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Bloody Clashes Between Azerbaijan And Armenia Over Disputed Territor

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  • Bloody Clashes Between Azerbaijan And Armenia Over Disputed Territor


    Presidents to meet for talks after fresh violence over Nagorno-Karabakh
    leaves at least 14 dead. EurasiaNet reports

    Joshua Kucera for EurasiaNet, part of the New East
    network, Monday 4 August 2014 18.46 BST

    A convoy of Azeri army tanks on 2 August. Photograph: Abbas Atilay/AP

    The presidents of Azerbaijan and Armenia are expected to meet for
    talks this week to try to calm tensions over the disputed territory
    of Nagorno-Karabakh after some of the bloodiest clashes since the
    two sides signed a ceasefire in 1994.

    Azerbaijan's defence ministry said 14 of its soldiers had been killed
    in multiple confrontations, which began on 30 July. According to
    Azeri news agency APA, Armenian reconnaissance groups tried to cross
    the contact line along the border, and Azeri armed forces responded.

    "As a result of fights, the Armenians gave casualties and retreated,"
    the semi-official news agency reported.

    An anonymous senior Armenian military official also told AFP news
    agency that Azerbaijan had lost 14 troops in the fighting, but blamed
    the Azeri side for sparking the incidents.

    "Azerbaijani subversive groups were ambushed," the official said. "As
    a result, they have 14 dead and lots of wounded."

    He said there had been no casualties or injuries on the Armenian side,
    although other reports suggested as many as five Armenian soldiers
    may have been killed.

    The defence ministry of the de facto Nagorno-Karabakh republic alsosaid
    two of its soldiers had been killed as a result of attempted incursions
    by Azerbaijan. Their names have not been released.

    The two sides began fighting over Nagorno-Karabakh in the final years
    of the Soviet Union, and Armenian forces have wrested de facto control
    of the territory - though it remains part of Azerbaijan under law.

    Both sides signed the Russia-brokered ceasefire after six years of
    fierce fighting, which left an estimated 30,000 people dead and
    around one million displaced. Despite this, dozens are killed in
    clashes along the line of control each year.

    Oil-rich Azerbaijan has been spending heavily on armaments - it
    regularly boasts that its defence budget is higher than Armenia's
    entire state budget - and has vowed to take back the territory.

    Violence along the line of contact between the two forces has steadily
    increased over the last several months.

    The EU-funded blog said that while there is "still no
    clear information about the latest incidents" the fighting represents
    "the most serious incident on the line of contact since the ceasefire
    came into affect in 1994".

    James Warlick, the United States representative for the Minsk Group of
    the Organisation for security and cooperation in Europe (OSCE), which
    works towards finding a peaceful solution to the conflict, tweeted:
    "We are seriously concerned about the recent upsurge in violence along
    the Line Of Contact. The ceasefire needs to be respected." The United
    States, Russia, and the European Union all issued statements calling
    on both sides to respect the ceasefire.

    "We see the events of recent days as a serious violation of agreements
    on a cease-fire and declared intentions to achieve a regulation [of
    the conflict] through political means," Russia's foreign ministry
    said in a statement at the weekend. "We take the position that any
    further escalation is unacceptable."

    Armenia's prime minister, Hovik Abrahamyan, said his country's
    president, Serzh Sargsyan, will meet Azerbaijani president, Ilham
    Aliyev, in the Russian Black Sea resort of Sochi at the end of this
    week to discuss the violence.

    Ibrahim Aliev, 7, plays near the gates to his family home in the
    village of Chiragli located near the line of contact. Photograph:
    Abbas Atilay/AP

    "From the start of the year to 1 August, Armenian forces have
    confirmed 18 fatalities, with Azerbaijan confirming 25, in various
    combat incidents on the Line of Contact, including sniper shootings,
    mine explosions and raids," according to the newspaper Armenian
    Reporter. "By comparison, in all of 2013 the Armenian side suffered
    seven fatalities in combat incidents and Azerbaijan reported 12. In
    2012 these stood at 14 and 19 respectively."

    However, Armenian analyst Sergey Minasyan said the fighting may not be
    a sign of escalation but an attempt by Azerbaijan to get the world's
    attention. In an interview with RIA Novosti, he said Azerbaijan
    had shown a pattern of provocative behaviour to try and get the
    international community to devote more attention to the conflict.

    "This event absolutely is not a harbinger of war, more likely it's
    a means of political pressure, to threaten war," he said.

    In an interview with government television, Nagorno-Karabakh's de
    facto defence minister, Movses Hakobyan, said that the outbreak of
    violence was due to Azerbaijani defence minister Zakir Hasanov's
    desire to "prove himself" after being recently appointed.

    "Having failed the negotiation process, the rival is trying to
    destabilise the situation," Hakobyan said.
