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European Parliament Condemns Attack On Kessab And Other Vulnerable C

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  • European Parliament Condemns Attack On Kessab And Other Vulnerable C


    21:15 17.04.2014

    European Parliament, Kessab, Syria

    Today, the European Parliament in its last plenary session before
    the May 2014 elections, adopted a resolution on Syria, expressing
    its concern on the latest developments in the country, especially
    with the situation in Kessab, and vulnerable communities who find
    themselves in the middle of the war.

    The resolution specifically condemns the attack against the Armenian
    town of Kessab, and takes note that "the fights between regime forces
    and rebel fighters, including elements linked to Al-Qaeda, at the
    end of March 2014 led to the evacuation of the vast majority of the
    population of Kassab, an Armenian town on the Syrian-Turkish border".

    The resolution also takes note of the rich diversity of ethnic and
    religious communities, stressing that these communities have always
    been part of Syrian society, and have an important role to play in the
    democratization of Syria and need to be represented in any consultation
    on the country's future and in any reconciliation process; and that
    these communities had tried to avoid taking sides in the conflict,
    and as many may recognize the need for a change of regime in Syria,
    but also fear that, if the government is overthrown, they will be
    targeted by Sunni jihadist rebels calling for the establishment of
    an Islamic state. The European Parliament is also worried with the
    Al-Qaeda-linked al-Nusra Front capturing a number of Christian and
    Kurdish villages on the Turkish border.

    Bastiaan Belder (Europe of Freedom and Democracy, the Netherlands)
    stressed that the resolution will not be full, unless it mentions the
    whole truth about Kessab, about Turkish involvement once again, after
    the Armenian Genocide, in depopulating the Armenians of the region;
    MEP Belder also noted, that there must be an investigation on Turkey's
    role in the attack against Kessab, which is a continuation of Ankara's
    disastrous Middle East policy. Veronique De Keyser (Progressive
    Alliance of Socialists and Democrats, vice-chair, Belgium) condemned
    the depopulation of Armenians from Kessab by terrorist groups.

    Joaquin Almunia, Vice-president of the EU Commission, is troubled
    with the jihadist attack on Kessab and the extremely violent civil
    war in Syria, stressing that the EU will be helping the vulnerable
    groups and those displaced in the three years of the Syrian conflict.

    Kaspar Karampetian, President of the European Armenian Federation
    for Justice and Democracy (EAFJD) stressed that the resolution has
    been soft on Turkey, which opened its borders with Kessab assisting
    the jihadists to attack the region, but nevertheless, puts the blame
    on Turkey for the border attacks on Christian and Kurdish cities
    and hindering humanitarian aid. "Turkey is guilty of assisting the
    extremists in driving out the peaceful population at the border with
    Syria", said Kaspar Karampetian.

    "Armenians are thankful to the Syrian people for sheltering us after
    the Genocide committed by Turkey 99 years ago, and we sympathize
    them for the terrible violence in the country these days. We hope for
    an end soon, and that all communities are part of Syria and must be
    included in re-building the country with no outside interference", said
    Karampetian, and concluded that the EAFJD is committed in assisting
    the Armenian community of Syria with humanitarian aid from Europe.
