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The Birth Of 'New Turkey', Or In The Footsteps Of The Ottoman Empire

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  • The Birth Of 'New Turkey', Or In The Footsteps Of The Ottoman Empire

    Tuesday, 15 April 2014 09:39

    The single Turkish-Azerbaijani propaganda is getting a new scope

    The March 30 municipal elections in Turkey gave answers to several
    questions. They were extremely important for the ruling regime,
    and the awareness of this importance forced the actual leader of the
    country, Recep Erdogan, to predetermine the outcome of the elections,
    i.e. to follow the principle "the goal justifies the means".

    His Party "Justice and Development" assured the overwhelming majority
    of votes, strengthening the positions of the ruling political elite.

    To say that this victory was important for the Premiere means to say
    nothing. According to the Turkish sources Hurriyet, after making public
    the results of the voting, Erdogan, referring to the electorate,
    said the following, "You have supported your Prime Minister, I am
    infinitely grateful to you ... 77 million people should know that
    new Turkey is emerging today".

    We have already noted the tense political situation in this country
    on the eve of the elections, so there is no need to explain how
    'New Turkey' was born as a result of the elections".

    During the municipal elections, bloodshed took place in the country,
    reported theCNN Turg, referring to the specific data on the victims
    and injured - 9 people were killed, 32 people were hospitalized,
    and about 350 people were arrested. This source, in particular,
    notes that during the voting the disputes at the polling stations
    were accompanied by shots, some of them being fatal.

    According to the Turkish agencyAnadolu, candidate for the Mayor of
    Tillo town of Siit province was killed in front of his own house.

    Candidate from the Party Happiness Behmen Aydin was shot during the
    altercation between his supporters and those of the candidate from
    the ruling Party, Mesut Memduhoglu. A candidate from the opposition
    Party was killed and six were injured.

    We believe these examples are enough to prove that Erdogan disdained
    nothing for achieving his goal. By the way, the country's opposition
    held a protest action, demanding to declare the election results

    Erdogan prepared for the elections also psychologically, realizing
    well that he could retain the power only via the use of force. Now
    he is calm, as he will be the prime candidate for the President of
    Turkey at the upcoming presidential elections.

    It should be noted that the "victory" of the Prime Minister was also
    contributed by the recent geopolitical events, which allowed him to use
    all his diplomatic and political potential. He realized the existing
    opportunities in Syria, where military operations are taking place,
    having attacked the Armenian populated Kessab.

    Erdogan used the success at the external front as a trump card to
    restore his tattered reputation domestically. One cannot assert that
    his rating has increased in the society: in the existing situation,
    he posed as a statesman embodying the ideology of neo-Ottomanism and
    ready to lead Turkey in the footsteps of the former Ottoman Empire,
    ignoring the imperative dictate to democratize the country and
    apologize for the mistakes of the past. The requirement to develop
    democracy does not fit into the practical policy of Erdogan, that's why
    he preferred to realize his ideas, organizing elections accompanied
    by murders, brawls and shoot. And while a month ago it seemed that
    the political system of the country was at the brink of collapse, the
    looming image of the future of Turkey was sketched after the municipal
    elections, reminding the old Empire, for which Prime Minister Erdogan
    is aspiring. There is another fact which characterizing the desire of
    the Turkish ruling elite to retain the power at any cost. Ultimately,
    one should be ready for great troubles expected in Turkey in connection
    with the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. The international
    community will nominate a requirement to the actual leader of the
    country and other officials to revise their own history. And Erdogan
    does not need this at all.

    Securing a victory at the presidential elections, he will declare
    to the world that Turkey is on the right track and continues to move
    forward in the footsteps of their ancestors. On the other hand, it is a
    chance to withstand the pressure from the West. In this regard, perhaps
    it is worth noting that after a while the West will have to reconsider
    the policy of containment against Turkey. But, that is another matter.

    The victory of the ruling regime in Turkey is, surely, the victory
    of Azerbaijan as well. President Ilham Aliyev congratulated Erdogan
    on the "convincing victory" of his Party at the municipal elections.

    At the same time, the Azerbaijani news sources reported about
    another anti-Armenian plan of official Baku - "On the common
    investigative-operational plan in connection with the crimes committed
    by Armenians in Karabakh". According to Deputy Prosecutor General
    of Azerbaijan, four directions of investigation are identified. And
    there is no need to prove the fact that the so-called plan is just a
    manifestation of the Turkish-Azerbaijani resistance to the activities
    planned by the Armenian side on the eve of the 10th anniversary of
    the Armenian Genocide. There is clear intensification of the tandem
    with the trend of its increasing influence on the opinion of the
    international community.

    Familiarizing with the directions of the abovementioned plan, every
    Armenian can at best treat it with irony, as it has matured in the
    minds of people with the pathological tendency to distort the reality.

    So, for example, the guardians of the law of the Aliyev clan decided
    that they can form an opinion at the international community about the
    tortures applied by the Armenian side against the Azerbaijanis taken
    prisoner or hostage. As if the civilized world is not familiar with
    the Turkish- Azerbaijani handwriting in the history of the Armenian
    people, as if the international community does not know about the
    Armenian officer ax-murdered by Safarov who was patronized by the
    very President of Azerbaijan.

    Azerbaijanis call genocide the "crimes committed by Armenian armed
    forces in Nagorno Karabakh and other occupied territories" and
    regard them as a crime against peace and humanity. Surely, this is
    just the Azerbaijani propaganda, which can only be taken note. The
    steps planned by official Baku and Ankara should be opposed by the
    rich factual material completely proving the genocide committed in
    the early 20th century by the Turkish barbarians against the ancient
    people professing the Christian values.

    We should keep in the focus of attention the single Turkish-Azerbaijani
    propaganda, with all its possible directions, which will involve
    huge funds, including petrodollars, political bargaining, as well as
    promises to European countries experiencing financial crisis.

    The political and social forces and scientific circles, which are
    authoritative in the Armenian reality, have launched discussions
    on the events dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Armenian
    Genocide. Using the rich historical and scientific material, as well
    as the available forces and possibilities will allow to intensify
    the process of international recognition of the Genocide, so that
    the international community has a full and accurate picture of this
    heinous crime.

