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Hovik Abrahamyan: The State Should Use Any Possible Leverage To Supp

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  • Hovik Abrahamyan: The State Should Use Any Possible Leverage To Supp


    15:23 17.04.2014

    After assuming office, Prime Minister Hovik Abrahamyan presided today
    at his first-ever Cabinet sitting with some thirty items on the agenda.

    First, the meeting discussed an amendment to the law on the use of
    cash registers, which suggests banning the approaches to the use of
    law-prescribed sanctions in cases of non-compliance with the rules
    applicable to cash register-mediated calculations, as well as to
    drastically lower the amounts of penalties, which is opposed by
    the government.

    In line with the amendment to the law on value added tax, the threshold
    of AMD300mn which was set for VAT deferment on imports under investment
    programs was lowered to AMD200mn as of January 1, 2014.

    With its decision, the Executive amended the previous government
    decree, which streamlined the application of the aforementioned law.

    While the bills were being discussed, Prime Minister Hovik Abrahamyan
    referred to the question of SME development in the country. "Dear
    colleagues, we are going to launch a process, and it is the common
    wish of all of us, including the future government and the President
    of Armenia, to provide favorable conditions and a propitious fiscal
    field for the development of small and medium-sized businesses. We
    will go a long way to meet half-way the aspirations of SMEs. We will
    facilitate the development of SMEs. We will stand by every investor and
    this issue will be discussed in detail as soon as the new government is
    up. We are going to make great strides to ensure that each businessman
    might enjoy great investment opportunities. The State should use all
    its leverages so that any businessman working within the framework
    of the law would not meet any obstacle whatsoever. It is going to be
    a principled decision on my part," the Premier said.

    The government instructed the Minister of Energy and Natural Resources
    to have about AMD116mn paid to Gazprom Armenia CJSC in the prescribed
    manner as partly refund for natural gas consumed by needy households
    in the period April 1, 2013 through July 6, 2013. Thus, vulnerable
    families will pay 100 dram instead of 132 for each cubic meter of
    natural gas consumed within the eligible quota of 75 cubic meters.

    Over 1800 pedigree heifers have been imported into Armenia in 2007-2014
    under the cattle breeding development program. The heifers were given
    to over 60 business entities on condition of deferred repayment. Some
    of them did not meet the repayment schedule. As a result, they proved
    liable to fines and additional financial obligations. The government
    decided today that the amounts so generated will be used in full to
    pay back the principal amount of the contract.

    The government approved a procedure for assessment of the needs of
    job seekers, the criteria for suitable working conditions, the list
    of documents required for registration of a person looking for a job,
    the filing procedures and deadlines, as well as many other necessary
    rules, listings and standards.

    The government approved the draft law on amendments to the Civil
    Code, according to which the practice of reparation of non-pecuniary
    damage shall be instituted in our country in line with Armenia's
    commitment assumed under the relevant European Convention. The bill
    seeks to enhance our citizens' legal immunity providing them with a
    new efficacious tool.

    The meeting next approved a set of amendments to the following
    laws and legal instruments: the law on identification and support
    of persons-victims of human trafficking and exploitation, the Code
    of Administrative Offences and the law on foreigners. As a result,
    the procedures applicable in Armenia will be brought into conformity
    with the requirements of Council of Europe 107th Convention on Action
    against Human Trafficking.

    The aforementioned bills will be sent to the National Assembly in
    the manner established by law.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress