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Levin to Turkey: Admit Armenian genocide

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  • Levin to Turkey: Admit Armenian genocide

    San Diego Jewish World
    April 24 2014

    Levin to Turkey: Admit Armenian genocide

    Posted on 24 April 2014.

    Carl Levin

    WASHINGTON, D.C. (Press Release) -- U.S. Sen. Carl Levin (D-Mich),
    issued the following statement concerning the Armenian Genocide:
    "Today, April 24, people around the world will pause to observe
    Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day. We will pause to reflect on the
    historical facts of the Armenian genocide - the deaths of more than
    1.5 million men, women and children as part of a campaign of
    deportation, starvation and violence against an ethnic minority by the
    rulers of a collapsing Ottoman Empire in 1915.

    "I add my voice to those who have called upon the Republic of Turkey
    to recognize the truth of this dark moment in history and to engage in
    a forthright discussion about the nature of that history and its
    continuing effects.

    "The world has seen many examples of how acknowledgement of the past,
    however painful, is important to the present and future. Germany's
    acknowledgment of the Holocaust was essential to Europe's post-war
    recovery and unity. The reconciliation process in post-apartheid South
    Africa was essential to creating a stable, more inclusive nation. And
    just recently, in Rwanda, we have seen the fruits of attempts to
    reconcile twenty years after nearly 1 million people died in
    ethnic-driven violence. None of these reconciliation efforts has been
    easy; each has stumbled at times. But each has demonstrated the value,
    indeed the necessity, of acknowledging and remembering painful

    "Moreover, those who perished should be remembered. Silence in the
    face of injustice and hatred - whether it is happening today or
    happened a century ago - is a signal to those who would exercise
    injustice or hatred in the future. By remembering the Armenian
    Genocide, we speak out for its victims and for all victims of ethnic
    hatred and violence."

    Preceding provided by Senator Carl Levin
