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Tendencies Of De-Christianization Of Middle East

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  • Tendencies Of De-Christianization Of Middle East


    Shahan Gantaharian, Editor-in-Chief of Azdak Newspaper
    Politics - 20 August 2014, 12:04

    The regional developments are already outlining the tendencies of
    de-Christianization of the Middle East. However, this is not just
    a phenomenon that develops with violence on religious grounds and
    causing panic or even facilitation of planned movement of population.

    The massacres and displacement of Yezidi people is not just evidence
    to de-Christianization but emptying of territories and unitary and
    single-handed control over areas of strategic importance.

    In this case, strategic areas are concerned with only gas, oil, water
    resources and other similar positions of importance. The territories
    targeted by extreme Islamists, surrender without resistance in case of
    other territories and especially the silence and passive behavior of
    the international family let one think that the establishment of an
    oil state rather than an Islamic state is pursued. Gas being the key
    motivation of such developments, it seems that developments leading
    to new controllability through demarcation in the region are triggered
    against people living on the target territories through wild, inhuman,
    if not to say brutal methods.

    The highly politicized attitude of the United States to massacres and
    displacement is notable and highlights that such hypotheses can be
    brought to being. Very limited bombardment of the borders beyond which
    American military bases or areas are located support this mindset.

    Incidents beyond those borders are not counteracted but encouraged.

    The rest that the Islamic state is a threat to the world and similar
    cheerleading are a performance rather. The situation may change if
    the American controllability becomes the target. For the time being,
    however, the Islamic state is implementing a geopolitical agenda.

    The news coverage of these developments seems to be part of the
    general plan. Beheaded children, people buried alive, the tortured,
    anti-Christian barbarism serve as a cause of panic of communities
    living there or having fled from there to establish once and for
    all that co-existence with such creatures is impossible. Such panic
    policy is aimed at devastation of territories of strategic importance,
    key demographic changes and creation of new areas.

    In this general hullabaloo the spotlight should be directed at the
    tragedy of Yezidis of Iraq. Total ethnic cleansing is perpetrated in
    broad daylight. Official condemnation and prevention is not observed,
    not even such demands are expressed. At best semi-official humanitarian
    calls are made producing an impression on those following the newsfeed.

    The Armenian side has reasons for a special reaction in official and
    public terms. First of all, because there is a Yezidi population in
    Armenia. As citizens of Armenia, they have the right to expect their
    state to take relevant steps relating to their compatriots.

    And certainly, for the reason that what is now happening - violence,
    displacement, massacres - is quite familiar to the Armenian people
    as an inhuman method of ethnic cleansing.

    Official Yerevan expressed its stance through the spokesman for the
    president. Violence against ethnic minorities, and in this particular
    case, the Yezidi population, is unacceptable. Yerevan calls on the
    international family to take immediate steps to stop violence and
    provide humanitarian assistance to the victims. The RA president has
    also instructed to expand assistance programs.

    The spokesman for the president of Artsakh touched upon other aspects.

    Seeing the incidents as unacceptable, Davit Babayan mentioned that
    the Yezidi and Armenian peoples have similar destinies, and the Yezidi
    people participated in the war in Artsakh. According to the spokesman
    for the president of Artsakh, Stepanakert is ready to discuss the
    possibilities of providing residence and living facilities if relevant
    applications are received.

    Though it is stated delicately and with reserve, this is the important
    task. Our homeland, facing a serious demographic problem, must provide
    conditions for permanent residence seeing movement of peoples from
    the Middle East. Humanitarian actions and provision of temporary abode
    for migration caused by crises should normally receive assistance of
    international organizations.

    In the meantime, condemnation by Armenia and Artsakh, calls addressed
    to the international community to provide assistance and residence has
    been fulfilled in a timely manner, considering all the circumstances.

    It would not be irrelevant to remind which countries financed
    perpetrators of massacres and displacement, across which borders the
    territories concerned were accessed, and who armed them. Or, highlight
    once again that the international recognition of the Armenian Genocide
    and condemnation might have had a preventive role for the repetition
    of the same manner and style.

    - See more at:

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress