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ANKARA: Erdogan Becomes First PM to Share in Armenian Pain

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  • ANKARA: Erdogan Becomes First PM to Share in Armenian Pain

    Daily Sabah, Turkey
    April 24 2014


    PM ErdoÄ?an extends his condolences to the grandchildren of Armenians
    who were victims in 1915 together with other Ottoman citizens in an
    unprecedented statement released on the Prime Ministry website in nine

    by Daily Sabah

    ISTANBUL ' On the eve of the 99th anniversary of the Armenian
    incidents in 1915, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip ErdoÄ?an on
    Wednesday released a historic message related to the incidents in nine
    languages, including Turkish, Armenian, English and French. It is the
    first time in the Republic of Turkey's history that the Prime Ministry
    has delivered such a message.

    "It is a duty of humanity to acknowledge that Armenians remember the
    suffering experienced in that period, just like every other citizen of
    the Ottoman Empire," ErdoÄ?an said in his significant comments.

    The prime minister called for responsibility, saying, "The incidents
    of the First World War are our shared pain. To evaluate this painful
    period of history through a perspective of just memory is a humane and
    scholarly responsibility. It is our hope and belief that the peoples
    of an ancient and unique geography, who share similar customs and
    manners will be able to talk to each other about the past with
    maturity and to remember together their losses in a decent manner."

    "And it is with this hope and belief that we wish that the Armenians
    who lost their lives in the context of the early 20th century rest in
    peace, and we convey our condolences to their grandchildren."


    "The 24th of April carries a particular significance for our Armenian
    citizens and for all Armenians around the world, and provides a
    valuable opportunity to share opinions freely on a historical matter.
    It is indisputable that the last years of the Ottoman Empire were a
    difficult period, full of suffering for Turkish, Kurdish, Arab,
    Armenian and millions of other Ottoman citizens, regardless of their
    religion or ethnic origin. Any conscientious, fair and humanistic
    approach to these issues requires an understanding of all the
    sufferings endured in this period, without discriminating as to
    religion or ethnicity.

    Certainly, neither constructing hierarchies of pain nor comparing and
    contrasting suffering carries any meaning for those who experienced
    this pain themselves. As a Turkish proverb goes, "fire burns the place
    where it falls."

    It is a duty of humanity to acknowledge that Armenians remember the
    suffering experienced in that period, just like every other citizen of
    the Ottoman Empire. In Turkey, expressing different opinions and
    thoughts freely on the events of 1915 is the requirement of a
    pluralistic perspective as well as of a culture of democracy and

    Some may perceive this climate of freedom in Turkey as an opportunity
    to express accusatory, offensive and even provocative assertions and
    allegations.Even so, if this will enable us to better understand
    historical issues with their legal aspects and to transform resentment
    to friendship again, it is natural to approach different discourses
    with empathy and tolerance and expect a similar attitude from all

    The Republic of Turkey will continue to approach every idea with
    dignity in line with the universal values of law. Nevertheless, using
    the events of 1915 as an excuse for hostility against Turkey and
    turning this issue into a matter of political conflict is
    inadmissible. The incidents of the First World War are our shared
    pain. To evaluate this painful period of history through a perspective
    of just memory is a humane and scholarly responsibility.

    Millions of people of all religions and ethnicities lost their lives
    in the First World War. Having experienced events which had inhumane
    consequences - such as relocation - during the First World War, should
    not prevent Turks and Armenians from establishing compassion and
    mutually humane attitudes among towards one another. In today's world,
    deriving enmity from history and creating new antagonisms are neither
    acceptable nor useful for building a common future. The spirit of the
    age necessitates dialogue despite differences, understanding by
    heeding others, evaluating means for compromise, denouncing hatred,
    and praising respect and tolerance. With this understanding, we, as
    the Turkish Republic, have called for the establishment of a joint
    historical commission in order to study the events of 1915 in a
    scholarly manner. This call remains valid. Scholarly research to be
    carried out by Turkish, Armenian and international historians would
    play a significant role in shedding light on the events of 1915 and an
    accurate understanding of history. It is with this understanding that
    we have opened our archives to all researchers. Today, hundreds of
    thousands of documents in our archives are at the service of
    historians. Looking to the future with confidence, Turkey has always
    supported scholarly and comprehensive studies for an accurate
    understanding of history. The people of Anatolia, who lived together
    for centuries regardless of their different ethnic and religious
    origins, have established common values in every field from art to
    diplomacy, from state administration to commerce. Today they continue
    to have the same ability to create a new future.

    It is our hope and belief that the peoples of an ancient and unique
    geography, who share similar customs and manners will be able to talk
    to each other about the past with maturity and to remember together
    their losses in a decent manner. And it is with this hope and belief
    that we wish that the Armenians who lost their lives in the context of
    the early twentieth century rest in peace, and we convey our
    condolences to their grandchildren.

    Regardless of their ethnic or religious origins, we pay tribute, with
    compassion and respect, to all Ottoman citizens who lost their lives
    in the same period and under similar conditions."

    Inside comments

    Speaking to a TV program that aired on TV station aHaber,
    Turkish-Armenian journalist Etyen Mahçupyan said the government moved
    away from the diplomatic state discourse and got closer to the public
    memory. He said Prime Minister Recep Tayyip ErdoÄ?an's message is not
    only a soft message pointing to remembering shared pains, but also a
    message that carries on the state policy.

    Describing the message as a symbol of further positive steps,
    Mahçupyan said, "This condolence is a turning point, and positive
    steps should be taken in this regard. There is enough societal support
    for further steps. That's why it is not possible to prevent them."
    When asked what kind of effect this message will have in the Armenian
    diaspora and Armenia, Mahçupyan said most in the diaspora can find the
    message positive and hundreds of Armenians can respond positively to
    the message.

    On the Armenian Republic's possible response to the message, Mahçupyan
    said, "Armenia is more prone to use this message in a positive way
    [than the Armenian diaspora] since Armenia wants to come out of its
    shell and to connect with the world through Turkey." He noted
    nationalists in both countries could not prevent the improvement of
    ties between Armenia and Turkey.

    The head of the Surp Giragos Church Foundation, Vartkes Ergün Ayık,
    praised ErdoÄ?an's historic message on the events of 1915. Ayık said
    the Armenian diaspora assumed Turkey stands in the same position as
    when they left the country, but when they arrived in Turkey, their
    opinion changed. "Armenians made significant contributions to these
    lands, but they to leave this region. Relieving their pains should be
    the duty of everyone living in these lands," said Ayık.

    When asked to comment on Turkey's attempts to open the Ottoman archive
    to clarify the 1915 incidents, Ayık said everything that is needed
    should be done to relieve the Armenians' pain. He further said
    Armenians are optimistic and waiting for positive steps to be taken in
    the future.

    Turkey's Armenian village's headman Berç Kartum thanked the prime
    minister for his message. He said, "I hope both sides take concrete
    steps to relieve the pain after this message, and as Turkish
    Armenians, we will be pleased with those steps." Kartum said the
    incidents are the issue between Turkey and Armenia and that he is
    against the Armenian diaspora's involvement in the issue between these
    two countries.
