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Artsakh Army Can Solve Great Issues with Small Forces

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  • Artsakh Army Can Solve Great Issues with Small Forces

    ARTSAKH ARMY CAN SOLVE GREAT ISSUES WITH SMALL FORCES artsakh-army-can-solve-great-issues-with-small-forces&catid=1:all&Itemid=1
    Monday, 25 August 2014 11:54

    On August 19, NKR Defense Minister, Defense Army
    commander, Lieutenant-General Movses Hakobian convened a press
    conference for representatives of the mass media of Armenia and
    The meeting followed the visit of the twoArmenian Republics'
    reporters to different sections of the Defense Army front line, where
    they could learn the situation on the border, get in touch with
    soldiers, and familiarize with their daily life.

    Welcoming the participants, the Minister noted that such events had
    become a tradition, and their goal was to inform reporters about the
    activities of the Defense Army for making a clear idea of our armed
    forces and informing the society about this.

    The Artsakh armed forces commander briefed the journalists
    about the process of army building and the works conducted in the
    first half-year of 2014, then answered their questions.

    The NKR Defense Army is the largest union of the Armenian
    armed forces, which performs the most important task of defending the
    Nagorno Karabakh Republic from the enemy's incursions. In its recent
    statements, the Azerbaijani leadership has claimed for Zangezur and
    Armenia's capital city of Yerevan, which, according to the Artsakh
    armed forces commander, is absurd. "The Azerbaijani authorities have
    never given up the idea of resolving the Karabakh conflict in their
    favor. Although two decades have passed since the cease-fire, which
    was established at the request of Azerbaijan, yet the situation is
    getting worse every year at the front line. The OSCE Minsk Group has
    made efforts for these years towards the peaceful settlement of the
    conflict, making various proposals to the conflicting parties, but
    Azerbaijan has always rejected all the proposed options. Thanks to the
    petrodollars, the rival has increased its military potential for the
    recent years, purchasing up-to-date military equipment in different
    countries. In this way too, it tries to blackmail Armenia and Artsakh,
    as well as international organizations", said Movses Hakobyan.

    In the postwar years, a new stage started for the Artsakh
    Army. On the one hand, the Army building was directed to the
    preparation of the younger generation's mobilization, on the other
    hand, to the modernization of the armaments and military equipment, to
    the military training, and improving the living conditions of
    soldiers. While in 1992 the ratio between the Artsakh and Azerbaijani
    armed forces was 1 to 20 in favor of Azerbaijan, currently it makes 1
    to 2, again in favor of Azerbaijan, which is the result of last year's
    armament. Based on this comparison, the NKR Defense Minister noted
    that the resumption of war was always predictable for the Artsakh
    armed forces, so the Army's activities are aimed at preventing it. The
    Defense Army Commander presented all the events implemented during the
    past half-year and aimed at this. A special place among them is
    occupied by the field exercises, the communication system improvement,
    and mobilization readiness. Constant works are conducted towards the
    armed forces' combat readiness. A sufficient number of night-vision
    devices have been purchased, and all the front-line positions are
    provided with them. But, this is not all. Soon, thermal monitoring
    devices, which have more advantages, will be purchased. As for the
    monitoring in the daytime, there is no problem, and it is easily
    conducted by the Artsakh soldiers. The recent subversive-intelligence
    operations undertaken by the enemy have once again proved the level of
    our armed forces' preparedness. In addition, in all types of
    competition the Artsakh Army has always occupied primary places. This
    means that being at the frontline, the Army must constantly increase
    its combat readiness. Along with this, daily works are conducted to
    increase the soldiers' morale and to improve the moral and
    psychological state of the staff, which are no less important factors.
    There is a special order of accepting recruits to the Army, which
    helps easily adapt to the military life. Also, there is a special
    order for the visits of soldiers' parents, providing possible meetings
    with their children.

    Works on providing the ammunition and logistics are
    underway. The assortment of food products at the frontline is
    improved. The recent exercises have demonstrated once again that all
    the structures of the NKR Defense Army are able to perform their
    tasks. As a bright proof of the above mentioned, Major-General Movses
    Hakobyan recalled with obvious pride the Biathlon Championships held
    recently in Russia, where all the three teams, which had occupied a
    prize-winning places, were soldiers of the Artsakh Defense Army. It is
    noteworthy that the teams are not 'prefabricated', or gathered from
    different divisions, they are the personnel of the same tanks.
    According to the Defense Minister, all the teams of the NKR Defense
    Army tank division are highly qualified.

    Generally, the current year has been specific with regards
    of the tension on the contact-line - the enemy undertook 16
    diversion-intelligence attempts, and they all failed. Our soldiers,
    fulfilling successfully their duty, threw the enemy back to their
    initial positions. Such countermeasures were undertaken by the NKR
    Defense Army 7 times, 5 of which were quite successful. In late July
    and early August, Azerbaijan's subversive activities were specific,
    because they were undertaken in several directions and several days.
    One of the 7 operations undertaken during a week was an obvious
    attack, as diversion cannot be undertaken by 40-50 people. According
    to the Defense Minister, the enemy was aimed at seizing some
    positions, thus trying to justify its losses before its own society.
    All of these actions were carried out by only one unit, via the
    Azerbaijani Army special forces, which was retrained in Northern
    Cyprus and for which Azerbaijan paid a lot of money to Turkey. It was
    also an exam - a report to the Turkish trainers, as if the subdivision
    is ready to implement such operations. According to the information of
    the NKR DA, the enemy suffered 36 losses those days, with specific
    names and ranks. Unfortunately, during the defensive operations our
    army also suffered losses - 6 people, 3 of which were officers and 3 -
    soldiers. This testifies that our commanders are along with the
    soldiers any moment.

    Answering the quest5ion whether the Commander of the NKR
    Defense Army a war, Mr. Hakobian said,

    From: A. Papazian