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Agriculture minister: 12,000 tons of apricots harvested in

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  • Agriculture minister: 12,000 tons of apricots harvested in

    Agriculture minister: 12,000 tons of apricots harvested in Armenia
    this year

    YEREVAN, August 22. /ARKA/. Armenia harvested 12,000 tons of apricots
    this year, Agriculture Minister Sergo Karapetyan said Friday at a news

    "This year's apricot crop is definitely smaller than that of the
    previous year, but I think it will total 12,000 tons," he said.

    According to the agriculture ministry, the country's apricot crop
    totaled 88,800 tons in 2013. Karapetyan said referring to preliminary
    figures that 1792 tons of apricots were exported this year and 160
    tons were sold to canneries.

    He said excessive supply of apricots was seen at markets in 2013,
    while this year apricots were sufficient, but prices were high.

    The agriculture ministry says 23,800 tons of apricots were exported
    from Armenia in 2013.

    On March 30, a heavy snowfall badly damaged the country's agriculture,
    particularly 80-90% of apricot crop. --0--- sted_in_armenia_this_year/#sthash.C8DtDF4u.dpuf

    From: A. Papazian