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Armenian Student Association Seeks To Educate Campus On History And

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  • Armenian Student Association Seeks To Educate Campus On History And


    The Suffolk Journal: Suffolk University
    April 16, 2014 Wednesday

    by: Matt Bacon

    Armenia is a small country that lays just above the northern fringes
    of the Middle East in the Caucasus Mountains. Its unique position
    in the world, at the crossroads of Iran, Turkey, the Arab world,
    and Russia, has resulted in a diverse and vibrant culture.

    At Suffolk University, a newly revitalized Armenian Students
    Association (ASA; not to be confused with the African Student
    Association) aims to bring a piece of that culture to campus. "Our
    goal is to connect people with a connection or interest in Armenian
    culture in the Suffolk community," said sophomore and founding member
    of the club Lori Yogurtian.

    In the past, Suffolk has had sizeable Armenian student populations.

    They had often gathered in de facto groups, but by the time Yogurtian
    was a freshman the network had "fizzled out." Yogurtian and a friend,
    along with Suffolk photography professor Ken Martin decided to dedicate
    themselves to starting an official Armenian club to bring awareness
    of the culture to campus. "No one knows about what Armenia is ... we
    just want to bring the Armenian culture to Suffolk," said Yogurtian,
    a double major in management and marketing.

    (Photos by Ken Martin)

    Still in the process of getting off the ground, the ASA has not had
    any major events on campus. However, they have participated in events
    with other local ASA chapters at which Suffolk students are always
    welcome. "Next year we're going to have a lot more organization,"
    Yogurtian said, elaborating that the group is planning for an Armenian
    culture night on campus next year.

    So far, the highlight event for the club has been its year-end
    celebrations. "Every semester all of the [local branches] have an
    event at a restaurant ... it's like dinner, dancing and music. We turn
    the restaurant into a club ... we even got kicked out of one place,"
    Yogurtian said.

    All around, the ASA is "A very chill club ... it's a way to get
    involved without too much commitment ... a great way to network,
    meet new people, make connections, and learn something about Armenian

    The ASA knows how to have fun, but also takes seriously its status
    as representatives of the Armenian culture in America. Armenia has a
    long and complex history. With the exception of two years following
    WWI and the 23 years since the break-up of the Soviet Union, Armenia
    has spent its entire history since the 1230s under the influence of
    various foreign occupiers, who usually tended to enact oppressive
    policies toward Armenians. During WWI, the occupying Ottoman Turks
    carried out a genocide of the Armenian people, which some estimate
    killed over a million. This led to a diaspora of the Armenian people,
    many of whom are now scattered across the Middle East, Europe, and
    the rest of the world.

    The ASA not only wishes to be active in spreading Armenian culture,
    but awareness of Armenia's long and oftentimes painful history. "There
    is an Armenian genocide memorial near the North End, so every year,
    starting last year, we do a candlelit vigil," Yogurtian said. "Every
    year for the Armenian genocide, there are a bunch of different things
    that people try to do to raise awareness. A lot of times, the events
    only attract Armenians. We want to reach out to non-Armenians, and
    people who don't know about it." The group is planning a bigger event
    for next year, which marks the 100th anniversary of the genocide.

    A testament to how controversial the Armenian genocide is lies right
    here at Suffolk. One of this year's commencement speakers for the
    Suffolk University Law School is Soviet-born but naturalized American
    citizen Abraham Foxman. Foxman is a holocaust survivor and national
    director of the Anti-Defamation League, an international Jewish NGO,
    whose goal is to "fight anti-Semitism and all forms of bigotry,
    defend democratic ideals and protect civil rights for all."

    In 2007, Foxman came under fire for comments he made regarding
    a resolution passed by U.S. Congress that recognized the Armenian
    genocide. "I don't think congressional action will help reconcile the
    issue. The resolution takes a position; it comes to a judgment," said
    Foxman in a statement issued to the Jewish Telegraphic Agency. Foxman
    met a firestorm of public opinion and was labeled a denier of the

    Foxman defended his statement to The Boston Globe, claiming
    "that the consequences of [the Ottoman government's] actions
    were indeed tantamount to genocide," but that the resolution "is
    a counterproductive diversion and will not foster reconciliation
    between Turks and Armenians."

    Regardless, Foxman's inclusion in Suffolk Law's commencement ceremony
    has sparked controversy. "He has outspokenly opposed recognition of the
    genocide in the U.S. He's also opposing [Project51, the controversial
    Muslim community center near Ground Zero], and is for racial profiling
    of all Muslims and Muslim-Americans," Yogurtian said.

    The ASA picked up on a petition addressed to President
    McCarthy, demanding Foxman's removal as a commencement speaker and
    the abandonment of plans to award him an honorary Juris Doctorate.

    Yogurtian and the other ASA members signed and circulated the petition,
    helping it reach its goal of 500 signatures. As of Tuesday night,
    the petition had 513 signatures.

    The ASA welcomes all students, Armenian or not, to join the club.

    Balancing fun with education, awareness, and activism about Armenia's
    unique culture and displaced people, the group is hoping to expand
    its presence on campus and is looking towards a bright future.
