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'Sanctions will force Armenia to respect international law'

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  • 'Sanctions will force Armenia to respect international law'

    Legal Monitor Worldwide
    April 18, 2014 Friday

    'Sanctions will force Armenia to respect international law'

    President Ilham Aliyev in his recent speech urged the international
    community to impose sanctions against Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh
    separatists? How would you comment on that?

    I am in agreement on this issue with President of Azerbaijan Ilham
    Aliyev. The UN Security Council adopted four resolutions demanding the
    liberation of the occupied territories of Azerbaijan, which have not
    yet been fulfilled by Armenia.

    If a state does not comply with UN Security Council resolutions, as a
    rule, sanctions are applied in relation to it.
    The fact is that at the time the "ball" was thrown from the UN
    Security Council to the OSCE, which solves nothing and therefore
    cannot do anything.
    The "ball" must be returned to the UN, and then economic, political
    and military sanctions should be consistently applied against Armenia.
    I would like to note that economic sanctions alone cannot give any
    serious results, because the economy of Armenia is at zero level and
    is completely subordinated to the third state.
    If sanctions are applied, how seriously can they affect Armenia?
    What a state Armenia is to resist the sanctions of the international
    community? In the case of such a scenario, it will be forced to comply
    with international law, which are ignored for decades, or will be
    destroyed as a state.
    Why double standards are still applied in the settlement of the
    Armenian-Azerbaijani Nagorno-Karabakh conflict?
    Because the world is unfair, and the talk about the democratic West is
    nonsense. Winston Churchill once clearly stated: "There is no
    permanent enemies and permanent allies, only permanent interests."
    U.S., Russia and the whole world live among their own interests and
    from time to time they are also guided by double standards for their
    The West didn't properly calculate the events in Ukraine and Crimea,
    and now it speaks of justice and democracy. Democracy is a stick in
    the hands of the strong, to strike in the event that someone does not
    like it.
    You often talk about military scenario in resolving the
    Nagorno-Karabakh conflict...
    Nobody forbids Azerbaijan to military action. But, in my opinion, we
    must first go to the formation of a professional army.
    Army must be professional, it must have 25-30-year-old men, and not
    18- 19-year-old boys. Professional soldiers must be ready to kill for
    the sake of defending the Homeland.
    To return Nagorno-Karabakh, we only need 60,000th professional army,
    that is, four corps.
    The 51st article of the UN Charter states that a country that was
    attacked and the lands of which were seized has the right to liberate
    its territories up to the conduct of military action.

    Armenia's economy is in poor condition and with each year the
    situation worsens. Why doesn't the leadership of this country realize
    that the continuation of the occupation policy will not bring anything
    good for them?
    Look who leads Armenia, basically the Karabakh mafia, those people who
    have become politicians and came to power due to Karabakh.
    They will never be able to say: "Guys, we were wrong, if we want to
    live well, we must return the lands of Azerbaijan." In this case, they
    will generally be swept away.
    While the Karabakh mafia is in power in Armenia, they will return
    nothing peacefully.
    Former President Levon Ter-Petrosian realized that the road goes to
    nowhere and wanted to go to a peace agreement with Azerbaijan, but he
    was overthrown by the Karabakh Armenians.
    How do you think, how long will the Armenian diaspora influence key
    decisions in the life of the country?
    Armenian diaspora no longer allocates any cosmic money to Armenia. The
    diaspora is tired of feeding the Karabakh mafia clan.
    Look how much singer Charles Aznavour did for Armenia and the Armenian
    elite now hates him. However, their feelings are mutual.
    These marathons held in different countries of the world give less and
    less effect both to Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh separatists.
    Armenians all over the world are tired of feeding the parasites and
    criminals from Karabakh.
    Among Armenians there are people who realize that such Armenia has no
    future and that the Karabakh adventure must be stopped , but nobody
    listens to them and call them enemies.

    From: A. Papazian