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Armenian Christians and Syria Crisis: Turkey is a Dangerous Shadow u

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  • Armenian Christians and Syria Crisis: Turkey is a Dangerous Shadow u

    Modern Tokyo Times, Japan
    April 12 2014

    Armenian Christians and Syria Crisis: Turkey is a Dangerous Shadow under Erdogan

    Nuray Lydia Oglu and Lee Jay Walker

    Turkey is a dangerous shadow under the leadership of Prime Minister
    Erdogan. This notably applies to the intrigues being played out in
    Syria by Turkey and how Erdogan sides with the Muslim Brotherhood
    throughout a vast region. Indeed, Erdogan naturally flirts between
    Islamist and nationalist sentiments, in order to manipulate situations
    both internally and externally. Therefore, the most destabilizing
    power throughout the Levant, the Caucasus region, and parts of the
    Middle East, is Turkey based on the intrigues of the Erdogan

    The issue related to the 1915 genocide of Armenians, Assyrians and
    Greeks, along with what followed until the middle of the 1920s, is not
    unique to Erdogan because this posturing is within the body politic of
    Turkey. However, the sight of Islamists attacking Armenian Christians
    in 2014 based on utilizing the territory and goodwill of the Erdogan
    government is extremely galling. Likewise, Erdogan also ranted against
    Armenians in the past and clearly the issue related to
    Nagorno-Karabakh isn't based on Turkey being an honest broker. On the
    contrary, Erdogan favors Azerbaijan and it remains to be seen if
    Turkey will covertly up the ante in this area in the future based on
    his "Ottoman dream."

    Indeed, the callowness of Erdogan knows no boundaries because several
    years ago he threated to deport over 100,000 Armenians. Of course, he
    played around with language. However, the veiled threat had a much
    deeper meaning given the historical reality of cleansing Christian
    Armenians in history.

    Erdogan suggested that approximately 170,000 Armenians reside in
    modern day Turkey, of which only 70,000 have Turkish citizenship.
    Therefore, Erdogan said: "We are turning a blind eye to the remaining
    100,000... Tomorrow, I may tell these 100,000 to go back to their
    country, if it becomes necessary."

    Sadly, in 2014 the Armenian community is once more fleeing from the
    intrigues of Turkey, and other nations like Qatar. Of course,
    America, France, Saudi Arabia and the United Kingdom can't be
    absolved. After all, these nations have all played their part - and
    continue to do so, to varying degrees, in the destabilization of
    Syria. However, the connection with Turkey being behind the latest
    Islamic jihadist cleansing of Armenians in 2014, is yet another
    reminder of the utter bankruptcy of Erdogan.

    The Armenian National Committee-International ushered a statement
    saying: "For months, we have warned the international community of
    the imminent threat posed by extremist foreign fighters against the
    Christian minority population in Syria. These vicious and unprompted
    attacks against the Armenian-populated town and villages of Kessab are
    the latest examples of this violence, actively encouraged by
    neighboring Turkey. We call upon all states with any influence in the
    Syrian conflict to use all available means to stop these attacks
    against the peaceful civilian population of Kessab, to allow them to
    return to their homes in safety and security. In the last one hundred
    years, this is the third time that the Armenians are being forced to
    leave Kessab and in all three cases, Turkey is the aggressor or on the
    side of the aggressors [emphasis added]."

    In Syria the rich mosaic and modernization of the nation state, that
    took place over the last four decades, continues to be undermined by
    Gulf and NATO powers. This applies to the open direct involvement of
    Qatar, Turkey and Saudi Arabia - and the covert policies being carried
    out by America, France and the United Kingdom. Jordan and elements
    within Lebanon have also joined forces along with bigger intrigues in
    Libya. Despite everything, the government of President Bashar al-Assad
    remains steadfast in its fight for survival and recently more positive
    signs indicate a shifting balance tilting in the favor of the
    government of Syria.

    Alawites, Christians, the Shia and Sunni Muslims in Syria that support
    the nation state over sectarianism, terrorism, and sedition, all
    remain determined to keep Takfiri terrorists at bay. The simple
    reality is that Christian Armenians in Syria fear being ruled by Gulf
    and NATO backed Takfiri terrorists - along with an array of terrorist
    factions including the so-called Free Syrian Army (FSA). Not
    surprisingly, Armenian Christians in Syria are fleeing to Syrian
    government controlled areas from Gulf and NATO backed sectarians.

    Turkey is now a dangerous shadow to a vast geographic region of major
    importance. In Syria this reality means that Takfiri terrorists,
    various sectarian forces, and a whole array of terrorist groups, have
    a free reign within the border areas between Turkey and Syria based on
    the intrigues of Erdogan. Similarly, the Erdogan government is openly
    pro-Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and this is creating tensions with
    Saudi Arabia. At the same time, the illegal occupation and settlement
    of Northern Cyprus continues alongside the de-Christianization of this
    part of Cyprus. Meanwhile, relations with Iraq are negative based on
    Turkey ignoring the sovereignty of this nation in relation to "the
    Kurdish question" - and signing energy contracts outside of the reach
    of central forces.

    In the past the Russian Federation equally made it clear that
    jihadists from the Caucasus, notably Chechen terrorists, were
    utilizing Turkey. Today it is equally clear that jihadists throughout
    the Caucasus region can enter NATO Turkey and obtain weapons openly
    based on the intrigues of Erdogan towards Syria. In the long-term,
    this is clearly detrimental for the Russian Federation because
    jihadists from Dagestan, Chechnya, and other parts of this nation,
    will return home in order to destabilize. Turkey is therefore the
    epicenter of major destabilizing policies along with adopting an
    anti-Armenian stance. Therefore, the latest cleansing of Christian
    Armenians in Kessab and the destruction of Armenian Christian churches
    in Syria highlights the utter bankruptcy and callowness of Erdogan.

    It is time to reign-in Erdogan and for Turkey to open a genuine
    chapter towards the Christian Armenians. At the same time, outside
    meddling in Syria must end because too many different communities are
    under threat from a brutal Takfiri force. If the government of Syria
    falls then indigenous Islam and Christianity will be threatened by
    Takfiri Islamist forces, that seek to enslave all and sundry and to
    turn the clock back to "year zero."
