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Examination of poultry farms products reveal no serious violation of

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  • Examination of poultry farms products reveal no serious violation of

    Examination of poultry farms products reveal no serious violation of standards

    YEREVAN, August 25 / ARKA /. A major examination of products of eight
    largest poultry farms in Armenia, conducted by the State Food Safety
    Service, did not reveal any serious violation of standards, the
    chairman of the Union of Poultry Breeders Sergey Stepanyan said today.

    Speaking at a news conference he said representatives of the State
    Food Safety Service examined five types of products of the eight
    largest poultry farms sold by major supermarkets to detect presence of
    pathogens of intestinal diseases, but found none.

    In comments on a recent detection of 10 tons of chicken meat delivered
    to some kindergartens he said the meat was supplied as the product of
    Alaverdi Poultry that does not exist at all. He said the meat was
    brought to Armenia in all likelihood from abroad.

    According to him, Armenian companies spend about $40 million each year
    to buy chicken meat abroad and as much to keep them frozen. He said if
    imported products were replaced by domestically made ones, that would
    economize about $90 million a year. He said also local poultries have
    paid this year around 1.3 billion drams in various taxes.

    He noted that if a number of issues facing this industry, the largest
    of which is production of feed, are resolved poultry meat
    production could be increased by d 70% of the local consumption which
    in turn will increase the amount of taxes paid by poultry farms by 5

    "In recent years, the annual growth in production of poultry meat was
    about 2.5-3%, but in 2014 we expect it to increase by 10%, which will
    allow us to export frozen poultry," he said.

    According to official numbers, Armenia imports about 32,000 metric
    tons of poultry meat a year, while the local demand is some 40,000
    tons. ($1 - 408.22 drams). -0- rious_violation_of_standards/#sthash.UPLDPNno.dpuf
