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OPINION: Ukraine Scenario Has CIA Modus Operandi Written All Over It

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  • OPINION: Ukraine Scenario Has CIA Modus Operandi Written All Over It


    © REUTERS/ Maks Levin
    13:42 14/04/2014

    MOSCOW, April 14 (RIA Novosti), Daria Chernyshova - The events
    unfolding in Ukraine are in line with other international Central
    Intelligence Agency operations, George Mapp, an investigative
    journalist and a contributor to the Daily Journalist, told RIA Novosti
    on Monday.

    "The Ukraine scenario that has developed over the last several
    months has the CIA's modus operandi written all over it," Mapp told
    RIA Novosti.

    "As far as the Central Intelligence Agency being involved in the
    protests, yes it is extremely likely that they have not only been
    involved but also engineered and orchestrated the protests from the
    onset," he added.

    Ousted Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych has said CIA director
    John Brennan met with Kiev authorities over the weekend.

    A source close to Ukraine's security agencies confirmed the CIA
    director visited the country under a false name and might have
    travelled to the city of Slaviansk in Eastern Ukraine, where Kiev
    authorities suppressed pro-federalization demonstrations by force. The
    decision to sanction the use of weapons and provoke bloodshed might
    have been influenced by the CIA chief.

    "Yes, I do believe that CIA director Brennan was in Kiev on Saturday,"
    Mapp said.

    "I have not as of yet received direct confirmation from any of my
    sources. Not only is the CIA extremely experienced in political coups,
    they have a history and thus experience in Ukraine. I am referring
    to the 'Orange Revolution' in 2004 and 2005," he added.

    At least three people, including a pro-federalization supporter, were
    killed in the clashes between forces loyal to Kiev, including Right
    Sector fighters, and the local protestors, who had seized a local
    government building, a district police department and a security
    service office.

    On Sunday, Ukraine's acting Interior Minister Arsen Avakov said on
    his Facebook page that an operation was underway in the city involving
    "all the country's law enforcement agencies."

    CIA veterans, who wished to remain anonymous, told RIA Novosti
    they were skeptical about Brennan's visit to Ukraine. The political
    standoff between the West and Russia over Ukraine "is an extremely
    important and delicate chess match," according to Mapp, so a visit
    of a high-ranking US official would be quite possible.

    "The huge importance and implications depending on the outcome of
    this multi-faceted political chess match - it makes perfect sense
    that CIA director John Brennan would himself go to Ukraine," Mapp said.

    "Also, I don't think that director Brennan would mind a bit of time
    away and a temporary distraction from Senator Feinstein and the Senate
    Intelligence Committee due to the current situation in Washington,"
    he added.

    The US Embassy in Kiev hosted several training sessions for young
    digital enthusiasts known as "TechCamps" across Ukraine over the
    past two years. A TechCamp in Warsaw last October was attended by
    representatives of Polish NGOs and "socially active students from
    Ukraine, Georgia, Armenia and Belarus."

    The workshop in October 2012 in Kiev was kicked off by US Ambassador
    to Ukraine John F. Tefft, who expressed America's commitment to
    youth development and said that technology in the hands of teachers,
    librarians, and youth advocates "gives hope for the future."

    On Monday Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that Russia
    is not interested in interfering in Ukraine's domestic affairs. "It
    contradicts our interests," he said at a press conference with the
    Sudanese foreign minister in Moscow. He also condemned the decision
    to use force, including army troops, against protesters in eastern
    Ukraine as extremely dangerous.
