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Turkey PM Recep Tayyip Erdogan Offers Condolences Over Armenia Killi

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  • Turkey PM Recep Tayyip Erdogan Offers Condolences Over Armenia Killi

    Wall Street Journal
    April 24 2014

    Turkey PM Recep Tayyip Erdogan Offers Condolences Over Armenia Killings

    Erdogan Acknowledges 'Inhumane Consequences' of Deportations

    ANKARA, Turkey--Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan on
    Wednesday offered an unprecedented, conciliatory message to Armenia on
    the eve of the anniversary of the massacre of Armenians almost a
    century ago.

    Mr. Erdogan called the events of World War I "our shared pain" and
    acknowledged that the deportation of Armenians in 1915 had "inhumane

    Mr. Erdogan released a statement in Turkish, Armenian and seven other
    languages, expressing hope that those killed are in peace and offering
    Turkey's condolences to their descendants. The message came a day
    before Armenians mark the 99th anniversary of the killings in 1915 by
    Ottoman Turks.

    The episode is considered by many historians as the first genocide of
    the 20th century. They estimate that about 1.5 million Armenians died.
    Turkey rejects the term genocide. It says the figures are inflated and
    that there were deaths on both sides as the Ottoman Empire collapsed.

    Mr. Erdogan, in his message, admitted that the deportations had dire
    consequences, but didn't use the term "genocide." He said millions of
    people "of all religions and ethnicities" lost their lives during the

    "The incidents of the World War I are our shared pain," Mr. Erdogan's
    message read.

    Mr. Erdogan said the events should not prevent, "Turks and Armenians
    from establishing compassion and mutually humane attitudes toward one
    another" and asked that they not be used against Turkey.

    "Using the events of 1915 as an excuse for hostility against Turkey
    and turning this issue into a matter of political conflict is
    inadmissible," he said.

    Mr. Erdogan also renewed a Turkish proposal for a joint study of the
    events, involving scholars from both sides.
