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On observance of principles of etiquette in interstate relations

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  • On observance of principles of etiquette in interstate relations

    On observance of principles of etiquette in interstate relations

    Saturday, August 09, 2014

    Chairman of the Political Science Association of Armenia, Elected
    Member of the Academy of Military Sciences (RF), Visiting Professor at
    the National Defense University (US), Doctor of Political Sciences
    (RF), Major General Hayk Kotanjian asked our editorial staff to
    publish the following statement.

    This statement reflects a desire to help defuse tensions as a result
    of violations of the truce between the parties to the Karabakh
    conflict in terms of the recent hostilities on the borders of the
    Republic of Armenia, Azerbaijan and the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic
    ahead of the talks between the heads of state of the Republic of
    Armenia and Azerbaijan in Sochi at the invitation of the OSCE Minsk
    Group Co-Chair represented by the President of the Russian Federation.

    As we know in the UN Charter and the preamble to the Vienna Convention
    on Diplomatic Relations common goals and principles of interstate
    relations are set forth concerning the sovereign equality of states,
    the maintenance of international peace and security and the promotion
    of friendly relations among nations.

    Taking into account that the etiquette of interstate relations is not
    defined in some integrated code of international standards, it can be
    interpreted as a reflection of the goals and principles of the UN
    Charter and the Vienna Convention in the corporate rules of
    professional conduct in interstate relations, including the procedure
    rules and style of the visits, public speaking, business meetings and
    negotiations between actors in international relations. And in these
    terms, referring to the etiquette of interstate relations, we mean the
    commitment of the political culture of a state and actors to certain
    rules and traditions of maintaining relations with other states. At
    the same time, as the main actors of interstate relations and bearers
    of norms of this etiquette are the heads of states, and not just their
    diplomatic agents on behalf of their representatives. It is important
    to note that the UN Charter and the Vienna Convention are adopted both
    by the Republic of Armenia and Azerbaijan.

    The use of this approach - in the absence of another - makes it
    possible to interpret the observance of the norms of etiquette of
    interstate relations by the Head of Azerbaijan with his partners in
    the forthcoming talks in Sochi, being organized under the auspices of
    the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chair represented by the Head of the Russian
    Federation - one of the permanent members of the UN Security Council.

    In this regard, the reference of my Statement not only to the UN
    Charter but also to the Vienna Convention - despite the absence of
    diplomatic relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan - disguises the
    deep dissatisfaction with this political and diplomatic fact under the
    conditions of the tripartite ceasefire agreement among the Republic of
    Armenia, Azerbaijan and the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, signed in May
    1994, and many years of negotiations between the parties to the
    Karabakh conflict, under the aegis of Co-Chairmanship of the three
    permanent members of the UN Security Council: the Russian Federation,
    the United States and the French Republic.

    Meanwhile, two days before the talks between the heads of state of the
    Republic of Armenia and Azerbaijan, on August 6, 2014, the official
    website of the President of Azerbaijan Mr. Ilham Aliyev posted the
    text of his speech entitled "THE PRESIDENT OF AZERBAIJAN, SUPREME
    UNIT IN AGHDAM". In this speech, the Head of the neighboring state
    used expressions against the Republic of Armenia, grossly violating
    the generally accepted norms of interstate relations.

    A fragment of the official text by the head of Azerbaijan is as
    follows: - "... If the Armenian fascist state will not give up its
    dirty deeds, the very existence of the Armenian state can be called
    into question. ...".

    As the Chairman of the Political Science Association of Armenia, I
    consider it my duty to mention the unacceptability of such expressions
    for heads of neighboring states having official interstate relations,
    especially on the eve of peace talks.
    By his in-no-way justified definitions the President of Azerbaijan Mr.
    Ilham Aliyev grossly violated the goals, principles and norms of
    interstate relations, established in the UN Charter and the preamble
    of the "Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations". The definition of
    "fascist state", read out through the mouth of the President of
    Azerbaijan to the Republic of Armenia, can only hinder the efforts to
    establish peace and stability in the South Caucasus, as well as the
    success of the forthcoming meeting of the Presidents of Armenia and
    Azerbaijan in Sochi at the invitation of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chair
    - the President of the Russian Federation.

    Ahead of the meeting of the Heads of state of the Russian Federation,
    the Republic of Armenia and Azerbaijan in Sochi on August 8, 2014, I
    have the honor to express the hope that such expressions -
    inconsistent with international norms of interstate relations - would
    not be repeated by the head of the neighboring state.
