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The Influence of USA-Iran Rapprochement On Regional Issues

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  • The Influence of USA-Iran Rapprochement On Regional Issues

    The Influence of USA-Iran Rapprochement On Regional Issues
    Comments - 16 August 2014, 22:00

    Faced with the recently aggressive pressures of Russia, the
    social-political elite of Armenia set to observe the capacities of
    Iran-USA cooperation on the Iraqi issue with renewed hope. Putin
    obviously has no enthusiasm to let Armenia into the Eurasian Union
    (EAU) since the physical presence of the Republic of Armenia in the
    EAU will have a negative impact on Putin's plans on further
    integration of Slavonic and Turkic nations. It is conspicuous that
    after the failure of the Chinese scenario the Kremlin is trying to
    attract the Azerbaijani government, planning to bring Turkey onto its
    anti-Western orbit. Official Ankara is not always satisfied with NATO
    and the US from the political point of view, Turkey occasionally
    attempts to implement a policy that is irrelevant to the US regional

    Amid the thaw between the US and Iran, Russia is obviously concerned
    about possible cooperation with former rivals. Furthermore, the
    political interests of Iran and the US positively match with each
    other in order to retain the security and predictability in Iraq.
    Therefore, Moscow realizes that the possibilities of future strategic
    rapprochement between Tehran and Washington on a common problem over
    ISIL insurrection in Iraq may lead to overwhelming counteraction on
    energy and geopolitical spheres.

    Traditionally, Iran and Russia have had conflicts over the past 200
    years for influence on the Caspian region, and nowadays as well there
    are innumerable controversies between Tehran and Moscow. Specifically,
    the scandal over the deal of S300 rockets and the issue of division of
    the Caspian Sea is just some of the contradictions between these
    powers. Iran shows its concerns about Russia's new policy, which
    evidently may open up the way for cooperation between Tehran and
    Washington not only in the Iraqi aspect but also against Russia's
    intensions to impact the Middle East and Central Asia.

    Basically, the anti-terror policy of the United States in Asia during
    the last two decades included a number of beneficial steps for Iran,
    if we forget for a minute the policy of sanctions against Tehran.

    First of all, the Taliban movement in Afghanistan was the main threat
    for Iran at the end of 1990. Taliban had a considerably aggressive
    attitude towards the Islamic regime of Iran, so the efforts of the US
    eliminated those threats.

    Secondly, we have to take into consideration the fact that Saddam
    Hussein's Iraq was the traditional rival of the Islamic Republic or
    Iran with its desires to create a definitely strong Sunni government.
    In addition, Iran and Hussein's Iraq had the experience of the bloody
    conflict in 1980-1988. Consequently, the policy of the US against
    Saddam Hussein gradually solved this threat for Iran as well with the
    decision to form the Shia government of Al Maliki with its
    specifically pro-Iranian political and spiritual orientation.

    Therefore, there is an assumption that the projections of the US in
    Iraq are mostly acceptable for Tehran and there are reasons why the
    Iranian authorities, like the US government, reacted so aggressively
    to the ISIS insurrection. Iraq may stand as a good platform for
    political and strategic rapprochement between Tehran and Washington
    because their understandings of security and stability in Iraq are
    similar. Even in Moscow on July 7 the newly-appointed Iranian
    Ambassador Mehdi Sanahi announced in his interview with the Russian
    media that the United States rather than Russia is seen a possible
    partner over the Iraqi issue. Thus, the willingness of Iran for
    positive relations with the US in different aspects of global policy
    is already being demonstrated.

    This cooperation can be the tangible precursor of containment of
    Russia's influence on the Caucasus and Central Asia in the nearest
    future. The new Iranian policy as a partner of the West worries Russia
    because it functions as a crucial instrument for the implementation of
    the energy and military political chain of Iran-Armenia-Georgia which
    may have an important role as a reliable corridor of prevention of
    Russian influence on the region and hinder the capacity of strategic
    and economic rapprochement of Turkey and Russia. Simultaneously,
    Iran's restricted but elaborate policy on the Caucasian political
    arena, in unison with the Western interests, may contain Russia's
    intensifying interference in the affairs of the Caucasian states.
    Otherwise, the Armenian political and military elite are encouraged by
    the achievement of the US-Iran rapport that will noticeably fortify
    the independence of and sovereignty of the Republic of Armenia.

    Inevitably, the prospects of the US-Iran rapprochement will raise the
    political, strategic, military and economic importance of Georgia and
    Armenia. These Caucasian states will actively perform and protect the
    new project of oil pipeline from Iran bypassing Russia.

    Along with the important function of Turkey as a traditional ally of
    the US and NATO, the Islamic Republic of Iran could have played an
    equally essential role in strengthening global security. In this
    respect, we have to take into account a number of factors, such as
    considerable modernization of the Iranian elite, the intelligentsia,
    the traditional yearning for the European and American cultures, the
    dominant role of Iran in the Shiite world, extensive borders and
    neighborhood of important regions, the readiness of Iran to solve
    local and regional issues of security together with the West,
    tolerance towards different religions and regional communities, also
    the aspiration of Iran to introduce new technologies in both military
    and civil spheres. The Iranian society needs to understand the terms
    of national security of their country, and the Western community could
    have sent a message of its readiness to share the burden of solution
    of issues of regional security conjointly with Iran.

    Importantly, the foreign policy of Iran is distinguished with its
    intentions to carry out much more defensive issues than implements
    offensive policy which is appeared in the purposes of some neighbor

    The participation of the Islamic Republic of Iran as a regional and
    strategic partner of United States, in many ways, will change the
    geopolitical image of Eurasian continent. Iran suffers from necessity
    to export its energetic raw resources. In case of appealing offers
    from the US, there is an assumption that Tehran will embrace the
    opportunity to collaborate with the West. Iran, like the US, is
    interested in the integrity and stability of Iraq. Needless to say
    that Tehran is going to increase its contribution to the Iraqi
    government but there is a backup plan in case of inevitable
    dissolution of its southwestern neighbor.

    Generally, Iran is interested in partnership with the West, not only
    about the Middle East problems but also about Central Asian, South
    Asian and Black Sea and Caspian regional issues. Nowadays, a number of
    US experts and analysts consider that long-term solutions for issues
    in the mentioned regions are impossible without close cooperation with
    Iran. Apparently, these prospects may be realistic only after the
    unappealable and acceptable solution of the Iranian nuclear program.

    - See more at:

    From: A. Papazian