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Why Turkey is key to the Russia-Ukraine-EU crisis

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  • Why Turkey is key to the Russia-Ukraine-EU crisis

    Why Turkey is key to the Russia-Ukraine-EU crisis
    By Ceylan Ozbudak
    Saturday, 19 April 2014

    An overwhelming majority of NGOs and analysts have led the diplomats
    of the EU and the U.S. into playing a detrimental role in the status
    of Ukraine. The EU was looking for a western-facing Ukraine -- leaving
    Russia behind -- and failed to take into consideration that Sevastopol
    in Crimea was the only door the Russian Navy has to the Black Sea and
    `the Bear' would fight for this with its life.

    Now those who supported the internal conflicts in Ukraine are holding
    meeting after meeting and have come to realize they have nothing left
    other than threatening Russia with sanctions. Russia's economy mainly
    depends on natural resources extraction, most of which is sold to the
    EU. Sanctions ` if applied ` would only further damage European
    economies and Russia could end up exporting its rich natural resources
    to the rapidly-rising East.

    Ukraine is a hub for the East-West corridor and has been subjected to
    occupation and pillage due to Asia-Europe disputes throughout its

    The EU certainly did not pull Ukraine so forcefully to its side
    thinking the Ukrainians would excel in democracy, art and science and
    therefore contribute to a great extent to the culture of the European
    Union. They did so because the thirsty EU economies needed at least a
    part of this vital country to have control over the Russian energy
    corridor to Europe.

    The EU also knew that a shattered Ukraine, stripped from its
    geopolitical importance, would not mean much to either Ukrainians or

    This should lead us to think of, and take precautions for, a potential
    axial shift dispute in the Balkans, a new conflict to spread to the
    coasts of the Black Sea, like the one in the Persian Gulf. If the
    crisis gets bigger, the Black Sea will become a militarized region,
    the center for a Russia-West conflict, and countries in the region
    will begin arming themselves to the teeth: Romania, Bulgaria and
    Ukraine will turn into vast military encampments.

    Here we have to turn to the country which has the longest Black Sea
    coasts and controls the sea traffic in the Black Sea: Turkey. Turkey
    constitutes the basic axis of the South East Gas Corridor (SGC) along
    with Azerbaijan and Israel is getting involved in the international
    energy business through Turkey. Iran is also insisting on joining this
    energy axis.

    Turkey is the only country, which can diplomatically invite all these
    diverse players to the same table. The diplomatic crisis between
    Turkey and Israel has quickly subsided and is on the road to being
    completely resolved. Azerbaijan already calls Turkey a brother nation.

    Turkey has been strikingly successful in bringing Iran to the
    diplomatic table concerning serious international matters such as the
    Syria crisis, the Iranian-Western nuclear deal and relationships in
    the Gulf region. Turkey is the only country where both Iranian and
    Israeli citizens can travel without a visa and enjoy their stay
    without being concerned about security risks.

    Montreux Convention

    Is Turkey holding the cards to solving simply a potential energy
    crisis? Not at all, it is far more than that. Turkey controls the only
    passageway to the Black Sea and the Turkish Straits are the only
    waterways connecting the Black Sea to the Aegean and Mediterranean
    Seas and to the oceans through the Suez Canal and the Straits of

    Since 1936, passage through the Turkish Straits has been governed by
    the Montreux Convention. Freedom of transit and navigation in the
    Straits is regulated in the Convention based on discrimination
    regarding merchant vessels, vessels of war, and aircraft.

    Other distinctions are dependent on circumstances: times of peace,
    when Turkey is not a belligerent during a time of war, when Turkey is
    a belligerent in a time of war, and situations when Turkey considers
    itself threatened with the imminent danger of war.

    In addition to this, in times of peace, the total number and the
    maximum aggregate tonnage of all foreign naval forces that may pass
    through the Turkish Straits are limited to 9 and 15,000 tons
    respectively. This means aircraft carriers cannot under any
    circumstance pass through the Turkish Straits.

    The maximum aggregate tonnage that non-Black Sea countries may have in
    this body of water is 45,000 tons. The maximum aggregate tonnage of
    the vessels of war that one non-Black Sea country may have in the sea
    is 30,000 tons and vessels of war belonging to non-Black Sea states
    cannot stay more than 21 days in the Black Sea. Advance notification
    must be given to Turkey of all passages through the Turkish Straits.
    The notification time is eight days for vessels of war belonging to
    Black Sea states and 15 days for those of other countries.

    According to the aforementioned clauses in the Montreux Treaty, even
    small American or European war ships cannot linger in the Black Sea
    more than 21 days and they cannot just show up at the door without
    prior permit. Even though the U.S. asked Turkey to violate the treaty
    to pressure Russia regarding Ukraine, Turkey turned down this offer.

    The reason why we are seeing an American warship in the Black Sea
    right now is because the ship was declared to need repairs after its
    21 day permit had expired. Turkey sought to keep the Black Sea
    demilitarized since 1936.

    Following the South Ossetia War in August 2008, the Turkish Straits
    again became an issue of concern for the US when Turkey denied passage
    to US warships seeing to transit the Straits, which prevented the
    tensions from escalating even further between the US and Russia.

    Istanbul Canal is the key to Black Sea power struggle

    There is one other factor in the near future which will make Turkey
    the number one player in the Black Sea power struggle: the Istanbul
    Canal project. Through this new canal, Turkey will be able to pass
    aircraft carrier groups to the Black Sea without any international
    supervision even in times of peace. Military power is surely very
    important but the Istanbul Canal puts more power into the hands of
    Turkey through the energy axis and raises its position as an energy

    Turkey has two relatively small domestic crude oil pipelines,
    Ceyhan-Kırıkkale and Batman-Dörtyol, which pump 135,000 bb/d and
    86,400 bb/d respectively. Turkey's two major international pipelines,
    Kirkuk-Ceyhan and Baku-Tblisi-Ceyhan pale in comparison to the
    2004-2008 average of 2.6-2.8 million barrels of oil transported
    through the crowded Bosphorus each and every day.

    The Istanbul Canal could alleviate the pressure and reduce shipping
    delays, sometimes by up to three weeks. Even if the capacity of the
    Samsun-Ceyhan line were increased to 1.5 million barrels per day,
    there would still be over one million barrels of oil going through the
    Bosphorus, so clearly pipelines are not the answer.

    Of course, the canal would affect the energy policies of other actors
    in the region. Having an alternative, nationally controlled sea route
    would increase Turkey's regional leverage, both politically and
    economically. The canal would also potentially have an undermining
    effect on the current pipeline projects of Russia, which would enable
    the West to have a genuine `sanctions card' to play against Russia.
    Turkey's pluralist foreign policy

    These developments show the importance of Turkey's pluralist foreign
    policy and rejection of taking sides in East-West disputes. Despite
    significant pressure from the outside, Turkey has always kept calm in
    times of crisis and did not turn its back on either Russia or the
    European Union.

    If Turkey chose sides like many states expect it would, and turned its
    face to either East or West, this would become a catalyst in creating
    a new Cold War. I can name many respected analysts criticizing Turkey
    for having good relationships with Russia, Iran, Israel or America
    despite the ongoing tensions.

    However, the delicate balances in the Black Sea right now heavily
    depend on Turkey being the calm, sane and wise rational actor in the
    escalating tensions. One needs to feel the moral dynamics, understand
    economic forces, recognize back-door diplomatic corridors and study
    the history of a region perfectly and be ready to accept the true
    driving force behind a community, no matter how controversial it may
    be to their personal beliefs.

    A lack of deep understanding of the aforementioned details has led the
    majority of political pundits to make miscalculations not only with
    their poll predictions or the outcome of the protests in Turkey, but
    also with their foreign policy assessments. With its historical
    presence, special bonds and future projects, it is Turkey that will be
    holding the key to peace in the Black Sea in the near future.

    Ceylan Ozbudak is a Turkish political analyst, television presenter,
    and executive director of Building Bridges, an Istanbul-based NGO. As
    a representative of Harun Yahya organization, she frequently cites
    quotations from the author in her writings.
