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Ottawa: Armenians mark 99th anniversary of painful history

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  • Ottawa: Armenians mark 99th anniversary of painful history

    Ottawa Citizen, Canada
    April 24 2014

    Armenians mark 99th anniversary of painful history

    By Sammy Hudes, OTTAWA CITIZEN April 24, 2014

    More than a 1,000 members of the Armenian community gathered on
    Parliament Hill's east lawn Thursday.

    Photograph by: Pat McGrath , Ottawa Citizen

    OTTAWA -- Nearly a century after hostilities between Turkey and Armenia
    culminated in mass casualties, a pain that has spanned generations was
    on full display once more Thursday in downtown Ottawa.

    What appeared to be nearly 1,000 demonstrators gathered at Parliament
    Hill with many marching to the Turkish Embassy to call on Turkey's
    government to formally recognize the conflict that occurred 99 years
    ago with Armenia as a genocide.

    The rally was met by a much smaller group of counter-protesters who
    waved Turkish flags and held up signs which denounced the cause as
    "genocide mongering."

    "It's going to be 100 years next year that Turkey is still denying the
    genocide, so it's sad to see that," said Hrag Jinjinian, who said his
    Armenian ancestors were victims of the violence.

    Some historians estimate that 1.5 million Armenians were killed in
    1915 by the Ottoman Empire in the region now known as Turkey. The
    battle over how that legacy will be remembered continues to this day.
    Turkey rejects the term "genocide," and says the death figure is

    This week, Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan called the 1915
    deaths "inhumane" and offered his condolences. But his remarks failed
    to satisfy Armenians who say compensation and official recognition is
    what is needed.

    On Thursday in Ottawa, the two groups of demonstrators were separated
    by a fence and by police, as many shouted across the barrier.

    Kevork Kazanjian said he is a "fourth generation survivor" of the
    genocide because he still feels its effects every day while living in

    "I'm living outside of my homeland ... One and a half million
    Armenians were slaughtered including my great-grandparents. The
    perpetrator of this crime is not punished yet and they're still
    denying it."

    Kazanjian said another reason for the rally was to thank Canada for
    recognizing the Armenian genocide. The House of Commons first did so
    in 1996, but those on the other side of the fence disputed the
    validity of this recognition.

    "No court in the world or reputable world organization has accepted
    that there's been a genocide over there," Javat Zarrin said.

    Zarrin, who is from Azerbaijan, said he came to stand in solidarity with Turkey.

    "It was a World War and people were killed from both sides; Turkish
    sides, Armenian sides, Russian, German, you name it," said Turkish
    protester Abdullah Bayat.

    Bayat said Canada has unfairly supported Armenia in the conflict.

    On Thursday afternoon, far removed from the land that gave rise to the
    conflict, police kept an eye on demonstrators on both sides, making
    sure no trouble developed on the street outside the embassy.

    From: Baghdasarian