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Fresno: Holy Trinity's Blessing of the Grapes

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  • Fresno: Holy Trinity's Blessing of the Grapes

    Fresno Bee
    Aug 17 2014

    Holy Trinity's Blessing of the Grapes

    Father Vahan Gostanian, center, leans over to bless a table of grapes
    with deacon Mark Shirin to the left during Holy Trinity Armenian
    Apostolic Church's 101st annual Blessing of the Grapes held at the
    California Armenian Home Sunday, August 17, 2014 in Fresno, Calif.
    Past Holy Trinity church board member Harry Buchaklian said 1,700
    people were expected to attend the event, many traveling by 16
    chartered buses, coming from as far away as Los Angeles. Buchaklian
    added at least 75 crates of grapes were donated for the traditional
    blessing which followed a mass. The grapes were separated and
    distributed in clear bags after the blessing. Holy Trinity's event,
    which also included a picnic, followed last weekend's St. Paul
    Armenian Church Picnic and Grape Blessing which was also held at the
    California Armenian Home. ERIC -- THE FRESNO BEE Buy Photo
