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Commemoration of The 99th Anniversary of The Armenian Genocide

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  • Commemoration of The 99th Anniversary of The Armenian Genocide

    Catholicosate of Cilicia
    Communication and Information Department
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    PO Box 70 317

    "Armenians do not want sympathy or mercy from the Turkish authorities;
    they demand the recognition of the Genocide and Reparations,"
    Said His Holiness Aram I

    Antelias - 24 April 2014. On Thursday, following the Holy Liturgy at the
    St. Gregory the Illuminator Cathedral in Antelias, the faithful attended the
    requiem service in memory of the martyrs in front of the Memorial Chapel.

    His Holiness Aram I presided over the service and, addressing the people,
    he delivered the following message:

    The Armenian Genocide was planned and executed 99 years ago by the Ottoman
    authorities. As Armenians in the diaspora commemorate the 100th anniversary
    of the first Genocide of the 20th century, the international community
    should understand that the Genocide continues today in different forms:
    - Governments who have committed themselves to supporting all
    international declarations, covenants and treaties regarding human rights
    have cynically chosen to protect their geopolitical interests by not
    demanding that Turkey be held accountable for its crimes against the
    Armenian people.

    - The Genocide created the diaspora. Practically all parts of
    Article two of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime
    of Genocide apply to Turkey's actions in 1915. The Convention stipulates the
    following acts as genocidal: "killing members of the group; causing serious
    bodily or mental harm to members of the group; deliberately inflicting on
    the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical
    destruction in whole or in part." Yet certain of the 145 signatory
    countries, while insisting that these standards be applied in some
    situations, refuse to accept them in the case of Turkey. Why are they
    applying double standards; why?

    - The Genocide continues: Not only are Armenians deprived of
    their spiritual and cultural heritage in Western Armenia and Cilicia, the
    successors of the perpetrators are trying to eliminate all signs of that
    heritage that might identify its owners. Why in this case is UNESCO not
    honoring its goal of protecting monuments, buildings and sites?

    - The Genocide continues: Turkey has transformed our churches
    into mosques, restaurants, factories and parks. In order to placate the
    West, the government of Turkey has transformed a few churches into museums.

    - The Genocide continues: Turkey has manipulated the 1922
    Abandoned Properties laws in order to hold on to the properties and
    artifacts belonging to the Church, the community and individuals. Don't they
    know that confiscating property is against human rights?

    - The Genocide continues: In order to coerce Armenia and all
    Armenians into negotiating on its own terms, Turkey is cooperating with
    Azerbaijan in imposing an economic blockade on the state of Armenia.

    - The Genocide continues: as Turkey is mobilizing its political,
    diplomatic and economic means to promote anti-Armenian propaganda.

    - The Genocide continues: Turkey is reviving the Ottoman
    expansionist policy in Syria through proxy wars. Extremists in Der Zor,
    Yacoubieh, Tel Abeid, Ras-ul Ain and, lately, in Kessab have forced
    Armenians to leave their homes and their properties. Their means of
    livelihood and belongings have been looted and taken to Turkey. 1915 is
    being repeated while the world stays silent.

    - The Genocide continues: Turkey continues to deny the Genocide
    and to describe Armenians as traitors and disloyal citizens.

    Who will call Turkey to account at the International Court of Human

    Why does the Arab World remain silent to Turkey's expansionist policies?

    Last night we read the message of the Prime Minister of Turkey to
    Armenians. Distortions of historical facts cannot silence truth. The
    happenings of 1915 were not a simple consequence of the war. They were
    planned and executed by Tala'at and Enver Pasha and their minions against
    our grandparents. We therefore reject Turkey's condolences and demand
    justice, reparation and Turkey's recognition of the Genocide.

    With this determination we shall plan the 100th anniversary commemoration
    of the Armenian Genocide.
    # #

    From: A. Papazian