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Our man was in Cannes!

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  • Our man was in Cannes!

    Our man was in Cannes!

    Correspondent "MK" in St. Petersburg "made a film about love, which is
    selected on the famous film festival

    Translated from Russian

    Petersburg director and journalist "MK" in St. Petersburg "Evelyn
    Barsegjan invited at the 67th Cannes Film Festival - one of the most
    authoritative international parades.Her short film "One man loves you"
    took in competition program Short film corner.


    A few years ago Evelyn Barseghyan and not thinking about Cannes. She
    wrote articles on the subject in the criminal "MK" in St. Petersburg
    "and scripts for television. And in between - dreaming about movies.
    First short film "Businessman" she shot in 2010, the film was then
    "Recognition". And with it came and the first victory. Picture
    selected in the program of the St. Petersburg Film Forum "Metropolis",
    which was led by director Alexander Sokurov. And then in the final of
    the national award "Country TV."

    - That's when I got the idea to make a new film - lyrical drama about
    love and the struggle for their dreams - says Evelina Barseghyan. - I
    was thinking about this painting for almost two years, looking for
    funds for shooting. Still, the movie - very expensive. It seemed to me
    that it is easier to invest in the film itself, rather than seek
    producers and persuade them.

    Shoot his film Evelyn decided in a small village in the heart Ddmashen
    Armenia, near the beautiful Lake Sevan.

    - This story could happen in any city, including in St. Petersburg.
    But to strengthen the conflict, I decided to move the scene in a more
    conservative environment - says the director. - The main character
    Anya wants to choose their own path in life, not looking at the
    opinions of others. But not just different from the majority,
    especially in a remote village, where your whole life ahead painted
    parents and neighbors.

    24-year-old Ani - by local standards "aging" bride - falls in love
    with a man who she does not pair: it is richer and more beautiful. But
    she is still fighting for his dream.Though not always successfully.

    Never Been Kissed Country actresses

    Actors, as well as the entire crew, Evelyn sought already in Armenia.
    The hardest thing was to find the leading man - handsome Artem, in
    which Ani and falls.

    - I went to the casting agencies with a photo of the actor Danila
    Kozlovsky and said I need the same - says Evelina. - By the way, our
    Armenian actors perfectly know and love. In the end, I chose a very
    beautiful dark-haired Carlos Muradian, who played Artem. He was very
    responsible - came to shoot the next day after their wedding to 7am!
    And its main character, I found probably only due Petersburg. Arevik
    Gevorgyan - young but already well-known actress in the country - was
    a real fan of our city. And in general, each casting word "Petersburg"
    caused quite a stir. It turns out that Peter loved far more than
    Moscow or any other city in Europe. And in general, the attitude of
    the Russians in Armenia is very good. Everyone knows the Russian
    language.Because taught his first class.

    But small difficulties arose with the "gentle" scenes in the frame.

    - For me it was a surprise that the Armenian actresses do not kiss in
    the frame. At all!- Says the director. - If you watch local TV series,
    you will hear a lot of words about love, but did not see any
    passionate kiss. Almost every actress will tell you that she has a
    "father, brother, uncle, neighbor," who do not like it if she kissed
    someone outsider. Fortunately, in my film initially had no
    superotkrovennyh scenes. And those that were, the actress has agreed
    to implement. I was lucky with her.

    Village casting

    Incidentally, the role in the film not only performed by professional
    actors, but also the residents of the village where the shooting took
    place. Evelyn arranged for them a real casting, and it became the main
    event of the year in the tiny Ddmashene. And an elderly woman who was
    selected and appeared in a small role, and does become a superstar of
    the village.

    - In general, local residents helped during filming than they, - says
    Evelina. - One allowed to withdraw his shop, the other to provide your
    own cow. And do not even ask who we are, where. Want a cow? For God's
    sake, take, remove! But she herself did not feel very good, a little

    Shooting short films took four days. And yet four months, and the film
    was mounted wrote music for it.

    - The picture I sent to international film festivals, including
    Cannes, - says the correspondent of "MK" in St. Petersburg. " - And
    soon came the reply that took my film to this festival. I can not say
    that I am very count on it, but I hoped that the chance of me still
    is. And I was particularly pleased to hear the words of my mother.She
    said that she was proud of me, and then added, "How do you do? As you
    shoot these films? "As I take? I just believe in that show.

    Kateryna Kuznetsova

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress