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In Quotes: Toronto City Councillors On Deferring Armenian Genocide M

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  • In Quotes: Toronto City Councillors On Deferring Armenian Genocide M


    Toronto Star
    April 23 2014

    The executive committee voted Wednesday to force bureaucrats and the
    next batch of councillors to figure out how to respond to a contentious
    memorial request.

    By: Daniel Dale City Hall, Published on Wed Apr 23 2014

    Council's executive committee voted Wednesday to force city bureaucrats
    and the next batch of councillors to figure out how to respond to
    a contentious request for a privately funded memorial, on public
    property, to the 1915 Ottoman genocide of the Armenian minority.

    Deputy Mayor Norm Kelly, a former history teacher, wanted the memorial
    approved. But the request faced strong and emotional opposition from
    members of the local Turkish community, who, like the government of
    Turkey, reject the scholarly consensus that a genocide indeed occurred.

    Turkish-Canadian residents packed the committee room. They told the
    councillors that no court has delivered a verdict of genocide, that
    Armenians also committed human rights abuses, and that a memorial
    would foster acrimony and lead to Turkish children being bullied in
    city schools.

    The committee then voted 8-1 in favour of a proposal from Councillor
    Giorgio Mammoliti to ask city officials to report back in 2015 --
    after the election -- after seeking input from the two communities
    and the provincial and federal governments.

    Councillor Shelley Carroll, who sought approval for the donated
    memorial on behalf of the local Armenian community, said the community
    wanted to commemorate the 100-year anniversary of the beginning of
    the genocide in April 2015. She said the deferral means the memorial
    will now be approved "on the 12th of never."

    Mayor Rob Ford skipped most of the debate and did not speak on the
    issue. Some of the comments made by other members of the committee:

    Councillor Peter Leon: "We've come a long way since this unfortunate
    mishap occurred in that historical time. And we've come a long way
    with other unfortunate issues that happened after that. Toronto is
    truly unique because we get along with each other."

    Councillor Anthony Perruzza: "When we first immigrated here -- I
    come from central Italy. You will know that in Italy, there's a lot
    of animosity, and a lot of history, between the north and the south,
    between different clans, in the different regions of the country. But
    you know, when we came here -- we were living on a street called St.

    Lucie -- and along that street there were a lot of Italians. There
    were Italians from northern Italy, Italians from southern Italy,
    and all of those other different factions, and I've got to tell you,
    when it was wine-making time, they collaborated. They collaborated
    . . . to make sausages and soppressata, some prosciutto and so on,
    and vice-versa.

    So what we brought here to this country, yes is our diversity --
    but not our intolerance. What we left in check at the door was our
    animosity towards each other."

    Councillor Giorgio Mammoliti: "I've never favoured giving any of our
    parks to any organizations, be it for a dollar, be it for any donation
    -- you'll recall the nudist beach issue, where I was infamous for
    taking off my shirt. There was a reason for it -- I didn't want to
    give it to the nudists for a dollar a year. And until I took off my
    shirt, it wasn't as controversial as this issue."

    "I'm sorry I don't know international law. But I'm a councillor,
    for crying out loud, who makes $105,000 a year ... so I apologize
    that I don't know, Mr. Chairman, I apologize for that; I apologize if
    I've upset anybody. But I was elected to cut grass, fill potholes,
    make sure our curbs are in place, and to make sure my constituents
    are happy with the municipal level of government."

    Councillor Frank Di Giorgio: "Trying to put it in context for myself,
    I think when one speaks of the Holocaust, I don't think there seems to
    be, historically, any disagreement, or at least any points of debate,
    as to whether an issue, the Holocaust actually occurred and in the
    numbers it did occur. The analogy that comes forward for me, with
    respect to the Armenian situation, is, and I don't want to bring this
    up again, is the situation of apartheid that we dealt with know,
    'is this really apartheid' and all those kind of things, where there
    seemed to be some conflicting views as to whether something actually
    exists currently ... so the debate I'm looking at today is in that
    vein and not so much a comparison to the Holocaust, for me." (Di
    Giorgio clarified in a post-meeting interview that he was referring
    not to South African Apartheid, about which there is no dispute,
    but to the debate about the phrase "Israeli apartheid," which has
    been considered by council in the context of the Pride parade.) menian_genocide_memorial.html

    From: A. Papazian