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New Strikes By Armenian Army

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  • New Strikes By Armenian Army


    Haikazn Ghahriyan, Editor-in-Chief
    Comments - 12 August 2014, 22:24

    Summing up the outcome of the summit in Sochi, experts, including
    Russian ones, draw the following conclusions. First, Russia wanted
    to demonstrate that it controls the Caucasus and can influence the
    conflict sides. This is the most important thing, considering that
    Moscow has actually failed its foreign policy in almost all its
    aspects. And the Armenian-Azerbaijani topic is still the only one
    regarding which Russia could be adequate to international politics.

    The other conclusion is that Putin has saved Aliyev and his regime.

    The "three day" war in August ended in Azerbaijan's significant defeat
    after which it was clear that the billions spent on the defense sector
    were useless. It also became known that if the military actions
    continue, Aliyev's regime may appear on the verge of collapse, and
    he badly needed a pause.

    Russian experts say that Azerbaijan is unable to defeat the Armenians
    despite its quantitative advantage.

    This circumstance favors Russia because it has acted as Azerbaijan's
    "redeemer". Besides, it got a chance to continue to supply weapons
    to Azerbaijan. During the "three-day war" Russia was supplying new
    weapons to Baku.

    During the "summit" in Sochi Putin and Aliyev continued to refer to
    the Minsk Group, admitting the failure of attempts to withdraw the
    Karabakh settlement from this international format.

    For his part, the Armenian side actually saved Putin's face with
    its actions as a real strategic partner against the background of
    Russia's recent outrageous failures and a behavior towards Armenia
    which is not adequate of an ally.

    One may think that the "ceasefire" will not last long because the
    Russian policy has not thought of any new mechanisms in the South
    Caucasus besides arming Azerbaijanis and pushing them towards
    aggression against Armenians given the difficult domestic and
    international situation and inability to conduct a more or less
    effective policy.

    In this situation the Armenian army will continue to strike aiming
    to create a security area for the border villages, as well as taking
    under control the utilities and facilities of strategic importance.

    - See more at:

    From: Baghdasarian