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European Think-Tank Review - XXVI

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  • European Think-Tank Review - XXVI

    EU Bulletin
    Aug 25 2014


    Towards a Fresh Deal for Ukraine, the EU and Russia and their
    Neighbourhood Policies : 15 Steps
    Michael Emerson (Centre for European Policy Studies)

    In this commentary, Michael Emerson proposes 15 steps to be taken by
    Ukraine, the EU and Russia in order to establish a stable economic
    situation in the Ukraine region and reinforce positive mutual
    First of all, the newly elected President Poroschenko must secure the
    peace and unity of Ukraine. Putin could try harder to contribute
    towards this objective. Poroschenko's second step should be to join
    Moldova and Georgia in signing the Association Agreement with the EU
    (this step has already been realized). The author also recommends that
    the EU, Russia and Ukraine would engage in a regular trilateral
    cooperation process. However, such arrangement is hardly possible at
    this time when the context is one of overt confrontation. Furthermore,
    Emerson suggests that the EU move rapidly to conclude visa-free
    agreements with Ukraine and Georgia, and work towards this goal with
    Russia once the current crisis of relations had been deescalated. In
    the realm of Ukrainian domestic policy, Emerson stresses the need for
    Ukraine to declare military neutrality and complete the revision of
    its constitution, including appropriate safeguards for the Russian
    language. Examples of bi- or multilingualism being handled in a
    sustainable way could be found in Western and Northern Europe. One of
    the steps urges the EU to scrap the sanctions it imposed against

    Many of Emerson's recommendations are trade-related. According to one,
    Russia should agree to align the price of its gas sales to Ukraine on
    the average German import price, thereby removing this item from the
    political agenda once and for all. According to another, Ukraine and
    the customs union comprising Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan (RBK)
    should engage in negotiations for a high quality free trade agreement
    (FTA). Furthermore, the EU and the RBK customs union should open
    negotiations for a free trade agreement, on the understanding that
    Belarus and Kazakhstan would accede to the WTO during the course of
    the negotiations. Finally, Russia should propose its customs union
    partners to adopt European and international industrial standards for
    tradable goods as the standards of the Eurasian Economic Union.

    One of the steps deals with Transnistria. The EU, Moldova (Chisinau
    and Transnistria) and Russia should work out arrangements for
    Transnistria to profit from Moldova's signing of the DCFTA with the
    EU. Transnistria would be subject to an additional Protocol for basic
    free trade with the EU, with zero tariffs and acceptance of EU
    industrial standards. The last step is concerned with Armenia, whose
    accession to the Eurasian Economic Union was made difficult, if not
    impossible, by its request of 900 exemptions from the common external
    tariff. Practical solutions should be found, enabling simpler free
    trade with both the customs union and the EU, while Armenia could
    still otherwise integrate with the Eurasian Economic Union if it so
    (The study can be downloaded here:

    Russia's Pivot to Eurasia
    Kadri Liik (European Council on Foreign Relations)

    The Eurasian Union is ever more widely considered to constitute an
    anti-Western alliance. Some politicians, such as the former US Foreign
    Secretary Hillary Clinton, condemned the project as an attempt to
    revive the Soviet Union, even though the logic behind the founding of
    the Union is not specifically anti-Western. Rather, the Union is to
    serve Russia and its allies in attaining greater political leverage in
    an increasingly globalised world. This rationale is shared with the
    European integration project.

    The reason for Russia's eastward pivot lies in its disappointment with
    the West rather than a vision of better conditions or greater profits
    from cooperation with the East. Antecedents of such a disappointment
    may be classified into three categories: values, economy, and the
    West's behaviour in the global theatre. Concerning values, the
    progressive societal attitudes that are taking hold in the EU have
    received a negative reaction in Russia. In economic matters, the
    recent financial crisis took its toll on international relations in
    general. The current sanctions concerning gas and oil exports serve to
    further deepen the divide between Russia and Europe.

    As for the international standing of the West, Russia perceives itself
    as the victim who agreed to the German reunification, NATO expansion,
    the building of new US military bases in central Asia and other steps
    which directly benefitted the transatlantic power bloc, and was
    rewarded with an anti-ballistic missile system in central Europe. This
    device, although built solely for defensive purposes, grants the U.S.
    a first-strike advantage in the sense that it should eliminate any
    missiles fired by Russia in response to a U.S.-initiated aggression.
    However outlandish this fear may seem, in nuclear matters
    psychological deterrence plays a vital role. Russia feels it is
    becoming increasingly surrounded and cornered, and thus naturally
    adopted an ideologically defensive position.

    Although cooperation between Russia and China is not new, the current
    crisis in Ukraine motivated the Russians to seek out an ever closer
    association. The EU will for some time remain Russia's top trading
    partner, but the recent gas export agreement and the organisation of
    common army exercises with China point to visible Russian efforts to
    play a bigger role in Asia than before.
    (The study can be downloaded here:

    Obstacles for a Strengthened Role of National Parliaments in the European Union
    Adriaan Schout, Judith Hoevenaars a Jan Marinus Wiersma (Clingendael -
    Netherlands Institute of International Relations)

    As a consequence of the financial crisis, there is a mounting support
    for strengthening the accountability of 'Brussels' at the national
    level, particularly in the context of economic governance. Calls for
    greater involvement of national parliaments in the European Union are
    growing in several European capitals. While putting an emphasis on the
    Netherlands, this study examines the discourse around this debate and
    looks for the limits of the national governments' demands.

    Attempts have been made - in the Treaty of Lisbon which entered into
    force in late 2009 but also in earlier treaties - to better involve
    national parliaments in European decision-making, for example by
    introducing the 'yellow card' system to increase scrutiny of the
    subsidiarity principle. Nevertheless, the Dutch government continues
    to work on strengthening the role of national parliaments and the
    democratic accountability of the EU at the national level. The Dutch
    Lower House has assigned a special rapporteur for democratic
    legitimacy, Liberal MP Rene? Leegte, to explore ways in which a
    greater influence can be exercised on European decision-making.

    In the quest for a stronger role for national parliaments, much
    attention has been given to the subsidiarity check. The second Rutte
    cabinet has presented an alternative vision of Europe as a
    counterpoint to political union: less Europe in some policy areas, and
    more Europe where necessary. However, subsidiarity is hardly
    applicable with regards to political control over distribution,
    especially given that the government and also a number of opposition
    parties are in favour of further integration of the EMU.

    A second method of strengthening the role of national parliaments is
    through inter-parliamentary cooperation. The Conference of Community
    and European Affairs Committees of Parliaments of the European Union
    (COSAC, established in 1989) is the primary forum for the exchange of
    information and best practices. Minister Timmermans and the Dutch
    parliament believe that there is potential here, especially with
    regard to the process of coalition formation in the yellow-card

    However, the aim of strengthening the role of national parliaments
    stands in stark contrast to the trend of deeper European integration
    and an increased role for the European Parliament. Since they are
    mainly interested in the implications of EU policies on their own
    country, national governments can hardly follow the political
    procedures of the EU which are set for the EMU as a whole. It is also
    debatable whether nationally elected parliamentarians can rise above
    their inclination to make cost-benefit analyses at the national level.
    As for the yellow-card system, it was seldom used since it was
    introduced and attempts to strengthen this instrument by forming
    coalitions through inter-parliamentary cooperation are likely to be
    cumbersome. At the same time, there are signs indicating that European
    institutions do not see inter-parliamentary cooperation as the
    solution to its problem of legitimacy.

    Serious doubts have been expressed about the ability of national
    parliaments to monitor European decision-making, which involves
    shaping policy and working out the different scenarios for 28 Member
    States. National parliaments are too removed from supranational
    European issues and too self-centred to be able to fulfil this complex
    role. If national parliaments are unable to take on the task of making
    Europe more accountable, who will? The Commission is extending its
    functions under the supervision of the European Parliament, which will
    also inevitably widen its portfolio. In this discussion, it is not
    enough -- and can even be misleading -- to repeat the prevailing mantra
    about strengthening the role of national parliaments.
    (The study can be downloaded here:
