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Malatya Massacre: Seven Years Later Justice is Still Waiting "We Won

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  • Malatya Massacre: Seven Years Later Justice is Still Waiting "We Won

    Malatya Massacre: Seven Years Later Justice is Still Waiting "We Won't
    Forget, We Won't Let It Be Forgotten"

    International Christian Concern

    2020 Pennsylvania Ave. NW #241, Washington, D.C. 20006  | E-mail: [email protected]

    Media Contact:
    William Stark, Regional Manager for Africa
    [email protected]

    Washington D.C. (International Christian Concern) - Friday, April 18th
    marked the seventh anniversary of the brutal murders of three
    Christians at the Zirve Publishing house in Malatya, Turkey. On April
    18, 2007, two Turkish men, Necati Aydin and Ugur Yuksel, and one
    German national, Tillman Geske, were brutally tortured and killed at
    the Christian publishing house in eastern Turkey. The five men
    responsible for their murders have not been convicted and are
    currently out of prison. The trial of the five suspects - Emre
    Günaydın, Abuzer Yıldırım, Cuma Ã-zdemir, Hamit Çeker and Salih Gürler
    - started November 22, 2007. The five men were caught at the scene of
    the crime and have confessed to their role in the murders. The Malatya
    killings have been linked to an investigation into an alleged coup
    plot that has complicated the proceedings. "In the case the
    prosecutors and judges have changed two times," Umut Sahin, General
    Secretary of the Association of Protestant Churches in Turkey, told
    ICC. "New defendants have been added to the case, and some of them
    have pursued a strategy to extend the case," Sahin continued. Despite
    92 hearings and more than 100,000 pages of court documents, the five
    men responsible for the killing of the three Christians have not been
    convicted, and, in a remarkable twist, are currently out of prison. A
    change to the Turkish legal structure resulted in the five men being
    released from prison on March 7, 2014 pending completion of the trial,
    Today's Zaman reported. This strange twist has further weakened
    the trust of the Turkish Christian community in the justice system.
    "Three Christians in Malatya were killed. Three fathers, three men,
    three husbands ...and today, the number one perpetrators of the
    incident,[who were] caught red-handed, with bloody hands, [these]
    murderers are on the street," Gokhan Talas wrote in Agos, a Turkish
    newspaper. "I was a little shocked," Lukas Geske, son of Tilman Geske,
    told International Christian Concern (ICC) about hearing that the give
    men were released from prison. "But I wasn't afraid and I wasn't angry
    because I have already forgiven them seven years ago." The Geske
    family still lives in Malatya, "We weren't afraid of what happened, we
    just were totally sad," Geske said. "We stayed because God called us
    to stay here and that is why we stayed." The 93rd hearing in the case
    was scheduled for April 10, 2014 but was delayed until June 23 and
    "has been transferred to Malatya's First High Criminal Court, where a
    completely new panel of judges and prosecutors are assigned to the
    case," according to World Watch Monitor. "The trial is just
    punishing the guilty, in my opinion the important thing is to forgive
    them from what they did,"Geske said when asked about the endless
    delays in the trial. Seven years on from the brutal murders, these
    events continue to cast a shadow over the Christian community in
    Turkey, though the level of hostility towards Christians has gradually
    decreased. "There has not been much change legally [regarding the
    rights of Christians]," Sahin said, "However, there is an increase in
    tolerance of Christians in the state. Christianity has become more
    visible and anti-Christian publications in major media outlets also
    greatly reduced," Sahin told ICC. Yet the memory of the Malatya
    Massacre is still fresh in the minds of many Christians. As a number
    of Christians posted on their social media profiles: "We Won't Forget
    ...We Won't Let It Be Forgotten..." On Friday, celebrations including
    a memorial gathering to mark the anniversary of the death of these
    three Christians and the opening service of the first registered
    church in Malatya took place. Todd Daniels, ICC Regional Manager for
    the Middle East, said, "Following the seventh anniversary of the
    tragic events at the Zirve Publishing House, we continue the call for
    justice to be handed down by the courts for those responsible for
    these killings. We continue to pray for the friends and families of
    those who were killed that day. We urge the Turkish government to send
    a clear message that the rights and freedoms for Christians and other
    religious minorities in Turkey will be upheld and protected. It is
    important for Turks, of all religious and ethnic identity to fully
    enjoy the benefits of Turkish citizenship."
