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Syria Conflict: 'We Will Be Martyrs' Say Rebel Fighters From Inside

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  • Syria Conflict: 'We Will Be Martyrs' Say Rebel Fighters From Inside


    As the final battle for the crucible of the Syrian revolution looms,
    Fernande van Tets talks to those who are vowing no surrender


    Thursday 17 April 2014

    The Syrian regime is on the verge of winning back the city of
    Homs - known as the capital of the revolution for its role in the
    three-year-old uprising.

    The Syrian army began a large scale military campaign on Monday to
    retake the last four neighbourhoods in opposition hands. Those inside
    face a stark choice between surrender to the regime or fighting till
    death. "Life is disastrous in every meaning of the word," says one
    activist inside the Old City.

    Following a siege of almost two years, there are less than a thousand
    people remaining in the area. The majority are fighters, but there
    are several families and two dozen Christians who refused to leave
    during a UN orchestrated evacuation in February.

    Mortars, shelling and aerial bombardments currently pound the remaining
    residents. There is little to stay for; the buildings are burned out
    carcasses and there is no food or drinking water. "My last meal was
    48 hours ago, and it consisted of grass unfit for cattle to eat" said
    Hasan Abu Zain, an activist. The cattle has long been eaten, as have
    locusts, pet turtles and cats. Drinking water is found in stagnant old
    wells or contaminated with sewage. Morale is low, even before renewed
    offensive people were pondering whether to leave the enclave. Tunnels,
    previously used to smuggle food, are no longer possible as they have
    been sealed off. The only way out is to surrender.

    Unable to bear it any longer, three hundred people, mostly rebels
    and draft evaders, left the Old City two weeks ago. Another 50 people
    surrendered today, according to the governor's office, who estimate
    another 5-600 fighters remain. Between 10 and 15 people have been
    leaving daily, in exchange for relinquishing their weapons according
    to the governor, Talal al Barazi.

    The men turn themselves in at the Al-Andalus school, where they are
    subsequently held to investigate their involvement in fighting. The
    school also holds 100 young men who left the besieged old city during
    the evacuation in February. The United Nations halted that evacuation,
    in which 1,400 primarily women, elderly and children left the old City,
    due to concerns about the fate of the arrested men.

    Negotiations to peacefully end the situation in Old Homs have failed.

    "It is a matter of deep regret that negotiations were brutally stopped
    and violence is now rife again when a comprehensive agreement seemed
    close at hand," Lakhdar Brahimi, the joint UN-Arab League Special
    Envoy said in a statement, calling the city "a theatre of death and

    There are some who will not leave, no matter what. "It's impossible
    for anybody to go out," insists Abu Jarrah, a fighter who vowed to
    fight till the end. "If we retreat the regime will slaughter us, and
    all of the people in Homs know this," he said. Although he denied
    reports of fighters wearing suicide belts, he said they would be
    ready to die. "God willing, we will fight until the last drop of
    blood and we will be martyrs." The opposition National Council has
    warned of a "potential massacre" if government troops enter the
    rebel-held district.

    As the regime consolidates its territory in central Syria in the run
    up to anticipated elections in June, it is being attacked in other
    areas of the country. The northern coastal strip near Latakia, the
    homeland of President Bashar al Assad, has come under attack recently,
    most notably the Armenian town of Kassab. The city of Aleppo, at a
    stalemate with rebel areas facing heavy barrel bombardments for months,
    has also seen a new, coordinated push by rebels on the Western part
    of the city, held by the regime.

    From: Baghdasarian