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Back to the Ottomans?

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  • Back to the Ottomans?

    The Nation, Pakistan
    Aug 17 2014

    Back to the Ottomans?

    August 18, 2014
    Abdul Majeed Abid

    History used to be a genre of literature till the nineteenth century.
    In the sub continental tradition of history, revisionist writers such
    as Nasim Hijazi and Allama Iqbal employed the tools of literature to
    glorify history in pursuit of a new form of nationalism. In recent
    times, different writers have used this technique in a much better
    way, exploring the history of regions in the guise of fiction. Manto's
    short stories on partition are considered more representative of
    prevalent conditions during the partition of India than the
    traditional accounts found in the history books. Octavio Paz and
    Gabriel Garcia Marquez discussed Latin American history and politics
    in a way that is simply not possible for non-fiction writers. In the
    same way, it is necessary to read Charles Dickens to understand
    Victorian era England. Tariq Ali's `Islam Quintet' belongs to the
    historical fiction genre, taking place in five different settings in
    Muslim history. In the third book of the quintet, `The Stone Woman,'
    Tariq Ali focused on the decline of the Ottoman Empire during the
    nineteenth century.

    The Ottoman Empire stretched from modern day Algeria to Iran on one
    side and from modern day Romania to Egypt and Ethiopia in the year
    1800. The sentiments of the Turkish elite during the time of the
    upheaval are best summarized in the words of a character in Tariq
    Ali's book:

    `We are living in uncertain times. The old order as we have known it
    all our lives is dying. The Sultan is no longer powerful and the
    Empire has itself become a fairytale now. Everything is being taken
    away and nothing is ready to take its place.'

    The decline continued throughout the nineteenth century, culminating
    in the disastrous decision by Sultan Mehmed V to participate in the
    First World War alongside German and Austro-Hungarian Empires
    (collectively known as the central powers). Turkish forces, aided and
    in many cases led by German soldiers were heavily defeated by the
    opposition forces composed of the armies of the British Empire,
    Russian Empire, France and Arab Rebels. The Turkish army was able to
    defend Istanbul by the skin of their teeth at Gallipoli under the
    guidance of a charismatic Lieutenant Colonel named Mustafa Kemal.
    After the defeat of the Ottoman Empire, its constituent parts were
    divided amongst the victors. Mustafa Kemal took over the reins of
    government, abolished the derelict institution of the Caliphate and
    proclaimed the establishment of a Turkish Republic in 1923.
    Mustafa Kemal Ataturk (Father of the Turks) embarked upon an ambitious
    project to carve out a new Turkish nation, changing the Arabic script
    to Latin, banning the use of Fez and forced the modernization of
    society. Amidst this nation-building project, he inflicted misery upon
    people who were not compatible (in his eyes) with the Turkish nation,
    including the Kurds and Armenians. His policies were continued in one
    way or the other till the 1980s.

    In the year 1983, Turgut Ã-zal became the Prime Minister of Turkey. A
    strong proponent of liberal capitalism, Ã-zal is credited with opening
    up and modernizing the Turkish economy during his tenure as prime
    minister. He continued his program of free-market expansion and
    regional trade as president, laying the groundwork for strong economic
    growth in the 1990s. It was during his tenure that the concept
    `neo-Ottomanism' gained credence and Turkey tried to renew its
    influence in the geopolitical scenario. In 1992, he proclaimed that
    the twenty-first century would be the `century of the Turks.' He paved
    the way for improved relations with the former Soviet republics which
    had historical and cultural ties with Turkey. He also realized that
    Kurds and Armenians will have to be taken into the folds of Turkey if
    this project has to succeed. In the early 1990s, he opened
    negotiations with the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), Turkey's main
    Kurdish rebel group, leading to a ceasefire in 1993.

    Recep Tayyip ErdoÄ?an arose from humble beginnings and was a talented
    amateur soccer player before becoming active in the Islamist Welfare
    Party. He was elected Mayor of Istanbul in March 1994. After a short
    stint in prison, he established the Justice and Development Party
    (known as AK party), along with Abdullah Gul. The new party swept
    national elections in 2002 and has held power since then. Turkey
    progressed at an incredible pace under the control of AK party, with
    its focus on free market capitalism and keeping the country stable to
    attract foreign investment. The major accomplishment of the party was
    to put the intervention-happy military in its rightful place, sealing
    the doors shut for any future coups. Due to tremendous growth in the
    last decade, Turkey is considered one of the top twenty economies in
    the world.

    Due to its healthy economy and relative stability, Turkey has
    attempted to portray itself as a regional superpower in the Middle
    East. Along with traditional means of diplomacy, Turkish cultural
    exports (especially the Ottoman-era soap operas) have weaved their
    spell on audiences in the Middle East, South Asia and Balkan states,
    boosting Turkey's soft power. Turkey has voiced its support for the
    East Turkestan movement, helped Palestinian citizens by sending an aid
    Flotilla (alongside recent denunciations of Israel by Mr. ErdoÄ?an),
    paved the way for the Kurdish Regional Authority to sell oil to other
    countries, and aided Sunni militants in Syria. Additionally, trouble
    in Ukraine has opened up the prospect of the southern corridor for
    Energy Supply to Europe, which would undoubtedly increase Turkey's
    importance for EU countries.

    Within the country itself, there is widespread nostalgia for Ottoman
    era glory and it is reflected in Turkey's foreign policy outlook. This
    policy is not advancing as well as would be expected. Turkey's
    overtures towards Central Asia are overshadowed by Russia, its
    `adventure' in Syria backfired and its posturing towards Israel has
    caused a warming of relations between Israel and Turkey's nemesis:
    Greece. With ErdoÄ?an winning the recently held Presidential election,
    neo-Ottomanism is expected to remain in vogue, despite temporary

    The writer is a freelance columnist.
