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In the News: Marching for Rwanda

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  • In the News: Marching for Rwanda

    Armenian Heritage Foundation, to:
    Charles P. Guleserian, Vice President
    Armenian Heritage Foundation
    25 Flanders Road
    Belmont, MA 02478
    Email: [email protected]

    Armenian Heritage Park
    on the Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy Greenway, Boston


    Marching for Rwandan genocide victims

    About 40 discuss, condemn killings

    By Zachary T. Sampson | GLOBE CORRESPONDENT APRIL 14, 2014

    Marie Carine Boggis, who survived the Rwandan genocide, addressed the
    crowd at Armenian Heritage Park.
    Lane Turner/Globe Staff

    During a recent moment of introspection, Marie Carine Boggis searched
    the Web for a definition of the word "survivor." For most of her 27
    years, she had been characterized as such.

    She was a young girl when an estimated 800,000 people, including her
    parents and siblings, died in the Rwandan genocide. On Sunday, she
    discussed her experience with about 40 people who gathered for a walk
    in downtown Boston to discuss and condemn genocide on the 20th
    anniversary of the killings in Rwanda.

    "Remaining alive after an event in which other people died," Boggis
    recalled as the official definition of the word survivor, which has
    described her for so long.
    "And that was the most underwhelming definition that I have ever come

    The term, she said, did not fit her identity.It did not account for
    the years immediately after the killings when she fantasized about her
    parents picking her up at school.
    It failed to acknowledge the extreme guilt she felt a few years
    later. She had settled in with a new family and said she wondered if
    she would even want to live with her birth parents if they were still
    alive. It did not answer the questions she has now about how she will
    one day explain genocide to her own children. "There's no proper way
    to be a survivor," Boggis said. Each person, she continued, is left to
    navigate the world in his or her own way.

    The marchers in Boston on Sunday represented several communities that
    have experienced genocide in the past century, including Armenians,
    Bosnians, and Jews. Their prevailing message was that survivors should
    unite through shared suffering to ensure genocide is never forgotten
    or denied.

    "Whether or not we're a member of the community that was victimized in
    the genocide, we should all take it personally because genocide is a
    crime against all of humanity," said Eric Cohen, an organizer of the
    march and chairman of the Massachusetts Coalition to Save Darfur.

    Fred Manasse, who said he was 3½ years old when he fled Germany during
    the Holocaust in the late 1930s, told the crowd Boggis's story touched
    him deeply. He said he lost both parents and a sister at Auschwitz,
    and he spent several years in denial about their deaths. "My story is
    a bit different than hers," Manasse said. "But it's not totally
    different." Representatives of the local Armenian community said they
    also connected with Boggis's story.

    "Today, as always, the Armenians stand as one with our Rwandan
    brothers and sisters," said James Kalustian, president of the Armenian
    Heritage Foundation. Several people in the crowd Sunday pointed to
    mass killings in Armenia as evidence of the harm that denial of
    genocide causes. Academics and historians estimate that 1 million to
    1.5 million Armenians were killed in 1915 by Turkish soldiers, but
    Turkish leaders maintain that fewer people died and the violence did
    not constitute genocide. Armenian-Americans still push the US Congress
    to officially recognize the killings as genocide nearly 100 years
    later. Denial or forgetfulness is what allows genocide to continue
    happening, the marchers said. In Rwanda, the international community
    largely looked on as the mass killings occurred. "Really, nobody
    cared," said Jean Bosco Rutagengwa, Boggis's adoptive father, who was
    30 and living in Kigali when he survived the genocide there. "But if
    you have social pressure on organizations and government, I am certain
    that things will happen" to stop genocide.

    Pressure, he said, begins with remembrance.

    "When people forget," he said. "Things like this genocide happen

    Walk Against Genocide in observance of the 20th Anniversary
    Commemoration of Rwanda is a program of the Friends of Rwandan
    Genocide Survivors, Massachusetts Coalition to Save Darfur, JCRC of
    Greater Boston and the Armenian Assembly of America.
