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Arkady Ter-Tadevosyan: Armenia should launch preventive strike again

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  • Arkady Ter-Tadevosyan: Armenia should launch preventive strike again

    Arkady Ter-Tadevosyan: Armenia should launch preventive strike against

    17:11 26.08.2014

    Lena Badeyan
    Public Radio of Armenia

    Artsakh Hero, Major General Arkady Ter-Tadevosyan has a new suggestion
    regarding the Armenian-Azerbaijani relations. He considers we
    shouldn't sit and wait for Azerbaijan's recurrent adventurism. "This
    will never stop, if we fail to give a proper response," he told
    reporters today.

    What the Major General suggests is that Armenia launch a preventive
    strike against Azerbaijan. "If we look at Azerbaijan's territory, it's
    all plan, while Armenia and Karabakh are mountainous areas. We have
    all conditions to strike Azerbaijan so that we reach the Russian
    Federation," he said.

    This does not mean declaring war, he said, noting that there are a
    number of nuances in military science. "This will first of all prove
    the neighbors that they should not apply to military adventurism any
    more," he said.

    As for the reaction of the international community, Arkady
    Ter-Tadevosyan said the OSCE has always put an equation mark between
    the parties. "If there was a real desire to reveal the truth about the
    events in the region, there are a number of electronic tools that
    could be installed along the border to prove who violates the
    ceasefire in reality," he said.

    The Major General said he has not shared his proposal with the
    Ministry of Defense. He hopes that both the authorities and the public
    will take the proposal seriously.
