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Azerbaijan presses on Arif Yunusov because of his cooperation with A

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  • Azerbaijan presses on Arif Yunusov because of his cooperation with A

    Azerbaijan presses on Arif Yunusov because of his cooperation with
    Armenians: He is hospitalized in pre-infarction condition

    23:59 26/04/2014 » SOCIETY

    Azerbaijani authorities "revealing the spy network" will put an end to
    the Armenian-Azerbaijani joint projects with the participation of
    independent NGOs. The Azerbaijani news agency "Turan" reports
    referring to the joint statement of the Azerbaijani human rights
    activist Leyla Yunus and Armenian journalist Laura Baghdasaryan on the
    prosecution of Azerbaijani journalist Rauf Mirkadirov in espionage.

    "We are two women ` a human rights activist and a journalist ` two
    mothers, one from Azerbaijan and the other from Armenia, cooperating
    for almost ten years. We stand shoulder to shoulder in the difficult
    task of creating and reinforcing the social dialogue between the two
    nations which are in a war for over 20 years. We go hand in hand for
    almost 10 years, releasing joint articles, books and finally creating
    the first and only unique joint website - This
    is a platform for establishing a dialogue between Armenians and
    Azerbaijanis," the statement reads.

    The authors note that on the site created by them the citizens of
    Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Russia, Moldova, Ukraine, United States
    and European Union countries were talking, arguing, discussing
    important social problems.

    "We are against future wars! We are against the death and hatred
    between our children and grandchildren, we are against the policy
    sowing hatred, we are against the hatred atmosphere towards our
    neighbors," write Leyla Yunus and Laura Baghdasaryan.

    The statement notes that on April 19, 2014 the Azerbaijani authorities
    arrested Azerbaijani journalist Rauf Mirkadirov on charges of
    espionage for Armenia. He has been an active participant in numerous
    online and international conferences held on their websites. On April
    22 by the order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan a joint
    team of investigators and the Prosecutor General of Ministry of
    National Security was created aimed at "disclosing a large network of
    Armenia spies in Azerbaijan."

    "It is easy to predict that this network is expected to include the
    members of our Dialogue. They have started to press on Laila already,
    the spouse of Arif Yunusov. Arif Yunusov, the author of eight books
    and over 230 articles on the modern history of the Caucasus, of the
    Karabakh conflict in particular, has been an active participant of
    international conferences in Armenian territory since 2001. Currently
    Arif Yunusov is hospitalized," the statement reads.

    Azerbaijani news portal "" also reports that political
    scientist Arif Yunus, the director of the Institute for Peace and
    Democracy, is in a pre-infarction condition and is urgently

    "Earlier media repeatedly disseminated information that Leyla and Arif
    Yunus may face the fate of detained journalist Rauf Mirkadirov because
    they also often visited Armenia and participate in projects of
    "people's diplomacy," writes the portal.

    Rauf Mirkadirov, columnist of Azerbaijani newspaper "Zerkalo", was
    arrested on April 18 in Ankara on charges of expiration of documents.
    On April 19 Mirkadirov was deported to Azerbaijan, where he
    immediately was arrested and put in custody by the MNS on suspicion of
    treason. On April 21 the court in Baku sanctioned his arrest for three
    months. Mirkadirov is accused of the cooperation with special services
    of Armenia, specifically, he is accused of making the transfers of the
    state secret information, including those about the dislocation of
    Azerbaijani Armed forces to Armenia during 2008-2009.


    From: A. Papazian