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Fifteen die in clashes over disputed Nagorno-Karabakh

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  • Fifteen die in clashes over disputed Nagorno-Karabakh

    The Guardian Nigeria
    Aug 3 2014

    Fifteen die in clashes over disputed Nagorno-Karabakh

    Sunday, 03 August 2014 07:22
    Written by BBC

    THE worst clashes in years over the disputed Armenian enclave of
    Nagorno-Karabakh in Azerbaijan have left 15 soldiers dead in recent

    Azerbaijan says 12 of its troops were killed in the past four days
    while the enclave's ethnic Armenian authorities say three of their
    soldiers died.

    Armenia says the presidents of the two countries are to meet next week
    to try to calm the situation.

    A ceasefire was agreed 20 years ago after 30,000 deaths over six years.

    The two sides blame each other for violating the ceasefire since then.

    International attempts to revive the peace process stalled recently
    and both Azerbaijan and Armenia have been using increasingly militant
    rhetoric regarding the dispute, Konul Khalilova of the BBC's Azeri
    service says.

    Every year, hundreds of people, including many civilians, die along
    the Line of Contact between Nagorno-Karabakh and Azerbaijan as the
    result of skirmishes and sniper fire, she adds.Armenia's Prime
    Minister, Hovik Abrahamyan, announced late on Saturday that President
    Serzh Sargsyan of Armenia would meet his Azerbaijani counterpart,
    Ilham Aliyev, in the Russian Black Sea resort of Sochi next Friday or

    Russia, which brokered the 1994 ceasefire, said in a statement on its
    foreign ministry's website (in Russian): "We see the events of recent
    days as a serious violation of agreements on a ceasefire and declared
    intentions to achieve a regulation through political means. "We take
    the position that any further escalation is unacceptable."

    The US co-chair of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in
    Europe (OSCE) Minsk Group, which works to resolve the dispute,
    expressed concern over the violence on Friday.

    "We are seriously concerned about the recent upsurge in violence along
    the line of contact," James Warlick said in a tweet. "The ceasefire
    needs to be respected."
