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Deja vu on Mount Sinjar

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  • Deja vu on Mount Sinjar

    The Washington Times
    Aug 26 2014

    Deja vu on Mount Sinjar

    By Christy Stutzman - - Tuesday, August 26, 2014

    It's almost too hard to face it, but the same heinous crimes we see
    unfolding against the refugees on Mount Sinjar, Iraq, have happened

    It's like, deja vu almost 100 years later. The pictures brazenly
    posted by the terrorist group calling themselves Islamic State are
    horrifying. This barbaric, blood-thirsty organization has performed
    the most horrific, evil acts on the innocent since World War II. The
    difference now is that they aren't hiding their atrocities in
    concentration camps. They are broadcasting them to the world without

    Whatever your view regarding the conflicts in Turkey in 1915 under the
    Young Turks government, one mass rescue and evacuation took place that
    year that no one denies. The world was at war and turmoil was rampant.
    Seeing the signs of coming conflict and danger for their people, over
    4,000 Christian Armenians from six different villages in northern
    Turkey, meticulously planned a desperate escape into Musa Dagh (Moses'
    Mountain). In spite of months of careful planning and making use of
    all the resources available to them, they knew they could not hold out
    against the government forces for too long. They decided it would be
    better to die on the mountain, rather than face forced marches through
    the desert to relocation camps and almost certain death.

    Sound familiar?

    With very few guns and little ammunition, these simple villagers
    defended themselves for 53 days. Supplies began to run low and their
    numbers began to dwindle. They had few options. The rest of the world
    was in the throws of World War I. They sent a runner to Alleppo to beg
    the American Consul for help, but the messenger never got through.
    They sent swimmers to look for war ships, but none could be found.
    They had no means of communication. No one in the outside world knew
    of their plight.

    In their desperation, they crafted two distress flags and attached
    them to tall trees on the side of the mountain facing the
    Mediterranean Sea. One bore a large red cross and the other, these
    words in English: "CHRISTIANS IN DISTRESS: RESCUE." On Sept. 12, 1915,
    after 53 days under siege, a lookout spotted a ship in close range,
    and the Armenian villagers began desperately waving their distress
    flag. As the French ship Guichen lowered her boats, one of the
    villagers swam to the cruiser. The ship's captain, upon learning of
    the dire distress of the 4,000 refugees, sent out a telegraph to
    nearby ships pleading for assistance in performing an immediate

    The French ship St. Jeanne d'Arc soon arrived along with two others.
    An English cruiser in the area heard the call and soon arrived as
    well. Within hours, a mass evacuation was in full force. More than
    4,000 souls were rescued that day in a large-scale, impromptu
    evacuation by ships and sailors who had no preparation for such a
    mission. They simply reacted to the crisis in an effort to save lives.

    Almost 100 years later, with access to 24-hour news cycles, constant
    real-time reporting, wi-fi, cell phones and social media, history is
    repeating itself. But this time, what is our excuse? We're not talking
    two distress flags on an obscure mountain barely viewable to the human
    eye. We're talking widespread knowledge of thousands of people in
    danger. We have Coptic Christians, Syrian Christians, Yazidis and
    various sects of moderate Islam posting on social media and screaming
    to live cameras, "IN DISTRESS: RESCUE." We are watching this unfold
    before our very eyes. The French were the first to offer asylum to the
    Yazidi refugees, but where is America?
