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Turkey considers citizenship for heirs of displaced Armenians

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  • Turkey considers citizenship for heirs of displaced Armenians

    Turkey considers citizenship for heirs of displaced Armenians
    April 25, 2014

    It has been revealed, after Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan's
    condolence message to the grandchildren of people who lost their lives
    during the Armenian genocide that the government was preparing to take
    another significant step: Granting citizenship rights to grandchildren
    of Armenians killed or deported is on the agenda. Foreign Ministry
    officials have confirmed that preparations were in progress. Officials
    said, `The government is looking favorably to grant Turkish
    citizenship rights to succeeding generations of Armenians who have
    lost their citizenship, if they so wish. Preparatory work is in

    At the forum, where the Western Armenians Congress was represented by
    Armenian parliament member Arakadz Akhoyan and Sevag Arstruni, the
    following proposals were put forward for Turkey to undertake as the
    100th anniversary approaches: "The decision to cancel the citizenship
    of non-Muslims should be annulled and citizenship rights of those so
    affected should be restored. Those who want it should be issued a
    Turkish national identity card and passport. Those who want to return
    to their historic lands should be allowed. Ottoman land registration
    records should be opened to all. The house of the Kasapyan family, now
    used as a presidential mansion, and Ataturk's mansion at Trabzon
    belonging to the Kabayannis family should be returned to their
    owners. An end must put to all activities denying the genocide.' These
    proposals were then conveyed to the Foreign Ministry.Offering
    citizenship to Armenians was first discussed at a meeting in Ankara
    last January and was reported by Taraf. At the `Looking at Hrant Dink
    Assassination from 2015 Perspective Forum' organized by the Ankara
    Freedom of Opinion Initiative and the Western Armenians National
    Congress, a proposal was aired to issue Turkish identity cards and
    passports to diaspora Armenians who wish to have them.

    Raffi Hovannisian, the first foreign minister of Armenia and an opposition
    leader, called for giving the right of return to Armenians who were forced
    to leave Anatolia. He said, "This could well be a pilot project to
    establish relations.' Hovannisian, the leader of the Heritage Party, who
    had come to Turkey to participate in the April 24 observances, added: "If
    Turkey really wants to take a determined step, it has to recognize that a
    genocide happened.'

    It was Volkan Vural who first proposed granting citizenship to
    grandchildren of Armenians who lost their lives in the genocide.
    Vural, one of most experienced Turkish diplomats who was Turkey's
    ambassador in Moscow at the time when Armenia had gained its
    independence, in an interview with Taraf on Sept. 8, 2008, said: `What
    would I do if I had the authority? I would say that all Armenians and
    even other minorities who were within today's borders of Turkey during
    the Ottoman Empire and who were subjected to deportation, that they
    are automatically entitled to Turkish citizenship if they so want
    it. I would say, 'As a republic I am giving you the right to return
    and become a citizen of this country. Whoever comes will then be
    granted this right.'"

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress