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Sargsyan: No country should be forced to pay price for integration c

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  • Sargsyan: No country should be forced to pay price for integration c

    Sargsyan: No country should be forced to pay price for integration choice

    Saturday, April 26, 2014

    `Over the past five years Armenia and the European Union have done an
    extensive work: our political dialogue has been consolidated, we have
    taken joint efforts at responding to multifarious challenges. We have
    agreed upon and applied a visa-facilitation mechanism, which is one
    among the first tangible outcomes of our partnership,' Armenian
    President Serzh Sargsyan said during the second day of the high-level
    meeting of Eastern Partnership, according to the presidential press

    `Assessing the road covered by the Eastern Partnership we can note
    that at the end of the day it was successful. As I said on numerous
    other occasions, it first of all provided the partner countries with
    an opportunity to coordinate and expand their domestic reforms. We
    have grounded it in shared values and consolidated the foundation for
    our collaboration,' the president said.

    `Armenia has got an opportunity to participate in different EU
    programs and thus enlarged the framework of its sectoral cooperation.
    We are committed to taking further steps with our EU partners in order
    to form a new legal foundation regulating our relations, which on one
    hand will reflect the contents of Armenia's preceding discussions with
    the EU, and on the other hand will be compatible with other formats
    for cooperation.

    It is our conviction that none of the partner countries should be
    forced to pay a price for the decision it makes regarding its
    participation level in this or that integration process. We do not
    want to make a choice between friends, but we want to have as many
    friends as possible.

    I believe that we have chosen the right path. The Eastern Partnership
    is not solely about an association agreement. It is basically an
    instrument. When we declared our approach of `both¦ and¦' we meant an
    opportunity that envisages alternative, and not a choice of this or
    that instrument of cooperation. I am confident that if we continue to
    abide by shared values and respect each other's decisions and choice
    our cooperation will proceed by the right path.

    We sincerely believe that only through the avenue of cooperation and
    joint steps it is possible to materialize the vision of the united
    Europe in peace and prosperity.

    In the end, I would like to note once again that the Eastern
    Partnership had some problems in its formation period yet.
    Particularly, the criterion of grouping partners was not clear: the
    countries differed in their approaches, their goals and I think that
    this is the reason that at least of the Eastern Partnership's
    components ` the regional cooperation component ` was doomed to
    failure. I still do not understand the criterion of grouping Armenia
    and Azerbaijan into one partnership ` different opportunities,
    different approaches, different goals ` and this is the reason that
    component did not work. I am confident that in any case the
    partnership will continue and I am sure that there will be
    difficulties as they exist today, but I am also confident that all
    those difficulties will be addressed by peaceful means', Serzh
    Sargsyan stated.

    25.04.2014, 20:00
