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Erdogan pledges 'a strong Turkey'

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  • Erdogan pledges 'a strong Turkey'

    Gulf Daily News, UAE
    Aug 10 2014

    Erdogan pledges 'a strong Turkey'

    ANKARA: Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan yesterday roused
    tens of thousands of supporters with a call for a strong and new
    Turkey, as he held his final mass rally ahead of presidential polls he
    is widely expected to win.

    "God willing a new Turkey will be established tomorrow. A strong
    Turkey will be born out of its ashes once more tomorrow," Erdogan told
    loyalists in the conservative central Anatolian city of Konya.

    Konya is known as the bastion of his Islamic-leaning Justice and
    Development Party (AKP) and the rally marked the culmination of almost
    30 mass election meetings Erdogan has held up and down the country
    since early last month.

    Turkey will for the first time vote directly for its next president
    today, with Erdogan looking set to continue more than a decade of
    domination over the country as head of state.

    Previous Turkish presidents, including outgoing Abdullah Gul, have
    performed largely ceremonial functions but Erdogan has made no secret
    that he would be a different kind of head of state who "sweats and
    runs around".

    He has called for constitutional changes after the 2015 general
    election to give the presidency US-style executive powers.

    In his final rally, Erdogan vowed he would raise Turkey's democratic
    standards and economic record to create a "world leader and global

    He said: "There is no unattainable dream or unattainable objective for
    this nation. The 12 years we have passed are a witness to this."

    Erdogan's ruling party has presided over a dynamic economy having won
    every election since it came to power in 2002. A recent survey found
    that Erdogan would win in the first round with 57 per cent of the vote
    against his rivals - the main opposition candidate Ekmeleddin
    Ihsanoglu and Kurdish candidate Selahattin Demirtas.

    "You elected the people's party on November 3 (2002) and God willing,
    you will elect the people's president tomorrow," Erdogan said in

    He also boasted Turkey's foreign policy would be "more proactive"
    under his tenure. "We will be the advocate of justice in the world,"
    he said.

    A former Islamic firebrand, Erdogan has often bashed Israel's
    treatment of the Palestinians and compared the offensive in Gaza to
    "Hitler-like fascism".

    Opponents say Erdogan has exposed fault lines in Turkish politics and
    his uncompromising stance created a deep divide between his pious
    supporters and the secular segments of society.

    Erdogan however vowed that he would embrace all citizens, including
    minorities, without any discrimination and shrugged off concerns that
    his presidency would interfere in people's lifestyles.

    "Let's leave old Turkey behind. The deadline of politics based on
    polarisation and fears has expired," he said.

    "Regardless of their faith, minorities whether they are Armenians,
    Greeks, Yazidi or Assyrian are equal citizens of this country and are
    under our guarantee."

    Erdogan also said he would keep the country united and put aside
    fighting and pressures.

    "We are in the hearts of 77 million. We embrace all. This is our
    difference," he said. "We are Turkey all together."
