of truth about who was responsible for
the chemical weapons attack in Syria
*Whose sarin? The government of Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan made it
Hersh points out that the United States military and intelligence community
was concerned about the role of Turkey in supporting the Al Nusra Front, an
Al Qaeda militia fighting the Syrian government. Specifically, intelligence
officials were concerned about a false-flag brewing within the Turkish
intelligence agency, MIT. A Hersh source revealed:
=E2=80=98We knew there were some in the Turkish government,=E2=80=99 a form=
er senior US
intelligence official, who has access to current intelligence, told me,
=E2=80=98who believed they could get Assad=E2=80=99s nuts in a vice by dabb=
ling with a
sarin attack inside Syria =E2=80=93 and forcing Obama to make good on his r=
ed line
threat.=E2=80=99 The Red Line and the Rat Line, Seymour Hersh, LRB, Apr
Intelligence sources also knew that: Turkish and Saudi agents were seeking
sarin gas precursors; Al Nusra has a chemical weapons potential and
program; "there was evidence linking the Syrian opposition to the first gas
attack, on 19 March" near Aleppo; and that local Turkish authorities caught
Syrian rebels with sarin gas precursors attempting to cross into Syria from
Turkey. Hersh, Apr
Hersh's sources claim that Denis
Obama chief of staff, made sure that President Obama was unaware of
intelligence implicating Turkey in chemical weapons production and use by
Syrian rebels, according to Hersh's sources. Hersh, Apr
Ironically, after the Obama administration and the rest of the attack Syria
cabal blamed Syria for the chemical weapons attack and as the U.S. readied
a devastating attack, British intelligence sent a warning:
[British Intelligence had "obtained a sample of the sarin used in the 21
August attack and analysis demonstrated that the gas used didn=E2=80=99t ma=
tch the
batches known to exist in the Syrian army=E2=80=99s chemical weapons arsena=
l. The
message that the case against Syria wouldn=E2=80=99t hold up was quickly re=
layed to
the US joint chiefs of staff." Hersh, Apr
*What was really going on in Benghazi and hot that fits in to the planned
attack on Syria?*
Ambassador Christopher Steven and three others were murdered in September
2011 at what was described as a U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya. A Senate
Intelligence Committee
criticized security measures but failed to tell citizens information
absolutely critical to understanding the incident. That information was
contained in an annex to the report, viewed by just a few officials.
According to Hersh's source:
"The consulate=E2=80=99s only mission was to provide cover for the moving o=
f arms,=E2=80=99
[from Libya to Syrian rebels] the former intelligence official, who has
read the annex, said. =E2=80=98It had no real political role.'" Hersh, Apr
The Benghazi report annex revealed that the Libya to Syrian rebel weapons
transfer was part of a more complex ratline that provided weapons to Syrian
rebels. A secret agreement between the U.S., UK, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and
Qatar was reached in early 2012. Through a series of front companies, the
CIA and MI6, British intelligence, transferred weapons once supplied to
bring democracy to Libya to Syria. Disgraced General David Petraeus
directed the operation.
Al Nusra, heavily backed by Turkey, had close ties to the Libyan Islamic
Fighting Group;
the Al Qaeda aligned jihadists who helped topple the government of Muammar
Hersh's investigation uncovers the "highly classified" report detailing the
function of the so-called consulate, information that is vital to
understanding who was behind the attack and their motivation.
*A forced alliance with a moral leper, Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan*
Turkey is ruled by one of the most corrupt, unscrupulous, and morally
repellant figures in recent history. Along with key allies and family
members, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, a former member of the Muslim
has been caught on published wiretaps engaging in a variety of criminal
activities. The list is
includes bid rigging, direct interference in court cases, firing hundreds
of prosecutors and detectives who have uncovered his corruption, and
staging a missile attack on his own
an excuse to attack Syria.
Erdogan is also participated in the scandalous custom of child
Turkey when he went to court in 2003 to allow his son to marry a minor.
The man is a degenerate and a tyrant. He's also a strong supporter of the
U.S. - NATO attack on Syria and the head of a major NATO country. The "rat
line" that supplies the extremist Syrian rebels could not function without
Turkish participation.
As Hersh's sources tell it, the Obama administration is upset with Turkey's
affinity for the most extreme elements of the Syrian rebels, those aligned
with Al Qaeda. A Hersh source describes a tense White House meeting between
Obama and Erdogan. Obama confronted the Turkish intelligence chief and said=
When Erdogan tried to draw [Turkish intel chief] Fidan into the
conversation, and Fidan began speaking, Obama cut him off and said:
=E2=80=98We know.=E2=80=99 Erdogan tried to bring Fidan in a second time, a=
nd Obama again
cut him off and said: =E2=80=98We know.=E2=80=99 At that point, an exaspera=
ted Erdogan
said, =E2=80=98But your red line has been crossed!=E2=80=99 and, the expert=
told me,
=E2=80=98Donilon said Erdogan =E2=80=9Cf=E2=80=A6ing waved his finger at th=
e president inside the
White House=E2=80=9D.=E2=80=99 Obama then pointed at Fidan and said: =E2=80=
=98We know what you=E2=80=99re
doing with the radicals in Syria.=E2=80=99 Hersh, Apr
According to Hersh's sources, the administration is unable to out the
Turkish government for its robust support of Al Qaeda and other extremists
in Syria:
=E2=80=98I asked my colleagues if there was any way to stop Erdogan=E2=80=
=99s continued
support for the rebels, especially now that it=E2=80=99s going so wrong,=E2=
=80=99 the
former intelligence official told me. =E2=80=98The answer was: =E2=80=9CWe=
=E2=80=99re screwed.=E2=80=9D We
could go public if it was somebody other than Erdo=C4=9Fan, but Turkey is a
special case. They=E2=80=99re a Nato ally. Hersh, Apr
*Implications and questions raised by Hersh's latest*
Seymour Hersh deserves great credit for pursuing his investigation into the
scandals of U.S. foreign policy. After reading the two articles on Syria,
one must agree that the machinations of the Obama administration are no
different from those of the Bush administration.
Some questions and implications come to mind immediately after reading the
Hersh article.
*Was Ambassador Stevens in Benghazi to assure that surface to air missiles
were not transferred to Syria as part of the rat line to rebels?*
Hersh doesn't come right out and say this but one can infer that was the
case. He points out that the Benghazi consulate was not really a consulate.
It was a transfer point for sending weapons from Libyan rebels to Syrian's
of the same ilk (i.e., extremist jihadists). Hersh talks about the Obama
administration's desire to keep certain weapons from the Syrian rebels. He
went into some detail about
devastating weapons used to bring down aircraft, as he wrote about Benghazi=
*If Ambassador Steven's was in Benghazi to make sure that manpads were not
shipped to Syrian rebels, was the attack on the facility a means of
diverting attention to allow the manpads to reach extremist rebels?*
We know that local Libyan militias provided consulate
that their security was sorely wanting. We also know that there was a close
relationship between Libyan rebels and the extremist Al Nusra rebels in
Syria. Could the Libyan extremists stage an event to help their brothers in
arms in Syria?
*If the Libyan militia security force staged the attack as a diversion to
get manpads to Syrian rebels, could it be that Turkish Prime Minister
Erdogan and others in favor of maximum armaments were behind the attack on
the consulate?*
Erdogan and the neoconservatives in the U.S., UK, and France have been
adamant on supplying the best weapons possible to take down the Al Assad
led Syrian government. Erdogan's foreign minister was taped developing a
plot to attack his own country with missiles to justify a military
incursion into Syria just days ago. Erdogan's government is a documented
criminal enterprise. Such a plan would be right up his alley.
Hersh's article is an exemplary piece of investigative journalism. His
continued efforts will answer these questions and raise many more. Even if
he didn't write another word on Obama administration foreign policy, his
work in the two articles on Syria represent a major contribution and an
example that the mainstream media should emulate.
Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Seymour Hersh Does It Again! Killing in the name of =E2=80=A6Tuesday, 8 April 2=
014, 7:36 amOpinion:=C2=A0Ima=
ge: Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff (Creative Commons)
Who were the culprits for the chemical weapons attack in Syria?What was really going on in Benghaz=
i when Libyan terrorists killed Ambassador Stevens and others?
Why is the United States co=
vering up and collaborating with a moral leper, Turkish Prime Minister Rece=
p Tayyip Erdogan?
Seymour Hersh answers these=
questions in his April 6 article=C2=A0The Red Line and the Rat Line - Se=
ymour M. Hersh on Obama, Erdogan and the Syrian rebels April 6, London Revi=
ew of Books
Hersh's latest article =
is a follow up to=C2=A0Whose Sarin, December 13, 2013, also published by theLondon Review of Books. In December, Hersh went be=
hind the scenes to debunk the claims by the Obama administration that it ha=
d a=C2=A0slam-dunk=C2=A0case against the S=
yrian government for the August 2013 chemical weapons attack on civilians n=
ear Damascus, Syria. Despite the best efforts to keep the story out of the =
news and the spirited response of neoconservative and Obama trolls, the sto=
ry was well read in the United States thanks to the Internet.
Subsequent research, using White =
House information and the United Nations report,demonstrated=C2=A0=
that the attack could not have come from territory controlled by the Syrian=
government. This is independent support and verification for Hersh's c=
laim in=C2=A0Whose =
Hersh takes us further down=
the path of truth about who was responsible for the chemical weapons attac=
k in Syria
Whose sarin? The governm=
ent of Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan made it happen
Hersh points out that the United States military and intelligence community=
was concerned about the role of Turkey in supporting the Al Nusra Front, a=
n Al Qaeda militia fighting the Syrian government. Specifically, intelligen=
ce officials were concerned about a false-flag brewing within the Turkish i=
ntelligence agency, MIT. A Hersh source revealed:
=80=98We knew there were some in the Turkish government,=E2=80=99 a former =
senior US intelligence official, who has access to current intelligence, to=
ld me, =E2=80=98who believed they could get Assad=E2=80=99s nuts in a vice =
by dabbling with a sarin attack inside Syria =E2=80=93 and forcing Obama to=
make good on his red line threat.=E2=80=99=C2=A0The Red Line and the Rat Line, Seymour Hersh, LRB, Ap=
r 6
Intelligence s=
ources also knew that: Turkish and Saudi agents were seeking sarin gas prec=
ursors; Al Nusra has a chemical weapons potential and program; "there =
was evidence linking the Syrian opposition to the first gas attack, on 19 M=
arch" near Aleppo; and that local Turkish authorities caught Syrian re=
bels with sarin gas precursors attempting to cross into Syria from Turkey.=
=C2=A0Hersh, Apr 6
Hersh's sources claim t=
hat=C2=A0Denis McDonough, Obama chief of staff, made sure that President Obama was unaware of inte=
lligence implicating Turkey in chemical weapons production and use by Syria=
n rebels, according to Hersh's sources.=C2=A0Hersh, Apr 6
Ironically, after the Obama=
administration and the rest of the attack Syria cabal blamed Syria for the=
chemical weapons attack and as the U.S. readied a devastating attack, Brit=
ish intelligence sent a warning:
ish Intelligence had "obtained a sample of the sarin used in the 21 Au=
gust attack and analysis demonstrated that the gas used didn=E2=80=99t matc=
h the batches known to exist in the Syrian army=E2=80=99s chemical weapons =
arsenal. The message that the case against Syria wouldn=E2=80=99t hold up w=
as quickly relayed to the US joint chiefs of staff."=C2=A0Hersh, Apr 6
What was re=
ally going on in Benghazi and hot that fits in to the planned attack on Syr=
Ambassador Christopher Stev=
en and three others were murdered in September 2011 at what was described a=
s a U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya. A=C2=A0Senate Intelligence Committee=C2=A0report criticized security meas=
ures but failed to tell citizens information absolutely critical to underst=
anding the incident. That information was contained in an annex to the repo=
rt, viewed by just a few officials. According to Hersh's source:
;The consulate=E2=80=99s only mission was to provide cover for the moving o=
f arms,=E2=80=99 [from Libya to Syrian rebels] the former intelligence offi=
cial, who has read the annex, said. =E2=80=98It had no real political role.=
'"=C2=A0Hersh, Apr=
The Benghazi r=
eport annex revealed that the Libya to Syrian rebel weapons transfer was pa=
rt of a more complex ratline that provided weapons to Syrian rebels. A secr=
et agreement between the U.S., UK, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar was reac=
hed in early 2012. Through a series of front companies, the CIA and MI6, Br=
itish intelligence, transferred weapons once supplied to bring democracy to=
Libya to Syria. Disgraced General David Petraeus directed the operation.
Al Nusra, heavily backed by=
Turkey, had close ties to the=C2=A0Libyan Islamic Fighting Group; the Al Qaeda aligned jihadists who helped topple the government of Muamm=
ar Gaddafi.
Hersh's investigation u=
ncovers the "highly classified" report detailing the function of =
the so-called consulate, information that is vital to understanding who was=
behind the attack and their motivation.
A forced alliance with a=
moral leper, Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan
Turkey is ruled by one of the most corrupt, unscrupulous, and morally repel=
lant figures in recent history. Along with key allies and family members, P=
rime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, a former member of the=C2=A0Muslim Brotherhood, has been caught on published wiretaps e=
ngaging in a variety of criminal activities. The=C2=A0list is long=C2=A0and includes bid rigging=
, direct interference in court cases, firing hundreds of prosecutors and de=
tectives who have uncovered his corruption, and staging a=C2=A0missile attack on his own country=
=C2=A0as an excuse to attack Syria.
Erdogan is also participate=
d in the=C2=A0=
scandalous custom of child brides=C2=A0in Turkey when he went to court =
in 2003 to allow his son to marry a minor.
The man is a degenerate and=
a tyrant. He's also a strong supporter of the U.S. - NATO attack on Sy=
ria and the head of a major NATO country. The "rat line" that sup=
plies the extremist Syrian rebels could not function without Turkish partic=
As Hersh's sources tell=
it, the Obama administration is upset with Turkey's affinity for the m=
ost extreme elements of the Syrian rebels, those aligned with Al Qaeda. A H=
ersh source describes a tense White House meeting between Obama and Erdogan=
. Obama confronted the Turkish intelligence chief and said:
When Erdogan tried to draw =
[Turkish intel chief] Fidan into the conversation, and Fidan began speaking=
, Obama cut him off and said:
=80=98We know.=E2=80=99 Erdogan tried to bring Fidan in a second time, and =
Obama again cut him off and said: =E2=80=98We know.=E2=80=99 At that point,=
an exasperated Erdogan said, =E2=80=98But your red line has been crossed!=
=E2=80=99 and, the expert told me, =E2=80=98Donilon said Erdogan =E2=80=9Cf=
=E2=80=A6ing waved his finger at the president inside the White House=E2=80=
=9D.=E2=80=99 Obama then pointed at Fidan and said: =E2=80=98We know what y=
ou=E2=80=99re doing with the radicals in Syria.=E2=80=99=C2=A0Hersh, Apr 6
According to H=
ersh's sources, the administration is unable to out the Turkish governm=
ent for its robust support of Al Qaeda and other extremists in Syria:
=80=98I asked my colleagues if there was any way to stop Erdogan=E2=80=99s =
continued support for the rebels, especially now that it=E2=80=99s going so=
wrong,=E2=80=99 the former intelligence official told me. =E2=80=98The ans=
wer was: =E2=80=9CWe=E2=80=99re screwed.=E2=80=9D We could go public if it =
was somebody other than Erdo=C4=9Fan, but Turkey is a special case. They=E2=
=80=99re a Nato ally.=C2=A0=
Hersh, Apr 6
s and questions raised by Hersh's latest
Seymour Hersh deserves great credit for pursuing his investigation into the=
scandals of U.S. foreign policy. After reading the two articles on Syria, =
one must agree that the machinations of the Obama administration are no dif=
ferent from those of the Bush administration.
Some questions and implicat=
ions come to mind immediately after reading the Hersh article.
Was Ambassador Stevens in Benghazi to assure t=
hat surface to air missiles were not transferred to Syria as part of the ra=
t line to rebels?
Hersh doesn't come right out and say this but one can infer that was th=
e case. He points out that the Benghazi consulate was not really a consulat=
e. It was a transfer point for sending weapons from Libyan rebels to Syrian=
's of the same ilk (i.e., extremist jihadists). Hersh talks about the O=
bama administration's desire to keep certain weapons from the Syrian re=
bels. He went into some detail about=C2=A0m=
anpads, devastating weapons used to bring down aircraft, as he wrote ab=
out Benghazi.
If Ambassador Steven's was in Benghazi to make sure that manpads were=
not shipped to Syrian rebels, was the attack on the facility a means of di=
verting attention to allow the manpads to reach extremist rebels?
We know that local Libyan m=
ilitias provided=C2=A0con=
sulate security=C2=A0and that their security was sorely wanting. We als=
o know that there was a close relationship between Libyan rebels and the ex=
tremist Al Nusra rebels in Syria. Could the Libyan extremists stage an even=
t to help their brothers in arms in Syria?
If the Libyan militia security force staged the attack as a diversion to =
get manpads to Syrian rebels, could it be that Turkish Prime Minister Erdog=
an and others in favor of maximum armaments were behind the attack on the c=
Erdogan and the neoconserva=
tives in the U.S., UK, and France have been adamant on supplying the best w=
eapons possible to take down the Al Assad led Syrian government. Erdogan=
9;s foreign minister was taped developing a plot to attack his own country =
with missiles to justify a military incursion into Syria just days ago. Erd=
ogan's government is a documented criminal enterprise. Such a plan woul=
d be right up his alley.
Hersh's article is an e=
xemplary piece of investigative journalism. His continued efforts will answ=
er these questions and raise many more. Even if he didn't write another=
word on Obama administration foreign policy, his work in the two articles =
on Syria represent a major contribution and an example that the mainstream =
media should emulate.