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ANTELIAS: HH Aram I receives a delegation of Roman Catholic Bishops

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  • ANTELIAS: HH Aram I receives a delegation of Roman Catholic Bishops

    Catholicosate of Cilicia
    Communication and Information Department
    Tel: (04) 410001, 410003
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    PO Box 70 317

    His Holiness Aram I receives a delegation of Roman Catholic Bishops from

    Antelias - 25 April 2014. A delegation of German Bishops, headed by
    Archbishop Ludwig Schick, met with His Holiness Aram I as part of their
    fact-finding trip in the region. They wanted to hear from His Holiness about
    the situation of Christians in the Middle East. After describing the
    situation, His Holiness emphasized the importance of strengthening the
    internal unity of Christians and providing assistance to the communities to
    help the displaced families. Catholicos Aram I also spoke of the
    difficulties of Armenians in Syria and informed the delegation of the 100th
    anniversary commemorations of the Armenian Genocide in 2015. The visit
    ended with an agreement to strengthen relations between the Catholicosate of
    Cilicia and the Roman Catholic Church in Germany.

    Ordination and Consecration of Bishops in Antelias

    Antelias - 26 April 2014. The ordination ceremony began Saturday evening
    in the Cathedral where His Holiness Aram I presided over the ritual of the
    examination of the faith of Very Rev. Meghrig Parikian (Prelacy of Canada),
    Very Rev. Krikor Chiftjian (Prelacy of Aderbadagan in Iran) and Very Rev.
    Magar Ashekian (Prelacy of Tehran). Following the reading of the
    recommendations of the Dioceses requesting their ordination and prayers, His
    Holiness Aram I led them to the ceremony of the confession of the true
    Orthodox faith. The priests confessed their faith, signed papers and vowed
    to remain loyal to the Catholicosate of Cilicia, to His Holiness Aram I, and
    to the Church and its faithful.
    On Sunday, His Holiness consecrated the foreheads and right hands of the
    three priests with the Holy Muron, gave them their episcopal rings and
    declared them Bishops. In his message the Catholicos described the vocation
    of the episcopate as service, obedience, humility and accountability to the

    At the end of the two-day ordination and consecration ceremony His
    Holiness received the new Bishops, Meghrig, Krikor and Magar, and the
    pilgrims who had accompanied them for a final blessing.

    From: Baghdasarian