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Armenians of Kessab: Hostages of the Civil War

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  • Armenians of Kessab: Hostages of the Civil War

    Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso, Italy
    April 23 2014

    Armenians of Kessab: Hostages of the Civil War

    Mikayel Zolyan | Yerevan

    24 April 2014

    The small Armenian-populated town Kessab in north-western Syria found
    itself in the middle of a battle since the end of March. 99 Years
    after the Genocide the Plight of Syria's Armenians Stirs Memories of

    The small Armenian-populated town Kessab (Kassab) in north-western
    Syria found itself in the middle of a battle since the end of March.
    As Syrian opposition fighters, allegedly supported by Turkey and
    including militant Islamist groups, entered Kessab, several thousand
    Armenians living in the town were forced to leave their homes and look
    for refuge from the fighting in the nearby Latakia, a major city under
    government forces control. Several elder people, unable to move to
    Latakia, were transferred to the village Vakif, the only
    Armenian-populated village in Turkey today. The town they left has
    become a battlefield for fierce fighting between Assad's forces and
    the opposition.

    A global campaign supported by Armenians worldwide, under the hashtag
    #SaveKesab helped to draw attention to the plight of Kessab's
    Armenians. US State Department and Russian Foreign Ministry, in a rare
    case of agreement, both expressed concern over developments in Kessab.
    Unfortunately, the legitimate concern about the Kessab's population
    became a subject of media manipulations: unchecked reports, according
    to which 80 Armenians had been murdered, flooded online media and
    social networks, even though both Kessab's mayor and later Armenian
    government sources issued statements refuting these rumours.

    As journalist Gegham Vardanyan sums up, reports of civilian deaths,
    based either on unchecked information or on outright fraud, were
    multiplied by yellow press outlets looking for publicity, and were
    further manipulated by various political actors.

    While the reports of massacre, fortunately, were proved wrong, the
    fighting in Kessab did result in the destruction of a well-established
    community, members of which lost their ancestral homes. The plight of
    Kessab Armenians can serve as a metaphor for the fate of Syrian
    Armenian community in general. Once more than 80 000 strong, this was
    one the most thriving Armenian communities in the Middle East. Today
    Armenians of Syria are hostages of bitter civil strife. Majority of
    Armenians have tried to avoid taking sides and stay away from the

    As the spiritual leader of the majority of Middle East Armenians, Aram
    I, the Catholicos of Cilicia (based in Lebanon) said, "as a community,
    we should not associate ourselves with any given regime, political
    ideology or person, they are provisional...we remain attached to the
    supreme interests of Syria".

    However, keeping neutrality is not an easy task. Armenians, as other
    minority groups in Syria, have reasons to worry about some rebel
    groups, which follow fundamentalist ideology, and these fears are
    often exploited by the government camp. In any case, thousands of
    Armenians, including many from the largest community in Aleppo, have
    become refugees, either relocating within Syria, or leaving the
    country for Lebanon, Armenia or the Western.

    History Repeating Itself?

    There is an additional cause for Armenian worries: the support some
    rebel groups, particularly those with Islamist leanings, are receiving
    from Turkish government. Against the background of a closed
    Turkish-Armenian border and the continuing denialist attitude to the
    issue of genocide, Armenians of Syria perceive Turkey as a hostile
    power, bent on destroying Armenian communities in its neighborhood.

    Kessab, as Swiss-based analyst Vicken Cheterian points out, has
    immense symbolic significance for Armenians, because it had been home
    to Armenian population for over a thousand years, since the times of
    Cilician Armenian kingdom. Many Armenians saw it as the last remaining
    bit of historical Western Armenia, in what is today Eastern and
    South-Eastern Turkey, home to millions of Armenians before 1915. Given
    this background, Armenians all over the world are especially sensitive
    to Turkey's role in Syrian civil war in general, and in Kessab events
    in particular.

    Harout Ekmanian, Armenian journalist from Aleppo who is currently
    based in Yerevan, says that the perception of Turkey's role in Syria
    could have been different, if the so-called Armenian-Turkish
    normalization process had produced any significant outcomes and
    Armenia had diplomatic relations with Turkey. However, the
    Armenian-Turkish protocols signed in 2009 were never ratified by the
    sides. Armenia and Turkey remain at odds over many issues, including
    the issue of genocide recognition.

    While many Turkish intellectuals are today publicly acknowledging that
    the extermination of Armenians constituted genocide, the position of
    state has not changed. On April 10 the US Senate Foreign Affairs
    Commission adopted a resolution recognizing and condemning the
    Armenian genocide, the Turkish government reacted sharply as it had
    done for decades. Most probably, Turkey will once again use its links
    with to the US executive government to prevent such a resolution from
    being passed by the Senate, as it has done in the past. Turkish
    position regarding relations with Armenia has also remained unchanged:
    closed border, no diplomatic relations, and unilateral support for
    Azerbaijan when it comes to Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

    Against this background, reports that Turkey backs Syrian Islamist
    groups have added to the concerns about Syrian Armenians' safety. Some
    voices in Armenia have even been calling for sending volunteer
    fighters to Syria to help Armenians protect their homes, but president
    Serzh Sargsyan stepped in to cool passions down and said that
    interfering into the Syrian conflict "would have been the biggest
    stupidity" and Armenians should avoid becoming a side of the conflict
    in Syria.

    Harout Ekmanian says that in this situation the Armenian government
    should ask the Syrian government not to use Armenian populated
    territories as military bases and try to establish contacts with the
    countries supporting Sytian opposition, in order to assure that
    Armenian communities are not attacked by the rebel groups. In the
    worst case, if none of this works, says Ekmanian, Armenia should
    organize transportation to Armenia of all those Armenians who would be
    willing to leave Syria.

    Armenia: a New Home for Syrian Armenians?

    While many Syrian Armenians have moved to Armenia since the beginning
    of the war ((about 10 000, according to some estimates), so far there
    has been no organized government effort to repatriate the entire
    Syrian Armenian community. There are several reasons for this. First
    of all, many Syrian Armenians are extremely reluctant to leave Syria,
    which they perceive as their homeland, hoping that the fighting will
    subside sooner or later.

    Syrian Armenians, who trace their origins to historical Western
    Armenia, rather than the territories which are part of the Republic of
    Armenia today, speak a dialect distinct from Eastern Armenian spoken
    in Yerevan, and have other cultural differences from "Hayastantsi"
    Armenians (i.e. Armenians living in the Republic of Armenia). While
    these differences can be overcome, as previous waves of Diaspora
    repatriation have shown, a more significant obstacle is Armenia's

    Since 2008 Armenian economy has been going through hard times, and
    even many "Hayastantsi" Armenians are today looking for work abroad,
    mostly in Russia. Thus, Armenia has neither job opportunities, nor the
    funds for financial aid, which could help to resettle Syrian
    Armenians. Government inefficiency and corruption are further
    complicating the situation.

    The Syrian Armenians who moved to Yerevan have the same bread and
    butter issues as the locals, says Ekmanian, but they also suffer from
    material and psychological consequences of war. In any case, they are
    trying to integrate: some of them found jobs here, some are even using
    the savings they managed to bring with them to start a business.

    Syrian Armenians who had relocated to Armenia in the past are now
    helping the recent newcomers to adjust. Some Syrian Armenians see
    Yerevan as a temporary shelter and are planning either to return to
    Syria, when things calm down, or move further to the West. But many
    see Armenia as their homeland and are not planning to go anywhere.

    Vrezh, 23, who works as a cook in a small family restaurant, says
    that, whatever happens, he is planning to stay in Armenia. "Of course,
    I miss Syria and I am worried about how things will work out there" he
    adds, "but our future is here, in Armenia".
