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Commemorating the 99th Anniv of the Armenian Genocide at the HUJ

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  • Commemorating the 99th Anniv of the Armenian Genocide at the HUJ

    The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
    Institute of Asian and African Studies
    Hebrew University,
    Mt. Scopus, Jerusalem, Israel
    Prof. Michael E. Stone
    Email: [email protected]
    Fax: 972/ 2/ 642 6631

    Institute of Asian and African Studies
    Armenian Studies Program

    Jerusalem Center for Genocide Prevention
    Combat Genocide Association

    Commemorating the 99th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide at the
    Hebrew University of Jerusalem

    The Hebrew University of Jerusalem commemorated the 99th anniversary
    of the Armenian Genocide on Tuesday, April 22, 2014. This
    commemoration and Symposium evening, that has become a yearly
    tradition, was organized by the Armenian Studies Program at the
    university, the Jerusalem Center for Genocide Prevention and the
    Combat Genocide Association - in cooperation with the Armenian
    community and the Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem.

    The evening opened with a moment of silence and Bible reading of the
    Vision of the Dry Bones (Ezekiel 37:1-14) in both Hebrew and
    Armenian. This was followed by greetings by Father Pakrad, on behalf
    of the Armenian Patriarch of Jerusalem, Arch. Nourhan Manougian, the
    Honorary Consul of Armenia, Mr. Tsolag Momjian, and the Dean of the
    Faculty of Humanities, Prof. Reuven Amitay.

    The evening's keynote speakers were world-renowned genocide scholar,
    Prof. Yehuda Bauer, and the founder of the Jerusalem Center for
    Genocide Prevention, Prof. Elihu Richter.

    Professor Bauer spoke about the Armenian Genocide and its historical
    context - the decline and collapse of the Ottoman Empire, ongoing
    hostilities against Christian minorities, and a rise in nationalism in
    the late 19th century.

    Professor Richter, an expert in public health and epidemiology, spoke
    about the role of medical doctors as perpetrators of the Armenian
    genocide and their influence on Nazi medicine. He said that many
    attempts to stop genocide fail because they begin too late, after the
    killings begin. He emphasized that in order to effectively prevent
    genocide; the early warning signs (such as incitement and hate
    language against a particular group) must be identified and stopped.

    Professor Stone, who moderated the evening, said that one of the
    results of genocide is not only the physical destruction of a group,
    but also the eradication of a language and culture. Students from the
    St. Tarkmanchatz Armenian school and from the Armenian Theological
    Seminary in Jerusalem celebrated the survival of the Armenian culture
    by reciting poems and performing Armenian songs during the event.

    For further information about the event, please contact Tamar Pileggi
    at [email protected] and for information about the Armenian Studies
    Program at the Hebrew University contact Prof. Michael Stone at
    [email protected].

    Attached are 5 pictures from the event:

    No.1 the choir of students from Sts. Tarkmanshatz school

    No. 2 Left to right: Prof. Elihu Richter, Prof. Reuven Amitai, Consul
    Tsolag Momjian, Prof. Michael Stone and Fr. Pakrad.

    No. 3 Prof. Yehuda Bauer (talking) with Prof. Richter and Prof. Stone.

    No. 4 Consul Tsolag Momjian with Prof. Stone and Prof. Amitai.

    No. 5 A moment of silence.

    Pictures by Carino Casa and Yoav Loeff

    For higher resolution versions please contact Yoav Loeff at:
    [email protected].
