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Biotech and Ebola in Cambridge: Chris Garabedian, CEO of Sarepta

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  • Biotech and Ebola in Cambridge: Chris Garabedian, CEO of Sarepta

    Biotech and Ebola in Cambridge: Chris Garabedian, CEO of Sarepta

    NEWS | AUGUST 21, 2014 11:04 AM

    By Aram Arkun
    Mirror-Spectator Staff

    CAMBRIDGE, Mass. - Recently, the Ebola virus has been in the news
    almost every day, with panicked speculation about the danger of its
    spread, and the ethics of treatment. There is no tested and proven
    treatment or vaccine available. Christopher "Chris" Nishan Garabedian,
    the president and chief executive officer (CEO) of Sarepta
    Therapeutics, is frequently sought out by the media in these
    discussions. It happens that his company is one of only a handful with
    drugs that could treat Ebola victims. Garabedian, in his Cambridge
    headquarters, explained that in fact this drug is only one example of
    what his company can accomplish. Sarepta employs an approach which is
    part of a revolution in biotechnology, using Ribonucleic Acid (RNA) to
    specifically target diseases and genetic problems.

    This is a different technology from the ZMapp combination of several
    antibodies against the Ebola virus, which was in the news because it
    was given to two American missionaries infected by Ebola recently.
    These antibodies attempt to allow a person's own immune system to
    identify and neutralize the virus. However, they had never been given
    to humans before, while Sarepta's drugs have been used on non-human
    primates and in Phase 1 safety trials for the Federal Drug
    Administration (FDA), with promising results. The trials were
    supported by the Department of Defense but economic issues halted the

    The problem is that treatments for many diseases which are usually
    restricted in the numbers of victims do not economically attract
    investments necessary to support research and trials. For this reason,
    drugs intended to treat rare diseases affecting fewer than 200,000
    people in the US are called orphan drugs. Garabedian said, "I think
    the US government knows, as governments around the world know, that to
    leave it up to the private sector to develop technologies and medical
    countermeasures against these threats, whether pandemic threats that
    spread naturally or biological ones that someone can manufacture in a
    garage, is not feasible. They know they have to foot the bill. The
    problem is that they are not funding it fully." He pointed out that
    crises come and go, so specific diseases float in and out of the
    public's awareness along with a sense of urgency, but the potential
    threats remain.

    For Ebola in particular, his company has enough supply ready only to
    treat 100-150 people, if the FDA would give emergency authorization,
    along with permission from the Department of Defense which had
    provided initial funding. In case Ebola does spread on a greater
    scale, he said, "We hope that this is raising awareness that we have
    the technology but need to raise the manufacturing ability to a higher

    The same is true of course for Ebola drugs using different approaches
    which are being developed by a few other companies, like Tekmira's
    TKM-Ebola, which the FDA very recently allowed to be used on infected
    people. However, Garabedian exclaimed that "regardless of what press
    or market reactions have been, we still think that we have the most
    advanced and robust data set for safety and efficacy that is out there
    for Ebola."

    There are many companies utilizing various types of technologies that
    attempt to modify or suppress RNA. Sarepta uses phosphorodiamidate
    morpholino oligomers (PMOs), stable synthetic chemical structures
    similar to RNA. They can be used to create drugs specific for either
    human or pathogen RNA and can also target specific tissues. PMOs
    increase or decrease the production of a protein involved in a
    disease. In the case of Ebola or other viruses, the PMOs block access
    of the virus to human cellular machinery and thus inhibit its

    Despite the attention that it is garnering lately, the work on Ebola
    or related viruses like Marburg is not the main focus of Sarepta's
    commercial research. Instead, it is pursuing PMO-based therapeutics
    actively for a form of muscular dystrophy called Duchenne (DMD), which
    is caused by a mutation or error in the gene for dystrophin, a protein
    necessary to protect human cells during muscle function. The PMO
    treatment in this case deals with human and not virus RNA, and is
    targeted to skip defective mutated sections of the dystrophin gene to
    allow the body to make functional dystrophin protein. It can be
    targeted to specific mutations, and thus treat different varieties of
    the disease. Phase IIb clinical trials on safety and efficacy have
    already been done on one of these drugs, eteplirsen, meaning that it
    is advancing in the FDA process needed for government approval.

    Garabedian stated that the reason for the focus on DMD is that
    "Duchenne is a commercially viable market, high on medical need."
    Furthermore, the same technology can be used for a series of related
    drugs. Garabedian said, "It is the consummate personalized medicine."

    This is novel for regulators like the FDA. He continued: "I would say
    that this technology demands a new approach from the FDA...If you read
    that we have had ups and downs, it is because the FDA sometimes gets
    more conservative the more advanced and novel the technology is. I
    have been characterized as being aggressive or pushing too hard, but
    all we were doing is arguing on behalf of patients who need this

    Sarepta needs at least one successful breakout drug to allow it to
    expand the scale of its finances and work. Afterwards, it can expand
    its PMO-based approach to many different diseases and genetic
    problems, and will be in an enviable position. For example, among its
    other ongoing projects, Sarepta is testing a flu drug using the PMO

    There are many companies working on RNA therapeutics with different
    approaches. While some others also work with PMOs, Garabedian said,
    "We have the lion's share of the real estate of morpholino
    intellectual property. We also have the most know-how on scale-up
    manufacturing. While we don't have a 100 percent lock on all
    morpholino, we are the only one in advanced drug development. We have

    Born in 1966 and raised in the Washington DC area, Garabedian is
    Armenian on both his mother and father's sides. His parents were born
    in the US but his grandparents fled the Armenian Genocide to the US
    via Ellis Island and Cuba. He did not get to know his grandparents
    well, as they died either before he was born or while he was still
    young. Garabedian's parents tried to instill Armenian culture in their
    children, but by the time they came to Chris, it became too difficult.
    For this reason, Garabedian said, "Peter Balakian's Black Dog of Fate
    resonated with me. I too grew up with American cultural mores, and
    came to appreciate my Armenian heritage as an adult." He started to
    read books, and saw movies like Atom Egoyan's Ararat, and encountered
    in the popular culture efforts at documenting the Armenian plight. He
    did work for around a year from 1998 to 1999 for an Armenian, Vaughn
    Kailian, CEO and president at COR Therapeutics, but otherwise has had
    little opportunity to cultivate his Armenian connections in his

    Garabedian had a business background in college and initially worked
    in market research, brand management and new product development. He
    described his involvement in biopharmaceuticals as "a little bit of
    serendipity." He began learning about this industry in a consulting
    company, and from 1994 worked at Abbott Laboratories in Chicago, which
    "was a great training ground....Then Gilead Sciences called in 1997 and
    I joined them. This was my formative experience in the biotech
    industry. They really shaped a vision. At the time, they were less
    valued than Sarepta is today. They had a few more employees...They have
    about a 140 billion dollar market capitalization today. They built it
    on a relatively small footprint. ... I really learned what it takes to
    build a successful biotech, how to build in a lean, smart way, and
    good, smart drug development. I learned from my mentors, like John
    Martin as CEO of Gilead."

    Garabedian found out through experience that many companies failed not
    due to problems with their technology, but how they applied that
    technology, the information they attached to a particular drug, and
    how they dealt with the regulatory process.

    Garabedian joined Celgene Corporation in 2007, feeling they were on
    the same trajectory of success as Gilead, and became Vice President of
    Corporate Strategy. He led its first commercial acquisition of a
    company called Pharmion. He joined the board of directors of AVI (the
    predecessor of Sarepta) in June 2010 and became its president and CEO
    in January 2011.

    So far, things have worked out pretty well at Sarepta. With a
    cutting-edge technology moving toward FDA approval, it had the top
    performing stock of all 2012. It rarely used to break over a market
    value of 400 million dollars, and now it has been operating at a
    valuation between eight hundred million to 1.8 one billion. Garabedian
    does not want a buyout, and tells investors that the company is
    woefully undervalued, so they should stick with it for the next five
    or ten years.

    Garabedian nurtures grand ambitions for Sarepta, and for himself. He
    learnt from two highly successful chief executive officers, and so
    instead of staying as part of a good management team, wanted the
    opportunity to build the next great company, the equivalent of a
    Google or Apple: "What I'm driven by and what motivates me is to apply
    my experience in this industry, to take a technology that can be the
    next revolution in medicine. If I can see this developed to treat even
    one serious disease like Duchenne, I will feel pretty good. I think
    this technology can be applied to many diseases. We all strive to be
    part of being something bigger than ourselves. This industry, this
    technology and this company give me the opportunity to do that. I hope
    my children will be proud of it, that they may have sacrificed time
    with their dad for something bigger."

    - See more at:

    From: A. Papazian