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Putin begins effort to defuse tension between Armenia and Azerbaijan

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  • Putin begins effort to defuse tension between Armenia and Azerbaijan

    Peninsula On-line, Qatar
    Aug 10 2014

    Putin begins effort to defuse tension between Armenia and Azerbaijan

    August 10, 2014 - 12:00:00 am

    MOSCOW: Russian President Vladimir Putin began talks yesterday with
    the leaders of arch-foes Armenia and Azerbaijan after recent clashes
    that have left 22 soldiers dead and fuelled fears that one of the
    bloodiest post-Soviet wars is restarting.

    Putin held separate talks at his residence in Russia's southern Black
    Sea resort town of Sochi with Azerbaijan's President Ilham Aliyev and
    Serzh Sarkisian of Armenia. A trilateral meeting was due to be held

    "We will no doubt talk about the most painful and chronic problem of
    resolving the Karabakh," Putin was quoted as saying by Interfax news
    agency at the start of his meeting with Aliyev.

    Nagorny Karabakh, a region mostly inhabited by ethnic Armenians, broke
    away from Azerbaijan with the help of Armenia in a war that claimed
    some 30,000 lives between 1991 and 1994.

    The conflict has been festering ever since, with international
    mediators unable to find a political solution and both countries
    remaining on a war footing.

    The brittle status quo along the so-called line of contact between the
    two sides has been shattered in recent weeks. At least 22 soldiers
    have been killed in the fiercest clashes since a ceasefire was agreed
    in 1994.

    Putin's spokesman Dmitry Peskov said both the Armenian and Azerbaijani
    leaders "expressed concern about a rise in tension connected with the
    incidents of recent days that have claimed lives..."

    The tensions between energy-rich Azerbaijan and Moscow-allied Armenia
    have escalated as ex-Soviet republics are uneasily watching the
    Kremlin's historic confrontation with the West over Ukraine, where
    government forces are battling Russian-backed separatists.

    Each side has blamed the other for the latest surge in violence and
    there has been plenty of sabre-rattling.

    Sarkisian told Putin at the start of his meeting with the Russian
    leader that he would inform him "about the situation in our region and
    the reasons for the deliberate escalation of the situation by
    Azerbaijan" on their joint border.

    Aliyev was more diplomatic, saying that the conflict "has dragged on
    for too long and most be resolved."

    But earlier in the week Aliyev vowed he would boost the strength of
    Azerbaijan's army.

    From: Baghdasarian