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Aleppo's Christians in Syrian crossfire

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  • Aleppo's Christians in Syrian crossfire

    Aug 16 2014

    Aleppo's Christians in Syrian crossfire

    August 15, 2014

    Aleppo's forgotten Christians

    While the dire situation of Iraq's Yazidis provoked US military
    intervention against the Islamic State (IS) and non-stop media
    coverage, Aleppo's Christians fear they are the war's forgotten

    As Syrian government forces prepare for what may be a decisive battle
    against armed groups in Aleppo, Edward Dark reports that for Aleppo's
    Christians, "fear of a new kind permeates this ancient and deeply
    rooted community. Genocide and ethnic cleansing are very real threats
    that haunt the collective conscience of Syria's Christians. The
    terrible fate that befell their co-religionists across the border in
    Mosul has driven these points home in a rather blunt and frightening

    Most Christians in Syria have attempted to remain neutral in the
    three-year civil war, yet they find that, regardless of their
    political affiliations, they remain targets:

    "Not all Christians in Aleppo support the regime; in fact, a large
    number of them do not, but equally significant is that you won't find
    any that support the rebels, either. The recent repeated rebel
    shelling of the Syriac Catholic Church, a large and iconic building in
    the heart of the old Christian community at Azizeh, is seen by many as
    a clear message by the rebels, revealing their true intent toward
    their community."

    The plight of Syria's Christians is a human rights crisis of historic

    The State Department's International Religious Freedom Report for
    2013, released last month, notes: "In Syria, as in much of the Middle
    East, the Christian presence is becoming a shadow of its former self.
    After three years of civil war, hundreds of thousands fled the country
    desperate to escape the ongoing violence perpetrated by the government
    and extremist groups alike. In the city of Homs the number of
    Christians dwindled to as few as 1,000 from approximately 160,000
    prior to the conflict."

    Meanwhile, for many of Aleppo's residents, electricity has become a
    "luxury," reports Mohammed al-Khatieb:

    "The situation in Aleppo is complicated as the province is divided
    between the regime, the rebels and the Islamic State (IS), with each
    party controlling part of the electrical grid. Aleppo's main source of
    electricity used to be the thermal power plant in the eastern
    countryside, which has been out of service since June 2013 due to
    malfunctions caused by the battles raging around it. The plant is
    currently under the control of IS.

    "Aleppo receives electricity through the Zorba line, which is an
    alternative line coming from the central region. Both the regime and
    the rebels control parts of it. Thus, any outage practiced by any
    party against the other will be treated with reciprocity, i.e., an
    electricity outage for all of Aleppo."

    Iran brokers Iraq transition

    Ali Hashem reports this week on Iran's role in brokering the deal that
    led to the appointment of Haider al-Abadi as prime minister-designate,
    replacing Nouri al-Maliki.

    According to Hashem, Iran Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei
    decided to back Abadi after learning of Iraqi Grand Ayatollah Ali
    Sistani's rejection of Maliki staying on as prime minister.

    Ali Mamouri reported earlier this month on the tension between Maliki
    and Sistani prior to Abadi's appointment.

    Hashem reports that the Ali Shamkhani, the secretary of the Supreme
    National Security Council in Iran, appears to be taking charge of the
    Iraq file:

    "In Tehran, the murmurs that Shamkhani will oversee the Iraq file have
    gotten louder. This is an indication that Iran is about to adopt a new
    policy, given Shamkhani's historic relations with the Gulf countries
    and Iraq, his wide experience in dealing politically with regional
    conflicts and his closeness to Khamenei, all without ignoring the fact
    that he's an Iranian of Arab origins."

    In an interview with Al-Monitor in April 2013, Abadi said that the
    dispute between Baghdad and the Kurdistan Region could lead to the
    "disintegration of the country" if not handled properly. Abadi also
    warned that terrorist groups in Syria were targeting Iraq, and that
    "it would be a shame that we should allow al-Qaeda to regroup."

    The challenge of IS to the next Iraqi government is complicated by a
    deterioration in Arab-Kurdish relations in towns bordering the
    Kurdistan Region.

    Wladimir van Wilgenburg reports this week from Gwer, Iraq, which is 18
    miles outside the main checkpoint leading to Erbil, the capital of the
    Kurdistan Region, that the rapid advance of IS in Iraq has frayed
    relations between Arab and Kurdish residents:

    "Many Kurds now worry that Arabs will form sleeper cells in Kurdish
    cities after the Islamic State's major attacks against Kurdish towns
    in early August. Reports suggested that many displaced Sunni Arabs
    sympathized with IS militants, with some sympathizers arrested by the
    Asayish, the Kurdish security police."

    Arsal's shaky settlement

    Although Lebanese forces have reclaimed Arsal after negotiating a
    withdrawal by Islamist militants, the settlement brokered by Muslim
    clerics may offer only a temporary reprieve.

    Jean Aziz writes that the "agreement was made on the basis of two
    implicit considerations: The fighters have withdrawn to an unsafe
    area, but are betting on being able to launch other pro-IS revolts
    inside Lebanese territory or in a neighboring state, once again
    allowing them to disturb Lebanon's affairs. They make this gamble
    knowing that their continued possession of 39 Lebanese soldiers gives
    them breathing space. For their part, the Lebanese authorities
    accepted this agreement, wagering that the scales would tip against IS
    in the regional battle against that group, which is taking place from
    northwestern Iraq to Syria and the hillsides of Arsal.

    "In addition, the Lebanese authorities themselves trust that Hezbollah
    fighters will continue to advance in the hillsides east of Arsal and
    besiege the fighters in their new positions. The end of summer and the
    arrival of the deadly frost in the hills, some of which reach 2,500
    meters (8,202 feet) above sea level, will aid Hezbollah in their

    Esperance Ghanem writes that one of the causes of these clashes is the
    Syrian refugee camps established in Lebanon:

    "Remarkably, from a geographic viewpoint, the largest number of
    refugee centers are located in areas sympathetic to the Syrian
    opposition, among them Arsal, which formed an environment that
    facilitated their movement and provided them with services and
    protection. According to security sources, this reality on the ground
    encouraged a considerable number of Syrians to seek refuge in Lebanon
    when wounded in fighting inside Syria. It also engendered an amenable
    environment for some to commit crimes such as kidnapping, robbery and
    drug trafficking for monetary gains, culminating in their involvement
    in car bombing attacks and murder."

    Netanyahu no 'King Bibi'

    Ben Caspit rejected Obama's assertion in an Aug. 8 interview with
    Thomas Friedman of the New York Times that Israeli Prime Minister
    Benjamin Netanyahu is politically strong in Israel as a result of the
    Gaza war. Instead, Caspit argues "that Netanyahu is the weakest prime
    minister in Israel's history. Never before have we had a weaker

    Netanyahu is facing challenges from within his own coalition, so
    Caspit rules out polls showing solid support during the Gaza conflict.
    The verdict will come after. Caspit does not share Obama's analysis of
    Netanyahu's staying power.

    "Will Netanyahu be unseated in the coming months? Although this is
    hard to believe, it is nevertheless possible. Does he have a
    significant rival right now to vie for the premiership? Probably not.
    But as was explained earlier, this does not mean that he is strong.
    Netanyahu is a weak, petrified and a listless leader," writes Caspit.

    Lobby series

    On Aug. 17, Al-Monitor's series on Middle Eastern countries' lobbying
    efforts will continue with the release of profiles for Bahrain, Qatar,
    Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.

    From: A. Papazian