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Ara Manoogian demands refutation and apology from Azerbaijani site t

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  • Ara Manoogian demands refutation and apology from Azerbaijani site t

    Ara Manoogian demands refutation and apology from Azerbaijani site
    that printed fake letter on his behalf

    4:24 10/08/2014 >> REGION

    Recently Azerbaijani site "" published a letter in the name
    of "a Californian resident Aram Manudzhiyan." The letter contained the
    Azerbaijani interpretation of theses issued on "Manudzhiyan" website
    that were circulated by the Azerbaijani propaganda. Thus, the authors
    of the article argued that the U.S. Armenian had turned to the
    editorial of the Azerbaijani website to voice his dispositions on the
    Karabakh conflict. However, in the editorial office of,
    while writing the fake letter, they simply screwed up with the
    transcription of the Armenian family, which in the English version is
    written like "Manoogian" and is read as "Manukyan," and the name in
    some parts of the text is written as "Aram", while in other parts is

    The site, to which "" reference to apparently for making its
    fake letter more convincing, really belongs to an Armenian citizen of
    the United States Ara Manoogian. However, he, surely, has not written
    such a letter to the editorial of the Russian-speaking Azerbaijani

    Moreover, after learning about the forgery, Ara Manoogian accused the
    author of the libel and the editorial of the of slandering
    and demanded to publish a refutation until 15 August 2014 and to

    "In the article titled "The enemy of Sargsyan writes to" Leo
    Maas claims that I, Ara Manoogian, have written a letter to the
    editorial of the titled "Even the Armenian diaspora is
    outraged with the criminal regime of Karabakh." This is a blatant lie.
    There has been absolutely no contact between me and this news site or
    anyone associated with them before the publication of the mentioned
    article. On August 4, 2014, as soon as I learned about it, I sent a
    message on their Facebook page immediately, requested to send me a
    copy of the letter that I had allegedly sent them. I haven't received
    any response from them till now," writes Ara Manoogian on his website.

    Manoogian also suggests to check his remarks on his official website
    and to make sure that the Azerbaijani site has really distorted them.

    This is not the first time that the Azerbaijani propaganda uses the
    method of "plaintive letters" on behalf of the Armenians, but usually
    they are fictional characters, and therefore such tricks have little
    effect on formation of public opinion. Apparently, that was the reason
    why they decided to use the name of a real character in the hope that
    he will not notice the fake or will ignore it, but they failed again.

    Asatur Sargsyan

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress