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Will Armenia and Azerbaijan reach a negotiated solution?

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  • Will Armenia and Azerbaijan reach a negotiated solution?

    Al Jazeera, Qatar
    Aug 10 2014

    Will Armenia and Azerbaijan reach a negotiated solution?

    Fighting in Ukraine, and Russia-West rivalries complicate a resolution
    to the Nagorno-Karabkh conflict.

    Last updated: 10 Aug 2014 09:31
    by Vartan Oskanian

    Given all that is happening in the Middle East and Ukraine, no one
    seems to have the patience for escalation, casualties and bloodshed
    any where else.

    During the past two weeks, the ceasefire violations at the line of
    contact between the Armenian and Azerbaijani armed forces went well
    beyond the usual and minor skirmishes, causing two dozen casualties on
    both sides.

    The moment that the long dormant, but simmering, Nagorno-Karabakh
    conflict between Armenians and Azerbaijanis in the Caucasus began to
    show signs of eruption, the UN, the US, Russia, the EU, Iran and many
    other countries rushed to urge restraint, respect of the ceasefire
    agreement, and an immediate resumption of interrupted negotiations.

    Indeed, on August 9 and 10, the presidents of Armenia and Azerbaijan,
    along with Russian President Vladimir Putin, met in the Russian resort
    city of Sochi. No doubt, respecting the ceasefire and advancing the
    peace process were the main agenda items. Committing to these goals is
    one thing, fulfilling them is another. The prevailing circumstances,
    however, are hardly conducive for their realisation.

    The maintenance of the self-regulated ceasefire - the only one of its
    kind in the world - since 1994, succeeded for two reasons: the
    military balance between the opposing sides, and hope in the ongoing
    negotiations. Over the last three years, both of these deterrents have
    been seriously undermined.

    Given today's enormous discrepancy in the defence budgets of
    Azerbaijan on the one hand, and the Armenian side (Armenia and
    Karabakh) on the other, and the Azerbaijanis' disproportionate
    purchases of military hardware, there is, in Azerbaijan, a belief that
    they have the upper hand in the military equation.

    Additionally, the futility of the peace talks in the recent years
    during which the differences and disagreements between the parties
    have grown deeper and wider, coupled with long interruption of high
    level talks, has implanted a sense of despair about the prospects for
    a peaceful resolution.

    So it is highly likely that the recent escalation intended to test the
    military balance and attract the overstretched attention of the major
    players back to the conflict and force a resumption of high level

    Right to self-determination?

    There are three elements that have always affected the peace talks and
    the settlement process, and continue to do so: One is the global and
    regional interests of the major powers and their present
    interrelationships; second is the dominant trend in international
    relations as manifested in the agendas and decisions of international
    organisations (such as the UN and Organisation for Security and
    Cooperation in Europe); third, is the conflicting sides' own present
    political and economic situations and their capacity and will to shape
    the peace process.

    Over these 20 years, during each successive stage of diplomatic
    activity, these three factors have always been consequential, although
    never as significantly as today. Worse, never have they all been in
    such a state of great and unpredictable flux.

    Russia and the US, two of the three mediators in the Nagorno-Karabakh
    talks, are at odds and can't see eye to eye over major global issues,
    including Ukraine and Syria. Their interests in the Caucasus are not
    in harmony either. This situation is interesting and could be a
    double-edged sword. One might assume that the ongoing tug of war
    between them will spill over into the Karabakh talks, but it is also
    possible that both sides use this as an opportunity to mend fences. It
    all depends on how it will play out. But the waters are further
    muddied considering the conflicting positions Russia and the US have
    taken on ethnic conflicts and self-determination movements.

    Russia, which opposed what it considered to be the unilateral
    legitimisation of sovereignty in Kosovo, did the same by recognising
    South Ossetia and Abkhazia as independent states. Most recently, it
    hurriedly recognised Crimea's referendum results by incorporating the
    region into Russia.

    In other words, while both the West and Russia support
    self-determination efforts, they do so selectively - and unilaterally.
    Therein lies the danger. This contradictory situation created by
    conflicting approaches by the major players will require delicate
    diplomatic manoeuvring by the sides and the mediators. During the
    collapse of the Soviet Union, the population of the Nagorno-Karabakh
    enclave, 80 percent Armenian, opted for self-determination by
    conducting a referendum and declaring secession.

    Within international organisations, there are conflicting directions.
    Despite the fact that several self-determination movements achieved
    independence and statehood in the past decade, such as East Timor,
    South Sudan and Kosovo - the first two with membership in the United
    Nations - the global organisation remains selective and ambivalent
    about the self-determination phenomena and still lacks criteria,
    guidelines and legal framework for a more evolved and enlightened

    One thing is clear however: The very early assumptions about the root
    causes of self-determination claims (ethnic and religious hatred,
    extreme nationalism, irrelevant historical claims, outside
    manipulation) and their resolution framework (one-size-fits-all, fear
    of the domino effect, quick democratisation, ethnic groups lowering
    their goals with the promise of democracy, human rights and
    prosperity) have all been questioned, challenged and undermined. The
    evidence is the independence of some of the movements and the
    persistence of the many others, among them Nagorno-Karabakh.

    The scenarios

    The ultimate question is what is to happen to this no-peace, no-war
    situation. What is the end game? Is there a viable political solution?

    There are three possible - and not very novel - scenarios. One is the
    continuation of a sustainable status quo. The second is the eruption
    of war and a new situation on the ground. The third is a negotiated

    Although most of the international community, including the mediators,
    will automatically reject the first scenario as unacceptable and
    unsustainable, this is not necessarily the case. There are many
    historical examples when yesterday's unrealistic alternative became
    today's preferred and realistic solution.

    The second scenario - war - is difficult to imagine. Armenians have no
    reason to start a war. If the Azerbaijanis start a war, this will be
    the third time they will have tried, and they will only succeed if
    they aim for a "final solution". That would be a huge risk for
    Azerbaijan, greater than for the Armenian side, given their total
    reliance on their role as an energy producing and transit country.

    And finally, there is the third scenario - a negotiated solution. This
    is obviously the most desirable, but would require substantive
    compromises. These negotiations have already gone on for 20 long,
    intense years, during which five serious proposals were presented.
    Four were rejected; one is still on the table.

    Resolving the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict peacefully requires two
    parallel steps: A guarantee of non-resumption of military hostilities,
    and a clear, mutually binding blueprint for reaching a final

    This is the challenge facing Armenians and the Azerbaijanis. A lasting
    peace will come when each side acknowledges the other's minimum
    requirements, not their belligerent and maximalist demands. Before
    this can happen, each side must achieve sufficient internal consensus
    on its bargaining position. This hasn't happened yet.

    Vartan Oskanian is a member of Armenia's National Assembly, a former
    foreign minister and the founder of Yerevan's Civilitas Foundation.

    From: A. Papazian