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Suffolk University: Partner In Armenian Genocide Denial?

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  • Suffolk University: Partner In Armenian Genocide Denial?


    By MassisPost
    Updated: April 16, 2014

    By Heidi Boghosian
    Executive Director of the National Lawyer's Guild (NLG)

    Students at Suffolk University Law School have launched an online
    petition urging the school's president to withdraw its invitation to
    Armenian genocide denier Abraham Foxman to speak at their commencement
    and receive an honorary degree. Foxman, the Anti-Defamation
    League director, drew harsh public criticism in 2007 for opposing
    a congressional resolution acknowledging the 1915 extermination
    of approximately 1.5 million Armenians. Since the 15th century,
    Armenians had been treated as second-class citizens under Ottoman
    rule. In honoring Foxman, Suffolk University sends a message that
    politics are more important than acknowledging crimes against humanity.

    The denial of genocide is an integral, and final, part of the genocidal
    process, as Genocide Watch founder Gregory Stanton has written. Despite
    a well-documented body of eyewitness accounts and other evidence
    chronicling the 20th century's very first genocide (scholar and lawyer
    Raphael Lemkin coined the word genocide in 1943 with the extermination
    of the Armenians in mind), the Turkish government continues to mount
    a campaign of denial through inaccurate scholarship, propaganda,
    aggressive lobbying, and even a law which forbids mention of the word
    genocide. In 2005, Nobel Prize winner Orhan Pamuk was prosecuted for
    "insulting Turkishness," as was Armenian-Turkish journalist Hrant
    Dink who was subsequently assassinated in 2007 by a young Turkish
    nationalist. U.S. political and partisan allegiances with Turkey
    enable a range of repugnant human rights transgressions, old and new.

    My grandmother Baidzar was born in Giresun, a village on the Black Sea,
    to parents who owned almond and filbert orchards and were active in
    working for protection of the Armenian minority. Baidzar remembered
    that men would come to their house in the middle of the night and
    have secret, whispered meetings upstairs, because it was against
    the law for minorities to assemble. The father of the poet Silva
    Gaboudegian was one of those men. Many years and many worlds later,
    an older cousin would tell my grandmother that those men were members
    of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation. Baidzar remembered her mother
    falling to her knees crying before two officers, a Turk and a German,
    who came to their home on horseback, begging them to spare her family.

    Baidzar later watched her parents and siblings being slaughtered
    before escaping to an orphanage and making a treacherous passage to
    the United States as a mail order bride.

    Around the world, on April 15, just weeks before Suffolk's
    commencement, and 99 years after the mass murders, families with
    stories just like my grandmother's will mark the day of observance of
    the genocide. April 15 is widely considered to be the starting date of
    a systematic and well-documented plan to eliminate the Armenians. On
    that day in 1915, the Interior Minister of the Ottoman Empire, Talaat
    Pasha, ordered the arrest and hangings of Armenian intellectuals and
    community leaders in Constantinople. The killings were gruesome and
    included beheadings of groups of babies, dismemberments, mass burnings
    and drownings, use of toxic gas, lethal injections of morphine or
    with the blood of typhoid fever patients.

    Although there has been much academic recognition of the Armenian
    genocide, this has rarely been followed by governmental recognition.

    Turkey swiftly condemned a U.S. Senate committee resolution adopted on
    April 10, 2014 by the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations labeling
    as genocide the massacre of Armenians by Ottoman forces and warned
    Congress against taking steps that would tarnish Turkish-American
    ties. Similar resolutions under past presidential administrations
    have also failed.

    The Turkish people have been taught for decades that there was no
    genocide, with the result that most believe their country is being
    treated unfairly when genocide resolutions are raised. Continued
    failure to acknowledge the genocide in our history books is a
    disservice not only to survivors of the genocide, but also to those
    Turks who tried to stop it then and who face imprisonment today for
    publicly acknowledging the genocide.

    Suffolk University should listen to its students. It has the chance to
    take a step forward in rectifying decades of injustice by reversing
    its decision to honor Abraham Foxman with an honorary law degree
    at its 2014 commencement. Tolerance of those who deny the Armenian
    genocide may be politically expedient, but it is nonetheless morally

    The NLG's syndicated radio program, Law & Disorder, will
    address this issue on the air Monday, April 21, 2015. To
    find out which stations near you will air the segment, visit:

    To access the petition and/or letter to
    Suffolk University President McCarthy, visit:

    Photo: "Staged footage from 'Ravished Armenia,' Aurora Mardiganian's
    book/film about the Armenian Genocide.'
