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Can Erdogan overcome Azeri obstacle in ties with Armenia?

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  • Can Erdogan overcome Azeri obstacle in ties with Armenia?

    April 25 2014

    Can Erdogan overcome Azeri obstacle in ties with Armenia?

    Author: Semih IdizPosted April 25, 2014

    Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan's groundbreaking message
    of condolence for Ottoman Armenians killed in 1915 ' details of which
    are provided by Cengiz Candar in his April 24 post for Al-Monitor '
    was instantly castigated by hard-line Armenians as a shallow attempt
    by Ankara to "repackage its genocide denials."

    Summary?' Print Turkey's support for Azerbaijan in the dispute over
    Nagorno-Karabakh is blocking improved ties between Turkey and Armenia.
    Author Semih IdizPosted April 25, 2014

    The message was not welcomed by nationalist quarters in Turkey either.
    `Prime Minister Erdogan has long since been promoted to the position
    of being a window of hope for the genocide gang that is openly acting
    against Turkey and the Turkish nation,' said Devlet Bahceli, the
    leader of the Nationalist Action Party (MHP), in his angry reply to

    Armenians maintain that 1.5 million of their brethren were murdered by
    Ottoman Turks in a genocide that began on April 24, 1915. Turks
    vehemently deny this, maintaining that millions of Muslims, including
    Turks, and not just rebellious Armenians, were killed in the
    slaughterhouse of Anatolia during World War I.

    Washington, however, welcomed Erdogan's `historic public
    acknowledgement of the suffering that Armenians experienced in 1915."
    The State Department expressed its belief that `this is a positive
    indication that there can be a full, frank and just acknowledgement of
    the facts, which we hope will advance the cause of reconciliation
    between Turks and Armenians.'

    Over Twitter, US Secretary of State John Kerry said of the April 24
    Armenian commemoration: `Thoughts and prayers with Armenians today. PM
    Erdogan's striking statement affirms global principles.'

    There is no shortage of analysts ' Turkish, Armenian or otherwise '
    who contend that Erdogan's statement is merely aimed at appeasing
    Washington in the lead-up to the centenary of what most Americans also
    believe to be a genocide perpetrated by Turks, and to prevent the US
    Congress from adopting anti-Turkish resolutions for the occasion.

    The acrimonious debate between Turks and Armenians, which has often
    had a negative influence on Ankara's ties with West, rages on between
    these two deeply estranged nations.

    This topic has also prevented normal ties from being established
    between Turkey and neighboring Armenia, despite goodwill gestures by
    various citizens' groups on both sides, including businessmen,
    academics, journalists, artists and writers.

    Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said they had received very positive
    messages from Armenians after Erdogan's message. `The reactions from
    the Armenian diaspora are extraordinarily positive. We received very
    nice messages,' said Davutoglu, as reported by Hurriyet.

    Not all Armenian diaspora organizations appeared to support Erdogan's
    statement. Aram Hamparian, the executive director of the Armenian
    National Committee of America, said Erdogan was attempting "in vain,
    to escape responsibility for the Armenian Genocide, by somehow
    downgrading this still unpunished international crime to the level of
    a simple, unresolved bilateral conflict."

    Ara Toranian, the head of France's Federation of Armenian
    Organizations, was milder in his response. The daily Hurriyet quoted
    him as saying that Erdogan's remarks resulted in an `emotional shock,'
    and that he had doubts regarding Erdogan's sincerity.

    Toranian said that while Erdogan's remarks were important, they
    expected positive follow-up gestures. `For example, there is mention
    of dialogue with Armenia. The first gesture could be the opening of
    borders,' he said.

    Embedded in Toranian's remark is a basic complication facing Ankara in
    terms of normalizing ties with Yerevan. Even if Turkey and Armenia
    find the means to overcome the obstructionism of hard-line Turks and
    Armenians, Ankara must still contend with the seemingly insurmountable
    hurdle of Azerbaijan.

    Press reports suggesting that Ankara is exploring ways to build on
    Erdogan's message and improve ties with Yerevan were bound to raise
    eyebrows in Baku. Azerbaijan considers Armenia a bitter enemy, having
    gone to war with it over the enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh after the two
    countries gained independence from Moscow in the early 1990s.

    The predominantly Armenian enclave, known as Artsakh to Armenians, was
    lost in 1994 to Armenian forces. Armenia's current president, Serzh
    Sargsyan, is from the enclave. A fragile cease-fire exists between
    Azerbaijan and Armenia.

    Baku has sworn to regain Nagorno-Karabakh by military force if
    necessary. The peace talks, spearheaded by the so-called Minsk Group,
    formed under the auspices of the Organization for Security and
    Co-operation in Europe, have provided little progress.

    Turkey was one of the first countries to recognize Armenia's
    independence in December 1991, but diplomatic relations were never
    established because of the disputes over genocide and
    Nagorno-Karabakh, the latter of which is sensitive for Turks given
    their close ethnic ties to Azeris.

    Although Turkey opened its border to Armenia shortly after Armenia
    gained independence, Turkey closed it again in 1993 because of the
    Armenian-Azeri dispute. It remains closed today. In May 2009, Erdogan
    personally vowed in Azerbaijan's parliament that the border would not
    be opened until the Nagorno-Karabakh dispute was resolved. Erdogan's
    commitment followed the emergence of tensions between Ankara and Baku
    after the 2009 announcement that the two years of Swiss-mediated
    reconciliation talks between Turkey and Armenia had resulted in the
    drawing up of two protocols for normalizing ties.

    Baku went ballistic following the publication of reports that the
    Turkish-Armenian border would be opened as a part of this process.
    Baku sent parliamentary deputies to Ankara to mobilize Turkish
    nationalist sentiments to agitate the Erdogan government.

    Keeping the border closed has become a strategic objective for
    Azerbaijan as it aims to keep Armenia landlocked and isolated. Erdogan
    could not risk alienating Turkish nationalists ' those within his own
    Justice and Development Party (AKP) included ' and traveled to Baku to
    provide the necessary assurances.

    `When was the Turkish-Armenian border gate closed? It was closed when
    Nagorno-Karabakh came totally under Armenian occupation. Therefore,
    these gates will remain closed until this situation changes, or when
    we agree with our Azeri brothers on this. We will not take any steps
    until then,' Erdogan told Azeri deputies on May 14, 2009.

    Erdogan's remarks undermined the protocols initialed by Foreign
    Minister Davutoglu and his Armenian counterpart Edward Nalbandian in
    October 2009 in Zurich under the eyes of the US secretary of state and
    the foreign ministers of Russia, France and Switzerland. The protocols
    received a further blow when Yerevan sent them to the country's
    constitutional court before submitting them to be ratified by
    parliament. Ankara said the court's ruling, even though it recommended
    a parliamentary endorsement of the protocols, "contained contradictory
    elements to the letter and the spirit of the protocols."

    Armenia's constitutional court said in effect that even if a
    commission of historians were to be established between the two
    countries to study the events of 1915, Armenia would not give up on
    its claim that those events represented genocide. Ankara subsequently
    held back from sending the protocols to parliament for ratification
    and Yerevan followed by withholding its ratification process.
    President Sargsyan said in an April 2010 television address that they
    were suspending the ratification process.

    The stalemate between Turkey and Armenia continues as the centenary of
    1915 approaches. Regardless of what his Turkish and Armenian
    detractors may say, Erdogan has taken a bold first step with his
    condolence statement.

    It's unclear how this stalemate will be broken, even if bilateral
    problems between Ankara and Yerevan are resolved, because of Erdogan's
    concrete commitment to Azerbaijan over Nagorno-Karabakh.

    Given the hold Baku has over nationalist sentiment in Turkey, there is
    only so far Erdogan can go with Yerevan unless Armenia and Azerbaijan
    establish peace. This does not appear to be a likely prospect anytime
