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OSCE representative alarmed by attack on Azerbaijani journalist

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  • OSCE representative alarmed by attack on Azerbaijani journalist

    OSCE representative alarmed by attack on Azerbaijani journalist

    18:08, 22.08.2014

    OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media Dunja MijatoviÄ? today said
    she was alarmed by yesterday's violent attack on journalist Ilgar
    Nasibov in Nakhichevan, Azerbaijan.

    `I call on the authorities to conduct a swift and thorough
    investigation of this brutal attack on Nasibov and bring those
    responsible to justice,' MijatoviÄ? said. `This criminal act has an
    enormous chilling effect on free expression and free media and it
    could inspire future crimes against members of the media.'

    Nasibov, a journalist actively contributing to several media outlets
    in Azerbaijan, including Turan News Agency and Radio Free Europe/Radio
    Liberty, was assaulted on 21 August by a number of individuals in his
    office at the Resource Centre for Development of NGOs and Democracy in
    Nakhichevan. Nasibov sustained serious injuries, including concussion,
    broken cheekbones, nose and ribs. He is still in a very critical
    condition and receiving medical treatment at the hospital. The
    attackers also smashed and destroyed property and office equipment.

    Nasibov has been prosecuted, threatened and physically attacked
    several times in the past. In December 2007, he was arrested and
    convicted to a one-year suspended sentence for libel charges. In July
    2011, Nasibov, together with other journalists, was assaulted and
    briefly detained by the police. Both issues were raised by the
    Representative with the Azerbaijani authorities.

    Following a recent crackdown on free media voices in Azebaijan,
    MijatoviÄ? also expressed concern about continuing harassment of the
    Institute for Reporters' Freedom and Safety (IRFS).

    `This ongoing persecution of independent journalists, media activists
    and freedom of expression advocates must stop immediately. The
    authorities in Azerbaijan have to do their utmost to stop these
    practices,' MijatoviÄ? said.

    MijatoviÄ? said that her Office was ready to support Azerbaijan in
    fulfilling its media freedom commitments and that a visit to Baku in
    the near future would help address these issues.

    Armenia News -
